Downtime Server Downtime - January 31, 2024 - GU140

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jan 30, 2024.

  1. Snowy OwI Loyal Player

    Then I will quit for sure.
  2. Snowy OwI Loyal Player

    On topic: The server merge was good for population but Maaaan it's SO laggy now for uss eu people it's barely playable and the lag kills you Long before the enemies does.I really hope something will be done soon cause playing like this is not an option.
  3. GermanM Committed Player

    We will miss you then
  4. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Well, there's a very simple solution to that - don't touch US characters' names, just change the EU ones if they have a US counterpart and give those players name change tokens. That way EU players can continue to play the game without waiting an hour for an Omnibus raid to pop, while US players get to keep their precious names. And let's face it - even if US server has a sufficiently high population right now, that population is also shrinking, so within the next couple of years US players might very well start experiencing similar problems to the ones we're experiencing in EU, so it's not like they won't benefit from more active players filling the queues.

    They only just merged Switch servers, both of which were underpopulated for years, so clearly these things take time. Population is not nearly as bad on EUPC/PS as on Switch yet and I don't expect them to do the same with PC/PS servers tomorrow, but the way things are going, at some point they're going to have to do something. And I'm sure there are issues to consider and solve, which are more important than toons' names. Like the fact that EU and US PS players have separate clients, meaning that if a PS player wants to play on both servers, they need to create a separate PSN account and install the game a second time on their system. I don't know how different those clients are, or how hard they would be to merge, but I know PC players can switch servers with a click of a mouse.
  5. VasquezR Active Player

    Its easy, If this is going to happen, give the Tokens to the EU people and leave the reclaim names to the US people, if their server is in decline they won't mind changing the names from what I see in the comments here .
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  6. Odin EU Level 30

    Personally, it would feel quite despiriting to lose your character’s name as well as having to play on ping. Even though it would be an understandable decision for the game. I myself would not mind hidden tags with which server character originated from and characters created after would not have those tags. Another option is that the character that had the name the longest keeps it, consequently it would shaft name swappers. Or that EU accounts that are active/existed for a time would be granted 1 name save token (challenges with it perhaps being exploited) . The 1 name save token in my eyes would be nice for my main despite myself being fond of some of my alternate chats names’ as it still would prevent the rough feeling of having your main take the L.
  7. Snowy OwI Loyal Player

    Like the others said here.The worst would be loosing my names that is Extremly personal for me and I rather play something else than continue playing with another name and then you have the lag which we got more than a little taste of on switch right now.
  8. Furious Vee Well-Known Player

    It's only silly to you because you don't care about your name. Not everyone wants to be named "BatMonster123." It has nothing to do with not having an imagination. I stand by what I said. There shouldn't be a server merge riding right off the back of a name reclaim.
  9. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    I don't particularly care about names because:
    1. I'm an adult and this is just a game, not something I use as a substitute for a life or a personality.
    2. I have enough imagination and creativity, that if I have to change a name, I can come up with something I will like, that nobody else thought of before.

    I stand by what I said - a functional game (which in the case of a Massively Multiplayer Online game means - having a high population) is more important than some people's obsession with "oh-gee" names and inability to come up with anything original.
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  10. DarkCyberBlade New Player

    PS EU/US server merge when ?
  11. Furious Vee Well-Known Player

    And that's your opinion. Now, where do we go from here? Because nothing's going to change.
  12. Mytyc Shadows Level 30

    all a lot of drama. playing a videogame can br so dramatic for some
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  13. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    *shrug* Things change. This game has a long history of server merges, often happening on fairly short notice. The first one happened the same year the game officially came out - 2011 - when over 25 servers were consolidated into just 4 "super servers" - 2 for PC and 2 for PS. 5 years later PC and PS servers were merged into USPC/PS and EUPC/PS we have today. The same year DCUO was released for XBox. And also the same year XBox US and Xbox EU became one server. Now it happened on Switch. So there have been all sorts of precedents set.

    If the population continues to shrink - which it will, because that's what happens with pretty much all old games - at some point it will make more sense to have one PC/PS server with a still reasonably high population, rather than 2, where players struggle to make groups and get into content and consequently stop playing and paying. Even if it p*sses of some people, who take their in-game names too seriously. Especially that DB did not sell anybody their toons' names during reclaim.
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  14. Snowy OwI Loyal Player

    That's is in the eyes of the beholder.
  15. you and me we got this Level 30

    i love how everyone complaining about names when there is a bigger problem, like maybe the economy difference between us and eu , or the fact that alot of pc players have maxed charecter slots on both servers " having 8 charecter slots , and having 8 on us and 8 on eu"