Can we moderate lfg please

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by August Moon, Feb 12, 2024.

  1. August Moon Well-Known Player

    Lfg has been nothing but politics ,religious debates ,and culture war BS for some time now. Before you could only see it at 4am est but now it's 24/7. And before hand you could put these people on ignore ,but now they just keep deleting said burner character and making a new one the next day. It's starring to get out of hand , and lfg is starting to become unusable because of the sheer volume of nonsense that dominates it.
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  2. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Yeah yesterday and today LFG was just brutal. It’s one thing when some were mentioning the Super Bowl but this afternoon I logged in and it was just non stop garbage. There must’ve been 30 or more trolls just going at it with weird religious stuff and arguments. Nothing was game related or on topic. At some point every player trying to make a group was drowned out and they stopped requesting help all together. After seeing some posters trying to spam the chat with Bitcoin chatter I stopped myself and logged out. It seems to have gotten worse now. I dunno how players will be able to play DCUO without LFG chat? Most players don’t have active leagues. Most players don’t have a friends list with people who can finish the regular raids let alone Elite content. People are being gatekept from playing the actual game from obnoxious trolls.
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  3. August Moon Well-Known Player

    Exactly. It's bad enough that most new players font have lfg on by default and have to be told that it even exists let alone to manually turn it on, but now they can't even use it either. This is becoming obnoxious. It was also worse when they took over trade chat , now they took over both
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  4. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    When it gets out of hand I make sure to monitor it because sometimes my nephew 7 years old or my niece one of his sisters she is twelve. I don't want them seeing such childish behavior, so I'll make sure to switch the chat channel away from LFG because they sometimes play on my account.
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  5. Proxystar #Perception

    Trump 202... oh wait wrong forum...


    Yeah I agree with you.
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  6. Proxystar #Perception

    I'm pretty sure LFG is turned on by default now :)
  7. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    This is what happens when players stop having stuff to do outside of the typical dueling banter often seen in Little Bohemia, WT, HOD, and HOL. It also doesn't help that 90% of the ignorance bleeds from trade chat.
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  8. Proxystar #Perception

    I just wanna sell my produce :(
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  9. Dev72 Dedicated Player

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  10. tehDarkNite Well-Known Player

    best option might be fewer characters and a longer wait time to post

    Its a public chat - maybe add a timeout for certain buzzwords
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  11. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I guess people will use Omnibus and random queue? Of course, that isn't without its own share of toxicity. Had a player today telling the group they were too stupid to play DCUO because the group couldn't finish the first fight in New Genesis Now.
  12. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    There should definitely be an automatic script ban for highly objectionable things like the Nword, Fword, Cword, Rword etc. You can’t rely on other players to report this because often times the chat window progresses too fast, people are busy in raids, those troll players have impossible names to copy down etc. Other games do this. Heck there are games if you swear it flags your account and puts you in a time out from the general chat channel.
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  13. Bloodwynd71 Active Player

    There is a reason for the ignore button. Except for anything racially obnoxious or the ilk we don't need some governing body monitoring the chat. People cheering for that are the same people who cheer on totalitarian governments.
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  14. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Someone should make a new chat for those who aren't quite toxic enough for Global or 5v5 but can't seem to refrain from this BS in LFG.

    "If you build it, they will come"

    - Field of Dreams
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  15. CrYsiS44 Well-Known Player

  16. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    There really should be an official global server chat to funnel all this stuff to there. Then there would be no excuse to clog up LFG and Trade, and it could become an offence.
  17. BlackGryphon Well-Known Player

    I spent more time yesterday putting idiots on /ignore than actually playing the game but it's not a situation that requires policing by a third party.
  18. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Player Mod system like RuneScape. Probably too late in the game to make such an addition, however.
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  19. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I assume you're playing on US PC/PS since that is no issue on EU.

    However, since the news about Mepps spread, it turned into endless debates about the state and future of the game.

    Even though its only been like that for a day, it was very annoying and i can see this being as annoying on other topics aswell, so i would agree that something like moderation is considered, although i am usually against such aggressive measures.

    Warframe does this kind of moderation very effectively through bots that disable your ability to write in the chat for an hour if you typed something very off topic or insulted someone.

    If the people you talk about hop on other accounts, this will be much less effective.
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  20. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    I was playing another mmo years ago and half in anger and half in jest I shouted in general chat EFF YOU and you know what happened? I just got temporarily blocked from the general chat. I was put in a timeout in the little bad boy box and I thought damn we need this in DCUO and it’s a shame we don’t. I can’t imagine how many times if toxic players just got the (temporary) banhammer how this game would be more entertaining less irritating.
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