Downtime Server Downtime - January 31, 2024 - GU140

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jan 30, 2024.

  1. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    Mepps didn't say it was to help with lag. They're merging the servers because of the low population on Switch.
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  2. Bando Gora New Player

    So what happens if you have all 25 character slots filled on both servers? Are the character slots gonna be added together or would I need to chose which character to keep and which to delete?
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  3. Snowy OwI Loyal Player

    Cheers.I found out moments ago what it ment so I sendt him of to my ignore list like others like that ends up :)
  4. Ron64 New Player

    echt jetzt ? du hast mich wegen einer frage auf die ignoliste gesetzt ? :eek:
    das war eine normale frage weil ich dachte du machst einen scherz:D
    schon bischen peinlich, oder ?:rolleyes:
  5. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    I wonder if they realize why the switch is not populated by now on each server. If it's because there's not enough people to get things done then perhaps the real issue isn't a server merge. The real issue is the clamp and how only people who know whats extremely overpowered are able to cheese content. However I don't think merging is the answer here but nice try anyways. This is a big move and if it's coming for every platform we have a major leg issue ahead of us. which will cause further players to not be invested and turn away from the game entirely
  6. Dirty Paw New Player

    Here we communicate in English, but since I'm also German, I'll go into it.
    It's not a good idea to merge a server. I play on Xbox and there are US and EU on one server and as an EU player you often have lags and disconnects.
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  7. name? New Player

    2 years ago after the glitch with the stats (people call it clamp) i stopped playing. yesterday i came back because i missed some friends and my bases. 2 years ago i suggested that it would be better instead of losing players to make a subscription of 5 euro also except the normal one that we have. i was speaking with a friend yesterday and he said they could make a free, standard (5 euro with no gifts) and prime (13 euro) subscriptions. now i see that a merge of servers is going down. some people say lag, others say lack of ideas, me i see a company that lost players and trying to keep the ones they have and not to bring more like we used to be millions on beta version when it first started. we used to wait to log in to play and now we waiting players to log in to play. also please make the game more happy and amiable without so much darkness like in real life. <3 a player since beta version <3
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  8. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    What happens to those who have a US account AND a EU account???

    Will they still have 2 accounts??
    Will their 2 accounts be merged into 1 account??
    Other option??

    It's not the case for me.... but I am sure people will ask me about it.

    Thanks. ;)
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  9. Kraneman New Player

    AYYYYE, My Boi Multiverse! This Jacque Veer (GL in The Game) (Lor_Kreny) on youtube lol.
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  10. Ron64 New Player

    also ich spiele auf pc und ich spiele jeden tag und von Verzögerungen und Verbindungsabbrüchen habe ich noch nichts bemerkt
    ist aber vielleicht auch vom internet abhängig ;)
    kann nur sagen wo mehr los ist macht es mehr spass
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  11. Tainted0Love Well-Known Player

    What's the time frame to complete the update for Nintendo in ET (GMT -5:00) time?
    Please and thank you
  12. Mollo New Player

    As EUPC player , merging sever would be awesome because EU is not only low population , it’s (dead) i hope they will do the pc/psn soon
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  13. Green Heron New Player

    I'm ssuming this merge is just for Switch players and doesn't really affect PC at all?
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  14. marxus Committed Player

    If the major part of this update is for Switch users, will the US server for PS/PC be up soon?
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  15. Stogho Active Player

    Hopefully we get something for being shut out for the entire day of play.
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  16. Ron64 New Player

    kann man nur hoffen
    wenn man zum beispiel auf dem eu server einen account hat und sich dann einen auf dem us server macht hat man sowieso schon die ganzen quarks, fatemarken und und ansehen für die begleiter auch
    und mit dem wolfpack kann man sich auch die ganzen artefakte rüberholen wenn man will, ist halt ein bischen teuer
    tja und die heldentaten kann man sich auch rüberkaufen wenn man will ;)
    ist schon mal ein guter anfang würd ich sagen
  17. Frammshamm New Player

    Touch some grass while you decide which characters to keep.
  18. Frammshamm New Player

    You get a merged US/EU Switch server. You're very welcome!
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  19. Sollace Well-Known Player

    I say, that's worth a wolf pack token! :p
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  20. Green Heron New Player

    Hopefully a couple unlocked time capsules