Devs I'm So So So Confused

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Cypharr, Feb 21, 2024.

  1. Cypharr Committed Player

    Let me start by saying Spec'ing Health is "USELESS" so you get the point and also to provoke action not from the community rather from you devs.

    What is the purpose of spec'ing health if Elite and Elite plus are filled with one shot mechanics. SP is good for support roles but I think DPS has a limit for the amount of SP it requires. I'm fortunate to have worked hard to get a decent amount of SP allowing me to max out my Might tree or Prec tree if I was precision DPS. I find that after maxing out my Might tree the rest of my remaining SP is useless to DPS. The only thing you can Spec for DPS is Health at he same time no matter the amount of SP you put in Health you're still subject to one shot mechs in Elite and Elite Plus so I beg you what's the point of Spec'ing health. Maybe in normal it might be useful but frankly I don't need to Spec anything if I want to run normal. Please do something about this I don't like the feeling I get when I die in Elite and Elite Plus from basic attack from adds knowing fully well I have at least 300 SP in Health. Make it make sense.

    The whole system is broken especially Health for DPS, Heal and Troll. I think it make a negligible difference for Tanks but I don't Spec health as a Tank I go Resto and Dom. Personally I think the cause of the problem is the ridiculous clamp you implemented years ago.
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  2. 0xDJBx0 Well-Known Player

    Either you are looking for any reason to create a daily thread or you are not grasping certain fundamentals to this game. If it's the latter you cannot expect any elite content to get nerf'd bc you get ko'd by 1 shots, even tanks are not invulnerable in certain content.

    But here we go for the sake of the latter, if you are prec, spec into might, if you are might spec into prec ... if you grasp the dynamics of the Strat / Trans Aertifact Combo you won't ask questions ... if you don't understand then go do some homework
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  3. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    The more health you spec into, the more bonus HP you get from artifacts
    The more health you spec into, the more some artifacts help you.
    Most HP buffs are percentage based. You may see only a what? 80k difference from SP not including the percentages, but still, you get more from the buffs
    It may not be for everyone, sure, but you dont have to play meta, no one forces you too (ok, maybe the whole community does if you wanna do elites but other than that, just play how you want)
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  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Why does anyone respond do this guys 'questions'? Seriously. I just shake my head and walk away.
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  5. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    Sometimes it's not a one shot mechanic if you have other people giving you shields.
  6. Cypharr Committed Player

    The meta arts make common sense to dps'ing you can't branch out to much without hurt you damage output. Not sure what other DPS arts has health percentage buff other than Mercy. Even at that you'll still get one shot at most 2 hit from basic attacks of adds not to talk of the boss in elite & elite plus. It makes no sense.
  7. Cypharr Committed Player

    Of course self shields, healer, tank or troll shields will absorb a percentage of damage. I would like to have some survivability from basic attacks from adds without a shield cos I spec'd health instead of the one shot 2 hits res routines.
  8. VIRALITY Dedicated Player

  9. Cypharr Committed Player

    Clearly some people don't understand the logic of DCUO "the way I do" cos what's the point of skull attacks if basic attacks have the same effect if the tank let's go and having spec'd full health? Make it make sense.
  10. CrYsiS44 Well-Known Player

    Having more health as a dps won’t, and can’t help you with one-shots. The entire purpose of them, is to one shot all who can’t follow a simple thing like… “jump over a circle of orbs” or… don’t attack a reflective shield. Block a beam etc. Too many players now rely on a handful of others to get them through content. They die so many times, then they leave and brag about how “we just ran CTe+ etc. or SWe+” no “we didn’t!” Other people did. As heal or tank, you tend to notice the same players constantly caught. Because they just get lost in their rotations, or don’t/won’t do mechanics. The fact that mechanics have been nerffed so heavily shows the competence of most players now.
    Players on alts will run elite content better than some with max gear etc. because they understand what to do.

