Quality of Life changes i dream of

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by FluffyCloud99, Mar 1, 2024.

  1. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    Account wide Allies:
    • Account wide allies as i feel they are too much to level fully without spending money. I get thats the point but its just way to much for those who play multiple characters.

    Account wide Time capsule rewards:
    • Completing the related style feat will give you the item via Mail to the alt character. Still costing 5 replays
    While i know we can unlock them with replay badges on the style tab, i would much prefer to get them via the feats menu or naturally unlocked for all characters. Some styles you unlock in a bundle from time capsules will put you back like 1000s of replays.

    • Make a new tab for armouries like the Allies tab. Here it shows all your armouries (up to 16 slots) and you are able to transition to them at any time.
    • We will still be able to hotbar 4 of them to use in a quick move, but this way we will be able to see them all and activate them without having to go to the base, slotting them into the quick bar.
    Some players have PvP armouries, style armouries, different builds and I would just love to cut out the middle man of having to go to my base to activate them if they are not on the hotbar

    Old Feat Reworks:
    • Some old feats are in my opinion, way to grindy for a piece of 12yo content. In particular the 1000 Central city bounties. 1000 iconic solo clears
    Being from console myself and having multiple accounts across PC and Console, i understand the grind, however. I did those feats YEARS ago, before the omnibus update, before stat clamp, before the power revamp back when we had advanced mechanics. My point being, there wasn't 40+ episodes to grind for feats. New players will see those feats, see how long it takes and decide its not worth it. Would love to see events to give 5x/10x progress to some of those feats. Perhaps even include them in the CR skip feats.

    Some sort of PvP change:
    • Remove artifacts from being used in PvP instances.
    • Remove ALL sources of additional power/stats other than Skill points and Gear. Make it a pure skill based arena.
    • Reduce the potency of Controller Role debuff in PvP or force DPS role for 1v1s

    More diversity on how episodes are made:
    • No more copy paste episodes of 1 solo, 1 duo, 1 alert and 1 raid + open world.
    • Have some episodes lean heavily into open world like 31st or Themyscira. More missions there, more bosses, more unique ways to earn gear other than "kill 1 boss a week and run a few instances"
    While i understand all of this is not simple by any means, this is just a few ideas/wishes i would like to see changed/added to the game to hopefully make it more friendly on the players who put time, effort and money into the game
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  2. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    the first two I'm guessing you've got no chance of happening. ever. because monies.

    everything else, yeah, sounds good, to me. especially the slogs like the CC bounties. I got it, already, it was a nightmare, so it don't really effect me, but I'm fine with cutting other players a little slack. the Iconics? I'm never getting them feats.
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  3. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    The quality of life change I dream of is a stats matters revamp and not a stat clamp revamp. I usually have more than one dream while I'm sleeping balance issues being one of them
  4. Ninjabiscuit Well-Known Player

    I'd like to be able to select multiple items in my inventory at once, instead of clicking and dragging all the time, or right clicking one item at a time.
  5. Red Wáve Well-Known Player