Time Capsules and granted Feats

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by lllStrichcodelll, Feb 8, 2024.

  1. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    The problem with everyone saying "just get them from the broker", is on lower population servers the collections are barely on there. People end up charging the same price of "rares" for even the regular collection pieces as well. It's extremely scarce. Like I said before, it was even a struggle for me BEFORE the major population drop on Xbox...

    As for this, don't get me wrong I don't (ever) suggest giving out feats for free, but I personally don't like when people say this. "Waiting 2 years" for feats is pretty highly detrimental in itself. Players rarely want to wait, especially for 2 years, and purposely. Heck you don't even know what the state of the game will be in 2 years. Other than that, It's 2 freakin' years! Lol. Even if the game is around forever, 2 years seems like a pretty good long time to wait for something that's "p2w" to become free.

    This is just my opinion and perspective, not endorsing giving out "free" feats. I said the same exact thing about the youknowwhat making it easier to "earn" feats after waiting literal years to go back when you are strong enough to get them.
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  2. BrainFreeze New Player

    I disagree about handing out TC feats for free and it should never be considered but there has to be a way to get the older TCs to open for either new players or those that were unlucky not obtaining certain feats from them.

    1) Put older TCs in events/episodes that drop has a extra reward.
    2) If you have opened a certain amount of a particular TC you should have a discount at the Booster vendor for items in that TC.
    3) Older TCs regarding the harder to get collections should have there chances of obtaining increased.

    If it takes people time getting TCs feats so be it they are optional.
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  3. Mike EUPC Well-Known Player

    Maybe a possible solution is put all time capsules Booster Gold of the House of Legends or put opened with 1 million of money for example
    Another solution is put a Legendary Time Capsule for example where you need to open with 30 keys for example and give you a exotic collection of the last time capsule, this legendary can buy with money for example or can buy with marks of the dlc. And for another collections maybe a Epic Time Capsule what cost 7 keys what give you purple to exotic collection of the lasst TC. Every TC has his normal time capsule, epic and legendary

    Another solution is put a rotation of older TC where every week drop the actual and one older TC
  4. Minotaur38 Active Player

    The other issue is, the devs are pumping out way too many TC's now. It's becoming more frequent, all the time. All while the game itself remains broken.
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  5. Ash Inferno Well-Known Player

    Flaming Pheonix Feather still ellusive lol. I don't remember how much I spent trying to get it, all I know is it felt like I may have been nurturing a future gambling addiction and quit the game for 6 years. Now at least they have the event, kinda liked the Fate reward system better though. I guess my point is, it waaaayyyy better than it used to be :)
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  6. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Good thing you aren't on Xbox, that collection is actually the rarest item in the game over there.
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  7. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Let’s be honest do you think Daybreak really cares if their playerbase actually gets the rare items they offer thru gambling? They make it hard to acquire stuff they make only thru paywalls and RNGambling. All they care about is fleecing customers and at his point us asking their Las Vegas greed to give us a crumb at the table is just pathetic really.
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  8. Ash Inferno Well-Known Player

    Yeah, haven't seen it in the broker on usps for quite some time either. Probably couln't buy it anyways lol.
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  9. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    I had gotten the feat from acquiring it via Quarks (when heavily discounted). So what I did (because I'm a completionist), was found someone that had it and traded them the reward that came in the mail after I collected it. I did the same with void essence, bloody knife, and flash bio (or whatever it's called).

    Back then, the items themself were worth the same (if not more) than the collection, not sure if that is still the case.
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