    Most importantly though. The skill point trees, weren’t designed Arts, augs and allies in mind. (They previously helped you a little) Sp was neglected to further these types of progression. They’re more superficial now. More of a bragging right.

    Sp has never made players better. If you know there are certain things that may give you a hard slap - put HLS into your LO. Put on different augments for that specific content. That’ll definitely help some.
    But… you just have to accept, that the game is reliant on other people understanding how things work. It’s why we have a kick option. You try and explain - if they keep fkn up, you kick, or tell to get out. All high sp now, are just the leftovers from a neglected aspect of the game.
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  11. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    The problem is augments the content believes everybody in the group has the max rank with that said You intake the clamp much heavier. Believe me when I say augments must be removed from the game. The more base stats that you have the more clamp you eat and everybody else in the group eats 70% clamp respectively. There is only one other way too respectively say f*** you clamp and that's to run with experience players. or my favorite one art swap to make Elite content event mode
  12. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    1-shots are the new "go-to" in artificial content difficulty, not sure what there is to be confused about. The devs are the ones confused not realizing this takes a major step backward in the mechanics development department.

    Artifacts, allies, and augments (and other heavily monetized features that have the potential to bring in most revenue, especially from failure) are the main focus.

    SP is just chase value and a "carrot on a stick" for completionists or for bragging rights (in which some is also monetized via Time Capsules, but not as heavily or necessary).
  13. FlyingFingers Well-Known Player

    Heehee heehee hahaha He's not to bad.
  14. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Or just stay out of elite if you can't handle it?
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  15. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    The purpose of skull attack one shots is for players to follow the mechanics and NOT get one shot.. Health provides a larger health pool to increase your survivability. So the system is right where it should be in terms of stats.
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  16. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

  17. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    As a precision DPS you would spec into might/power after maxing out precision and crits as you typically clip might powers in. As a might DPS, there's really nothing that helps you after maxing out crits and might/power.

    Since you mentioned the awesome stat clamp, you CAN increase your survivability in clamped content by equipping OP gear. With enough pieces equipped your defense will be significantly higher and it'll make a noticeable difference.

    Also...have you tried blocking?
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  18. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    Speccing into health IS worth it. Its just not worth it over other class specific stats.

    Each power is different, it interacts with stats differently. Fire tanks may want more health whereas ice tanks want dominance for shields. Rage back in the day (amazon fury 2 days) used to spec health hugely as its mechanic was the more damage you took, the more health you would add onto your cap based on a percentage of your health and dom, given rage has 2 shields and is mostly a rage crash mechanic, they dont use shields often in lower end content. (elites where also just only becoming a thing back then too)

    If you dont think its useful for you, then chances are its not.

    The way dps people think is "well, chances are im 1 shot anyways in elites, so more damage makes sense. If everyone else does their role and plays the mechanics, we will be fine as a team."

    As i said before, some artifacts give you % based bonuses based on the max health you have. Its all about how YOU want to play. If you are doing Elite+ all the time then sure, Health may not be needed as much as other stats, its just there for anyone to pick if they want it. It does make a difference, sure it may not be noticable every time but its there and will impact the game. (enemies also attack the players more vital to the group if tank dies, healers go first then i believe its based on damage and health)
  19. Emoney Dedicated Player

    Do you understand basic mechanics in this game? You repeatedly talk about adds one shotting you. That has zero to do with your SP and specifically health stat. You are either running ahead of the tank and getting yourself killed, or the Tank isn't doing thier job.

    As to one shot mechanics, they all can be easily avoided by doing the mechanic associated with them. If you can't dodge the attack or block when required, that is because of your lack of awareness, not the game.

    As to the health stat and SP. It makes a huge difference. Especially to a fire tank. It's the number one stat for that power and role. For any DPS, 100 SP in health is quite an advantage over zero SP in that stat, in every piece of content. The ONLY thing it doesn't help with are 1 shots, and again, those are avoidable if you are paying attention.
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  20. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    Listen to this wise wizard :)
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