New Booster Bundle arrives next week!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by MiguelDaybreak, Mar 6, 2024.

  1. appocolyps Committed Player

    Where is Mepps when you need him?!?!

    Hopefully lurking from a sunbed, drink in hand, wallet bulging from redundancy payout, quietly chuckling to himself.
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  2. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

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  3. Proxystar #Perception

    I don't know why honestly anyone would even want an artifact XP bonus at this point, even it were to try and appease the situation.

    What sort of appeasing is that, oh here, have a bonus artifact week and spend money on Nth Metal and Seals.

    That sounds ridiculous. The whole issue here is that they're expecting us to spend money on a game that's utterly failing to deliver like it used too.

    I wouldn't even see that as an appeasement, I'd see it as a second passive-aggressive slap in the face.

    In fact I'm not even sure a producers letter can save this at this point, it doesn't matter what the producer says, I don't care what the producer says, I only care about whether he delivers, because until this game changes and actually delivers, their words mean absolutely nothing.
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  4. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    This is what i was going for. Some players would see the 2xp and be like "cool. I can use those i saved up" others will see it as a slap in the face because of all the stuff thats gone on lately. People will see right through that stuff
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  5. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Cool. You can go use your newly leveled arts in content you’ve already beaten into the ground for 5 months.


    Sad to say it, but I think they’ve pulled/redirected all content devs across their various studios to focus on their “new” EverQuest. That or the next gen client is a struggle bus.
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  6. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    I mean, i still need grindy feats from 7 years ago again due to swapping from PS to PC. Still nothing to remedy the severe catchup needed to get skill points from old dead content. Take new genesis weeklies needing 4+ people for the bounty, or gotham wastelands. I had to make a battle healer build to beat raven each week because i cant do it as a dps and i need to heal. Meaning more artifacts needed for dead *** content. it sucks. A LOT of the game is dead because Daybreak dont listen to us. WE HAVE A THREAD OF STYLE SUGGESTIONS THEY DONT USE. LIKE WHERE DID THE MAD HATTER HAT COME FROM. WHERE DID THE NEW MATERIALS, CHROMAS, ACCESSORIES IN THE NEW BOOSTER BUNDLE COME FROM?!

    Edit: sorry hit caps lol, relevant capslock though
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  7. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Yeah I don’t even know how to process this. No offence to EQ players and I’m sure they’ve had their ups and downs over the years too but Daybreak prioritizing EverQuest over DCUO is just wth are they thinking? EG7 didn’t buy Daybreak for EQ they bought it for DCUO.
  8. kallader Committed Player

    We got next gen update many time before example ps3-ps4 Switch-xbox one etc never got a single graphic update only thing that change was removing some character cleavage by reworking the model to comply with nintendo policy .All they do is making special layout depending witch control the console have making the game playable on the console and that it.They never say the game will have graphic update if you do find where they say the words ''graphic update'' in any article from them post the link.
  9. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    They never have said they would do a graphic update. I think they MAY have done in like early 2016 but that could possibly misconstrued from them saying "we are updating the character models as we go from now on"
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  10. PrinceD Active Player

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  11. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

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  12. PrinceD Active Player

    yes... that's why many people are even more angry, I'm almost giving up on everything related to this game...

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  13. CHARI EL Level 30

    Well... Im happy and sad at the same happy because the forums have united and are voicing their discontent( Something I never thought Ill see ) and Im sad because this might be the start of the end for DCUO.

    I have been a monthly subscriber since October last year simply because I didn't like the direction the game was heading, normally I would buy a yearly subscription and forget about it but things have been so bad as of late that I changed to a monthly 5 months ago, just to see what will happen.

    This new booster bundle announcement did it for me ( This is a poor booster bundle btw, almost like it was put together on a hurry to milk us players by using old stuff ) My membership runs out on the 25th of this month, so Ill still log in to do my dailies and collect the fate rewards and what not BUT my wallet is closed from here on end.

    I have been playing DCUO since 2017, not an OG like some players but I love this game dearly and is my most played game overall with over 6000+ hours clocked. A game loved by many, ruined by the people in charge, because they don't understand the consumer base of their needs and wants..

    How the might have fallen.. I still love this game.. just hate the people in charge for what they have done to this game..
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  14. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

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  15. PrinceD Active Player

    yeah, but i wouldn't say quickly, many people didn't even see this, many believe it is a graphical update, but whatever, it was said that it was a graphical update, I myself discovered that it was just a native client last year with a response post from mepps, this link is from 2021, which many believe so, the point is they weren't clear enough, many people don't keep looking at the devs' replies in their own posts.

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  16. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I always tell people to not believe anything they read or hear until they see it officially announced. Like when Jackster, in a 2021 interview, "guaranteed" that they were going to work on new powers and look what happened with that.
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  17. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    They were working on a new Power..... it was the Lex Luthor Power.

    Press X to spend $1.

    It became the Lex Luthor Time Capsule...... but they still worked on it. ;) ;)
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  18. Oltron New Player

    It’s better than old content double sm. I’m bored wanna get a few arts up and get a few wolf tokens for alts. Honestly though by their silence it’s obvious they shutting game down. Why else say nothing?
  19. CGEMINI Well-Known Player

  20. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Yeah.... what we got.... not even close to what was promised. :(
    But it was still better then UBER Radio Silence. ;) ;)

    Even made a video about it at the time. ;)
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  21. Arwen Skywalker Loyal Player

    And can I be honest with these materials/skins?
    These are just rehashed materials/skins but the the color/texture/blends sliders just tinkered, and thats REALLY sad.
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