Livestream Preview: Time Capsule & Valentine's Day

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Feb 6, 2024.

  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Preview: Time Capsule & Valentine's Day

    Feel the love with this year's Valentine's Day event and a new time capsule later this week. Join us for a livestream preview tomorrow with the details.

    The livestream will begin at 12PM PT tomorrow, February 7, 2024, over on our official twitch channel.
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  2. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Love to see we're getting a Stream!
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  3. Cypharr Committed Player

    Finally the stupid resurgence tc is almost over. Whoop! whoop! February gearing up to be fun-filled & full of amazing surprises.

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  4. >>>KIra<<< Dedicated Player

    Looking forward to this and especially the valentine's event. I love all the theatre stuff
  5. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    Tell me you guys put more then 4 skill points in the time caps this time. It will feel nice to start feeling progression with skill points once we get to 1200sp. that's when the clamp starts to fall off per point. Let's try and add more skill points in time caps so we can get there faster. I'm sure we all can't wait to feel progression with this skill point system and I feel very sorry for you new players
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  6. TwilightsInferno1701 Level 30

    Rooting for more Flash stuff! Can't wait to see what you got up your sleeves!
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  7. Dxnkest New Player

    legendary take lmao 3 birds 1 stone
  8. White Diamond New Player

    I am new!
    I can only speak for myself, but I DO have problems getting skill points. Maybe I'm just not "gud" enough for this game, but I see these feats you "can" get, but have seemingly impossible conditions, from maps/events you need multiple players to access, to perform these "certain tasks a certain way" to get the points towards your next "singular skill point".
    Given my time zone, I often end up playing alone, and for short stints at a time because real life is a factor in my scheduling. I don't have anyone to play with that is patient with me, and I can't PVP, or access areas to fight bosses/raids/alerts that require things to be done a certain way, just to "get a few points and a feat" towards getting that "single skill point".
    It just ends up inconvenient for me to get feats, when compared to alternative ways to get stronger, gear, source marks for artifacts, and the now trickling in feature creep of allies. What'll be next, who knows?
    I was wondering a while ago, if the devs/designers would ever consider willing to just look at the game, and come to a common consensus for alternative methods of getting the feats or skill points needed, in order to encourage character growth. I'm not against getting feats, if it's plausible to do it on my own time, without having to wait in a que for twenty minutes only end up in a group that wants to crash and speedrun through X events or maps, just to show off their DPS numbers on the scorecard. I noticed when I used the "free anni-event level boost" on another character, they got a surge in skill points that my main never even came close to.
    It is discouraging, truly, being ignored by other players because they are just looking to PVP, and nobody wants to share information, or help with running around Arkham Asylum, Batcave Sanctums, or the League of Assassin Stronghold, with me for a feat I know I'll just never be able to get on my own.
    I'm not trying to sound like I'm complaining, just making an observation that they (Devs) seem "okay" with giving you the throw of feats and skillpoints in "this certain particular way" (the level boost), but don't consider other ways, or make other chapter feats/skillpoints accessible with alternative methods. This is a bad model, at least, it seems to me it is; it promotes imbalance, and time-gaping. This is a problem, since the attributes like might, precision and vitality (etc), already have seemingly (to me anyway) deep sinks (300+ skill points, to fill out your vitality? I'm lucky if I can get 40 on my critical healing chance!)

    So I wouldn't be against capsules, events, solo runs (like the stabilizer fragment solo) or "feat packages" from the marketplace shop, towards the targeted efforts of helping those who end up in a position like myself, to get their skill points an alternative way.

    Sorry, I didn't intend for my post to be this long. Like I also said, I can only speak for myself, maybe I'm not "gud", compared the standard player.
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  9. DuffleBagBoii Well-Known Player

    Hopefully we will finally get a enhanced emblem with a skull.. all i want
  10. Plowed In Loyal Player

    They’re a long term progression goal. They’ve also added other methods to increase your stats (artifacts) so skill points alone don’t restrict your ability to complete any normal content. Try to sync up with some people and/or join a league if you eventually would like to chase sp.
  11. Sollace Well-Known Player

    The NTH "10 exp" must clearly be revised upwards in terms of xp gain!
  12. AshocusTheMuse Well-Known Player

    What they said lol. I only have 250 skill points, but I have decent gear and arts to make up for it. I do just fine in content. And MOST players are pretty chill, you get the occasional bad egg, but most will understand if you're new. Just let them know before hand.
  13. The Fairy Well-Known Player

    Oh boy, here we go again. Can we have a live stream with bug fixes?
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  14. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Mepps? We need a dislike button.
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  15. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Watching a programmer code? Huh?


    They don’t let them out of the basement, let alone have verbal exchanges IRL…

    :) :p
  16. MrGhosty Active Player

    As a player who experienced this as well, I can say that you really start to feel sp once you get into the hundreds or so especially if you're largely a solo player. The best source for SP gains is in the new episodes as there are usually a lot of players going through the open world content even at odd hours. The second best source which is easily sourced solo is by getting the sp associated with completing styles. You can farm the source marks to unlock so many styles and they start to add up quite quickly. Solo dungeon achievements are another great source and the solo dungeons are actually pretty fun. Unless you're trying to be competitive in Raids and endgame content, you really don't need a ton of skill points to feel impactful beyond 100-150.
  17. DcHarleyQ New Player

    Finally getting the Harley Quinn hairstyle! ty
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  18. Multiverse Creator League

    No Flash stuff....... sorry. :(
  19. Cypharr Committed Player

    Really? No break thought Valentines Seasonal would be next week along with the TC, anyways tysm loving it regardless #MOFeats
  20. Miranda31 Well-Known Player

    What's your timezone? (also faction, server, platform & current level) DM if you like.