Free to play is killing the game

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by kallader, Mar 6, 2024.

  1. kallader Committed Player

    Since they turn the game to free to play the number of dlc going out drop a lot so much than most peoples are sure the game is literally dying thinking that each bundle is just a fast cash grab before the whole game die..
    So i would prefer see the game return to monthly fee getting update and Dlc on a normal basis that hoping they will find time to work on free dlc between 3-4 bundle...You have more chance to see a new power someday if they bring back the paying formula than free to play for sure..

    Sorry for bad english :/
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  2. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    Daybreak are killing the game. Not the free to play aspect.
    The monetization is killing the game with how predatory and aggressive it is. Every damn aspect of the game is monetized and it sucks. Even old content is. Who would do an old Sons of Trigon Weekly in Gotham waste lands for nothing other than feats?
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  3. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Yeah most games don’t go to the extremes they do with the amount of money you have to spend to get the thing you want. Most games it’s a lot of smaller micro transactions that add up.
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  4. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    in total. it will cost you like 350$ for a single 200 artifact thats account wide. Tragic
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  5. zNot Loyal Player

    Thats not even the worst part.. the $ milking done isnt even put back into the game enjoy the „mini“ episodes every 6 months :)
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  6. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    Dont worry, they will just increase the costs of gear to drag out the content so it stays more relevant... Just like the seasonal :)))))
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  7. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    DCUO is run like a terrible mobile game with microtransactions except most mobile games now have better graphics, less janky and buggy and are more fun. Like at what point do players just go I’d rather take my chances with Raid Shadowlegends then DCUO? Not shilling for Raid mind you because that sucks too but this is a multi platform mobile game and a crappy one at that at this point. No way could companies like Rockstar or Activision or Electronic Arts get away with half the stuff Daybreak does. I’m convinced being a medium small company their whole life has allowed them to get where we are because smaller and bigger companies have more oversight than whatever the heck Daybreak does.
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  8. Proxystar #Perception

    Although I tend to personally like a subscription model because I think it better supports transparent game development and sustainability. I also agree with you as well.

    Time capsules, booster bundles, the incessant ridiculous insistence that we gamble with our money for pixels and then get all the left overs, it seems, stuck in the marketplace or in game vendors is honestly too much.

    It's just becoming too aggressive and it's annoying.

    Putting highly desirable capsules in gambling boxes, locking it to progression and feats to drive up value, allowing the hyper inflated economy to run rampant only to ruin the game and utterly under utilized and ignored in game marketplace.

    $100 wolf tokens just to share our artifacts with alts... horrible high level allies, artifacts and augments with massive monetized power creep.

    it's too much.
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  9. Proxystar #Perception

    Oh then there was the daily rewards and entire membership revamp that just served to weaken membership as a whole.

    We weren't even allowed free stabilizer fragments in the end, we had to go back to running the duo/solo in game so that hopefully we forget and then earn less stabilizers for free, cause we better make sure the players aren't getting too many free spins on the roulette wheel.
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  10. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    Wolfpack tokens should be able to be earnable in game. Even if it was 1k source marks. Makes them sought after. Making them 100$ is a ******* joke. We have asked for this since DAY 1 of artifacts. Sure that doesnt mean it should be free or cheap, but after spending ungodly amounts to compete in higher content or the grind it takes to get to that level, its beyond stupid.
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  11. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Taking out the weekly stabilizer out of the Fate and Shock vendor was a bit of a slap in the face too. Technically as members of the game we earned that stab but they figured it was hurting their bottom line on stabs sales. Yeah I didn’t mind the return of running stabs in solo but it’s like they were afraid the gambling was being too comped somehow? Yikes
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  12. Proxystar #Perception

    Wouldn't that be great, make it heaps of source marks and encourage people to run EEG, no we can't have that though, that might be good for the game and the players, but, that's not good for business, no, no, this is something we can monetize, for $100.00


    Here buy your digital pixels for all your other characters, that you already paid for, for the price of 2 AAA game titles each.
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  13. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    I think a few of us mentioned that eventually the Wolfpack pricing would be lowered but I’m gonna say that’ll never happen at this point. They want 100 dollars hard cash and they aren’t budging. Sadly a lot probably bought Wolfpacks thinking it’d go back into DCUO but that ain’t happening either.
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  14. Proxystar #Perception

    That stab, single stab, even would have been enough to keep that bounty circuit active, forever, every week, but no instead they removed it and it'll now disintegrate into the same levels as wonderverse and legion all because they took away that weekly stab, it had to be one of the most single dumbest decisions I've ever seen when it comes to motivating player participation and content longevity.
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  15. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    I remember posts in Development discussions asking for more Account bound options for arts and guys like Charon going they couldn’t because coding blah blah. The fact they sold us back members of the forums ideas like that and I’m sure a lot of us naive souls assumed it’d either be earned in game with marks, membership perks or priced way less than 100 dollars but stupid us DCUO players we couldn’t see EG7’s business genius. :(
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  16. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    They moved the goalpost from 'make money from subscriptions' to 'make money from micro transactions'. Unfortunately, this is the way of the world.

    Try and go buy a copy of MS office with the 'forever' license anymore... Why sell it to you today to use for 10 years when they can sell it at 1/3 the cost renewing 10 years?

    And to your point...who would run ANY of the old content except for feats or the most expeditious SM farm? Granted, some money farming trumps speed or feats, but only for a few...the general populous wants it fast or time effective at least, and knocking out 500 lust demons for 10 points isn't either.
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  17. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    It'll go on sale at one point...probably the last month the game is going. Beware when you see it....for the end is near.
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  18. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    If they made them available for destiny tokens it would encourage membership. If it was 12 DT....that's either a year as free or 3 months as member. I might sub for that....might. SM will never work as SM are too easy to get for free and can be altered with a speedhacker. Destiny either come at a cost of a LOT of time...or a membership.
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  19. Proxystar #Perception

    Either way the options are there, but the only option they ever want to use is micro-transaction or in the case of wolf packs "take a second mortgage - transaction.
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  20. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    Some people may just like some content better than others. It maybe fun for them. Lower level characters could be running it, lower level, newer people.

    Us higher level people dont need t3 missions for rewards, we need them for feats. Why would i want to spend every day for 1+month running dailies for a feat that was released back in 2013?The old content shouldnt have locks on it JUST the same as old on duty instances.
    Its going to take players months to earn the feats from old content, irrelevant to the current content.
    Another example of not having a lockout on content is when an episode is 3 or more episodes behind, you can then purchase that gear for source marks to complete feats if elites were to hard for you. again, an example of leniency by daybreak to help those people catch up, so why are dalies in gotham wastelands, mogo, new genesis all still loot locked each time you complete them. to me it makes no sense at all
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