Devs... we need something new for people to complain about!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Cyclonic, Mar 13, 2024.

  1. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    The people need to be distracted from their legitimate concerns of abandonment and lack of faith in the powers-that-be.

    I propose that PS players get a special aura as compensation for having to endure the presence of speedhackers in their world. These disgusting creatures have polluted that universe for too long. They never asked to be merged with the PC thugs and deserve something special for the deep emotional pain this arrangement has caused.

    This aura has to be amazing enough that every other server besides PS will wish they had it, including PC trash. I propose that it be designed in the image of our lord and savior, the clamp.

    Then everyone will complain about this amazing new aura and how unfair it is that they don't have it. It will take the microscope off your recent disturbing behavior and you can continue exploiting the players here to fund your other games in the shadows, undetected.

    You're welcome.
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  2. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    What people dont realise is how easy it actually is to speed hack. Look up a youtube tutorial. Its all free to do as well. takes like 5 mins if that and you are free to go. its obsurd. That video was posted over a year ago, they used it in SOBA
  3. Aiden_Warren Well-Known Player

    The lack of faith in the powers that be. Only when times comes to an end for our own being and suffering of the ever lasting.
    The powers is our minds that be. Truly our minds can become anything we imagine. But people follow the people of the world and the ways of the world that truly does not exist. To exist and to live and to just be and for the knowledge that is the power of the mind that creates all things that becomes real in mentality and emotionally and never physically.

    What is an actual fact? Of all things and all knowledge. What is an actual fact? True logic?
    The answer is
    All knowledge is decided by man over thousands of years.
    The universe did not give us any knowledge that is true and we have to live by. Our minds is not pre programmed for what is good and bad and to prevent the negative automatically.

    Only man makes it all up and the only knowledge where there is no fact and no logic against it.
    Is that we learn on our own to eat, sleep and make shelter and community with others with simple things.

    Knowledge is not used purely to help the world in the logic that it has by man that can help the world.
    People use knowledge competitively over facts and logic.
    They have sworn in oath as scientists and knowledge of humanity speakers that logic and facts and no false and no lies.
    It's all used competitively against other facts and logic to be the smarter, bigger company and the richer.

    To believe in facts and logic that never existed and made up by man over the years.
    We are in fact free to make up anything we want. If it's not bad thing and it's not a negative thing. Then why argue against it?
    The very idea of if history can be changed, and the most powerful thing that can be changed is knowledge and the barriers that it can change and get what scientists and knowledge speakers to actually believe.

    We are free to create our own way if life and no one can tell us any logic against it.

    *Totally Humor. For fun and non entertainment purposes*
  4. Ryll Committed Player

    Sure you get you aura. Pc players get the ability to mail money again. Thanks consoles!
  5. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    I want to respond to this because its my topic. I just don't know what to say. Philosophy was kinda cool before you said this. Now I just want to set myself on fire and watch myself burn in the mirror because you wrote this.
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  6. GhostsAndMagic Dedicated Player

    I want to go back to complaining about how PvP sucks, instead of complaining that I can't even get into a legends or arenas match.
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  7. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    You're gonna make me cry dude. There was a time where legendary PvPers existed.

    This was near the end of that life cycle. Those PC douchers (I think I made a word so I don't get banned) came in and strolled upon us with their mouses and keyboards.
    It was terrifying. We were sitting there scrolling through targets with our d-pads and BAM! They clicked upon us. Our legacy died. PC master race accepted. We thought we were good. If only that was all they brought, but no. They brought speedhackers, macros, and only the clamp knows what else. These PC players need to go from our highly populated PS server. We'll absorb everyone else. The switch, xbox, and anyone else worth their salt.

    Deny these speedhacker friendly scum even the most vital of human necessity.
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  8. Aiden_Warren Well-Known Player

    This might make you cry.
    Can they improve pvp when they on unreal engine 3 and using xenon 4 core server cpu?
    For playstation, xbox, PC, Nintendo for 4 different types of networking and servers and data and coding?
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  9. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    Yes. I'm not a super nerd, but it sounds like excuses. It exists. Therefore the server can handle it. There's no reason that changing it would somehow nuke the game. That's silly.
  10. Aiden_Warren Well-Known Player

    Its hard to not tell the devs of excuses. The devs hasn't told us in detail and logics and what exactly it is that makes improving pvp impossible.
    We are trying to see what the complication is, is it not possible due to what the reasons are that they haven't told us for us to actually understand or is it because there's no enough money?
    Well, what's causing the money issue? Is it is? Is it them?
    Who are the people that's in charge? The risks of money lows in investments? Revenue or what ever that is.
    "There's no consequences for taking risks, there's consequences for not taking the risks"
    There's always success. There's always other makes to make things work. There's ways to get things things worked out in a short time. It's been several years.
    We dont see what the issue it is they can't update pvp. If the devs can tell us so we can understand. Maybe that we players can realize it finally and not he toxic to the devs about it.
    Maybe if they can make a donation to help the game improve. 1,000,000 people to donate 2$ to 10$ and see how they goes. If it is w money issue.

    They can tell us so we can understand. If they won't. Doesn't that make it seem like what the obvious reason is? How not telling us gives it away. In humanity that we won't admit to our faults and illegitimacy.
  11. Alushaun Well-Known Player

    *reading posts and the ever declining player vibes*
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  12. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    Sweet baby jesus. You need to put those typing fingers away. The angels are crying.

    They have told us. Pvpers are a very small percentage of the player base and it's difficult to monetize in a way that people will accept. It would take more time and effort than they think its worth.

    Thats it. It's not that complicated. It doesnt require humanity to admit their sins or accept their illegitimate step children. You are weird. Git gud.
  13. FaithfulJudgeDC New Player

    Heehee heehee hahaha oh how amusing so silly. I'm gigging like a crazy drunk Hyena.
  14. Aiden_Warren Well-Known Player

    If that is what you believe. Great!

    All in humor. Nothing I say is logic and makes sense. We just came to me in life and we come up with things then years and years pass and we see what weird actually is.
    I mostly got get alot of my posts from many films and shows and comedy and darwinism vs intelligent design debates.
    I'm all in for the fun. While people here are actually serious and argue over things that aren't logic or valid from existence.
    I'm no Jew, I'm no Amish, I'm no misanthrope. I am just a being of existence that can live without many things. Observing what people of the world does and entertain it. No right and wrong it what I see in people. I can isolate for many days. I have did what castaway did. Tho not for that long but for 3 months. Literally.
    Books on The Power of Now Eckhart Tolle, The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene, Secrets of Aboriginal Healing by Gary Holz.
  15. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    We just met and you're telling me that you like to isolate yourself and read the book of evil. 48 laws of power? They should rename it "How to be a complete and total degenerate, get away with it, and benefit from it".

    It's weird, man. Sounds like we'd get along though.
  16. Aiden_Warren Well-Known Player

    Nothing and no one is weird to me. Humanity is whatever for thousands of years. Likely the only very fact that is weird is why other life never visited us.