Pretty Please With Cherries on Top

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BrandyMurdock, Feb 27, 2024.

  1. BrandyMurdock New Player

    I was having a discussion with a few friends of mine during downtime, because what else would we do? Go outside? We don't even go outside our league hall unless it's to do our missions. No thanks. But anyway, we got to talking and an idea popped up about how it would be nice to load into Duo Content with our Allies, and have a feature that keeps the Ally around like a side kick, similar to Fury in Sorcery. Or if not for the allies, maybe make this for sidekicks or even henchmen? I personally feel like both are pretty useless otherwise, so why not?

    I understand that something like this would be a bit tricky to code, so allow me to express that I'm not expecting this to become a feature. But that doesn't mean I cannot ask for want
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  2. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    if it were at all possible, yeah, why not? I could see a lot of problems if they allowed it in alerts or raids, but when it's just you, yeah, I don't see any reason to object.
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  3. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    You could have just bumped one of the many threads already suggesting this. Perhaps even one of the ones with the green names actually answering your question on how complicated it would be.
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  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Personally, as I watch HOL bot or Krypto targeting an add that has about 1/10 health on the other side of the room vs the boss I'm in a life or death struggle with, I 100% believe it can't really be done effectively. At least not in this game as it stands. I mean, most duos can be solo'd, which is basically what the request boils down to. Might as well ask for that.

    I always like the version of this were instead of allies, it's running with your alts as an AI. I mean imagine...someone running in a group with them and their alts...who would do that?:rolleyes:
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  5. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    So... the online gaming equivalent of this George Carlin qoute? "I often have these little conversations with myself. I do so love good conversation."