Up-Votes Needed M-M-M-M-Monster Kill and Rogues' Gallery feats

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by UDDOPEKKA, Feb 13, 2024.

  1. UDDOPEKKA New Player

    Hello everyone,
    These are Ep2 Lightning Strikes feats. Bounty mission is not resetable and no die applies to whole contents, not just central city map. Please add reset option or make it contentwise(only ep2 content).
    And second one is bounty mission only gives Abrakadabra and Professor Zoom bounty missions. Cant even get any other bounty missions when im at 9/10 on M-M-M-M-Monster Kill.
    There is nearly noone hunting this feat but please help on these matters.
    Thank you.
  2. Korlick Loyal Player

    Not a bug.
    The way you get this feat is like this:
    Day 1: Get the bounty missions and kill them all, but do not complete the journal. Let the mission "open". And then continue with your daily routine or whatever. Then, at the end of the day, when youre about to log out for good, finish the journal mission and get the rewards. That will put you at 9/1O
    Day 2: First thing you do when you log in, go to Central City, get the bounty mission, kill and finish the journal.

    That way you get the Monster Kill feat.
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  3. UDDOPEKKA New Player

    Ty Korlick but bounty only gives 2 bounty missions. How can it get me to 9/10?
    Any help for Rogues' Gallery?
  4. >>>KIra<<< Dedicated Player

    Also when you continue your mission on day 1, make sure you do not die. I save the bounty missions for the end and then log out and the next day i finish the mission to get all 10 without dying. Remember you need to kill 10 bounties without dying and that means without dying on other alerts, raids duos or solos or even open content
  5. Stranger Well-Known Player

    Check your hidden missions. You only get new bounty missions if you completed the old ones. (Then you can also reset as much as i know)
  6. UDDOPEKKA New Player

    It gives 2 bounty missions daily and its always professor zoom and abrakadabra. There is no reset option for this mission.
  7. >>>KIra<<< Dedicated Player

    I believe there are three in central city and the rest are in Gotham and Metroplis. Google locations of all bounties with the specific feat and the 1st day you should be able to get 9 bounties and the second day you finish the last one. Remember you cannot die at all. Do what Korlick says in the second post
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  8. Stranger Well-Known Player

    It should give 9. If it only give you 2 it means there should be another 7 already in your mission tab. Probably in the "hidden" section.
    2 in CC, 4 in Gotham, 3 in Metropolis.
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  9. Miranda31 Well-Known Player

    I might be covering what you already know, I'm not sure, but the issue seems to be you not finding enough villains to defeat. Do you have the Rogues Gallery feat? Prof Z and Abra are the ones in Central City. If that's all you get when you accept the mission again, then maybe you haven't defeated the Gotham/Metropolis Rogues who are also part of the mission. These are:
    Gotham: Heat Wave, The Trickster, Pied Piper, Captain Boomerang.
    Metropolis: Captain Cold, The Top, Weather Wizard

    Use the wiki links for each villain (or hero if you are a villain). There are maps to help - https://dcuniverseonline.fandom.com/wiki/Central_City_Bounties

    If you can't see the villains outside Central City in your journal they may be hidden, as Stranger suggested. Until you get all of them, re-accessing the wanted poster will only give you a 'top-up' of the 2 that you completed on the previous day. Also, you have to 'complete' each of them in your journal.

    Also, 1 reset only gives you 1 of the bounties, I think. It's a while since I used one - I run through them occasionally, the ones outside CC aren't clamped so they are a quick source mark each (and during double source mark weeks they are still only 1 source mark apiece). But I'd just do it like suggested - last thing, then the 10th first thing next "day".
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  10. Stranger Well-Known Player

    These are the missions you need:

    Check this tab:
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  11. UDDOPEKKA New Player

    Tysm y'all. Got the feats ^^
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