Speed Force Ring Stats?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Joybird, Jan 28, 2024.

  1. Joybird Committed Player

    I've seen a couple of people mention that the 368 Speed Force Ring has better stats than the 370 ring. Is this true? I'm already super speed, so I don't want to pick one up unless it's worth it.

    Also, out of curiosity, if I wear both a Speed Force Ring and a Legion Flight Ring, what happens?
  2. Ultimus Primus Well-Known Player

    it has raised dom health and power but resto vit and might are lower than the 370.
    as far as wearing both im sure they cancel out the movement mode but give it a try and let us know!
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  3. Jcal Dedicated Player

    The Speed Force Ring is treated as an unofficial OP item of sorts, meaning it has elevetated stats in all categories (for its Item Level). Versus your appropriate 370 vendor ring, you'll see extra health, extra defense, extra power with the SF Ring - and healers actually get Dominance! For healers moreso than any other role, the SF Ring is worth having and hanging onto for most of the year.

    As for the transformation question, whatever ring you equip last will supersede the other. So equip SF Ring first, then Flight Ring and you'll be Flight.
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  4. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    To add to that last sentence, if saved in an armory it may be random which one applies upon activating it - Not that there is any reason to do so anymore considering the outdated stats of the flight ring, but still.
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  5. Joybird Committed Player

    Thanks everyone. I just tested that. If I save both in an armory, then I get whatever movement abiilty comes from the right ring. It actually matters, since I'll be using both rings for my dailies set.

    And the stats are significantly better. -185 power and -85 restoration, but +2934 defence, +945 health, +245 precision, +378 might, +282 vit, +2630 domination. This is versus the 370 healer ring.
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  6. Proxystar #Perception

    I think this was being discussed the other day in a thread Strichcode made

    Basically it's probably better for healers, without testing going out on a limb and saying possible controller.

    But it isn't better for tank and isn't better for DPS really either.

    Where it does also benefit more though is EEG content where it scales a little different (like OP gear) and where you might want to manipulate your movement mode in something like Atlantis.
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  7. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I'd have to test this, but I'm not sure you can save an armory with one of the rings on (well, unless you are already the movement that ring gives) as it should see it as 'transformation' and armories wouldn't let you save when transformed.

    I used to try it with my vault movement pieces and it wouldn't let me save. Maybe the rings are different as they are real gear, whereas the vault stuff was basically just to alter your movement.
  8. Jcal Dedicated Player

    Proxy makes an excellent point. Even if you're Super Speed the game can override your movement mode in certain situations, like transformations and Atlantis. With the Super Speed Ring you can counter the systems' changes, lol.

    Just equip the ring after the change and you're set.