TOS 2024

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dominic Blue, Mar 14, 2024.

  1. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    When I got home from work today I had to agree to the updated 2024 terms of service before logging in. I’m sure the rest of you had to too? I had noticed that the loading screen for the longest time only said copyright to 2023 so I wondered what was up with that. Tried reading the whole thing but gave up in seconds because I didn’t know legalese and was too tired but nothing seemed different scanning thru it quickly but whatever. Kinda weird they left that till mid March instead of when they did the Anniversary update in January too but go figure? I’m sure there’s some nice bits about if they change this or terminate that we just agreed to it but really at this point who knows? I don’t suppose anyone versed in terms contracts has any insight if they read through it? Any thoughts?
  2. Ultimus Primus Well-Known Player

    US/PC Did NOT happen for me.
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  3. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Did you update your game files? After I downloaded the update it popped in the loading screen.
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  4. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    Same here.
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  5. Ryll Committed Player

    Didn't see anything pop here for TOS update.
  6. PsychoMisstress New Player

    i seen the same thing. USPS/5 if that matters
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  7. wisetoons Well-Known Player

    i thought we needed to accept TOS because of psn update rebuilt databases and deleted old dcuo saved files.
  8. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Hmm it seems like it was just a PS thing since PCs haven’t gotten it yet?
  9. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Naw it updated the loading screen to 2024 copyright it’s obviously a PS update.
  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I run PC and PS accounts. The PC ones did NOT get the TOS agreement....the PS ones did. I'd guess it's something to do with Sony more than DBG. As I recall I've had that pop up before recently too...maybe when the DLC launched? But again, it was PS only.

    Xbox might see the same thing too...not sure.
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  11. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    I especially liked the part where they can suspend your account (or something to that effect) where you may be required to register to other games under their umbrella in order to continue using your account.
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  12. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    True, that does scare me like in the past if you played say Planetside or H1Z1 or EverQuest imagine a mod on one of those games bans you for whatever reason and now you’ve lost your DCUO account too?
  13. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    Yup... This is also extended to, if for whatever reason, you are banned from the forums it could lead to being banned from the game as well depending on the circumstances, and vice versa.

    But, moreover, I am also looking at the part where they may require you to register to other games under their umbrella if they deem it necessary, where they have the authority to lock out your account until you do so..
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  14. Alushaun Well-Known Player

    I just got it, ps5
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  15. Owlman 2 Well-Known Player

    The pc did not het it because they are above the rules.
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  16. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    Or maybe because Sony has no control over us.