Producer letter

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Concha, Jan 17, 2024.

  1. Proxystar #Perception

    It sounds like you're saying "you want to see the game shut down, if the developers won't change it in the way you think they should" and that you'll sit here on the forums being negative because if you're able to get it shut down it'll be easier for you to quit for real.

    I'm not trying to be disrespectful towards, you, was simply calling out an observation, like I said, kind of weird and I'm not sure what you gain in terms of your own happiness from sitting around spending time with a community you've at times shown disdain for within your own server at least, while discussing a game you also feel the same way about.

    A curious question perhaps, but literally what would it take for you to start playing the game again, what specifically needs to change that you think would make you play?
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  2. Dene Devoted Player

    Its not just Raven.. It's like a freaking epidemic.. "i rarely play.." " I don't play anymore.." "I just check in to see if the game is still s#$%.."

    it's almost creepy.. like P%^& OFF - go play something you like and leave it be
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  3. Proxystar #Perception

    I think there's a couple of reasons it happens, at least in my opinion.

    The person that just can't let go, doesn't play and hangs around being generally rather negative in hopes that more people will become negative in similar fashion so that they can get what they want, but the act of hanging around in that fashion borders on masochism.

    Then you've got the others that say they're not playing, but really are, they say they're playing less, they say they're not playing at all, but in reality it's a manipulative power play to try and get what you want by suggesting that whatever is you're unhappy about is causing you to not play and if it isn't changed, you might just quit altogether, so watch out devs.

    That pretty much sums up the two scenarios. If you were really that disgruntled with the game, so much so that you are no longer playing at all, then I question the sanity of hanging around on the forum for a game you clearly dislike to the extent you can't bring yourself to load it up, in my mind that's just setting yourself up for a day if negative mindset.
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  4. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Nope, I'll sit here on the forums and be honest as I've always been, and not sugarcoat my views as I always have. I don't want to "get the game shut down", but if it happens it happens. It most certainly wouldn't be because of me or anything I say.
    I will continue to fight for voices to be heard for a better future for the game. Nothing I have EVER suggested directly (meaning not when I entertain hypothetical discussions and "what-ifs") has ever been something that would detriment the future health of the game.

    If the game changes for the better, population issues are addressed, content is worth bothering with, and maybe less of the game fomo making it feel like a job. Perhaps some tweaks that take away players forced toxicity, but the prior things I said would (should) address that. One can dream.

    Even still, if I'm not playing the game, personally discussing further it is my own entertainment.

    It's really not that much of a huge thing having a tab for the game forum and seeing what "negative" things are being replied to me while I'm not here. I will also defend myself, perspective, and general ideals.

    Everybody's different.
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  5. DuffleBagBoii Well-Known Player

    Im hoping that before the games end, they give us maybe not a whole dlc.. but a update that is very street level hero stuff, putting out fires , saving cats, stopping bank robberies sorta like how the spiderman open world is
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  6. DuffleBagBoii Well-Known Player

    I barely play now, like i said in another thread I probably played dcuo less then 50 times in 2023,, in truth my presence here on the forums is really just out of habit, ive been here arguing/ chatting with some of you guys for 10 years! Not on this account obviously due to vacations, but really its just been my routine for a decade, cycling from instagram to twitter to the forums to youtube…
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  7. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    They could definitely do something fun, and I would hope they would.
    Even SWG before it sadly shut down, made it so players could fly their spaceships in OPEN WORLD (the planet itself) and not just in space XD
    Super sad I had missed that opportunity.
  8. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    It...didn't always go smoothly. :D

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  9. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    LMAO! That actually made me smile. I've never really seen footage of it before. Still seems fun as heck haha

    Miss that game all the time.
    I was bouncing between that game and EverQuest 2 all the time, didn't even realize it was shutting down until it was too late :(
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  10. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    I'm still not sure how I managed this, and this was in a game where you're intended to fly...

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  11. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    This isn't too hard to figure out...

    1) People used to love this game for being great... (from their perspective)
    They miss that... and have a hope that maybe some people will pull their heads out of their wallets.. and make this game great again.

    Or at least.. an option to play that way... even thinking that it could be a way to save this game and give it a brighter future.

    2) It's also a way to stay connected to the game that they no longer play as much.... or at all.

    3) Worst case scenario: It's a way to wait until they can finally say "See?... I told you so"
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  12. Green Action Well-Known Player

    No one, just bugging you <3 it's coming in 2024 bewarrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeee, maybe not in this universe, but maybe in the multiverse!
  13. Dene Devoted Player

    Yeah but you aren't a psycho about it :) lol
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  14. Dene Devoted Player

    Constructive criticism or good solid experience and banter I can 100% handle and support - I think it is the masochists you've mentioned are the ones that really p me off. I don't care if they dislike the game, hate it or want to vent as to why they stopped playing but say it once and move on
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  15. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I look forward to reading the producer's letter to gain some insight into where they want to take the game, what the next, new adventure they in store for us this year, and maybe even a glimpse into the future.
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  16. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    OR.... A third scenario:

    A person who dedicated years of playing a game legitimately doesn't play as much as the company that owns the game has made several game changes... and actually cares enough about this game to voice his opinion and desire for a return to being better than it is now.... in spite of line-toeing sycophants trying to deter them.

    Now we can list the scenarios why somebody would be such a sycophant....
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  17. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    Ahhh... yeah.

    Because... That's how reality works.

    That's why England just went ahead and lowered taxation and gave representation immediately after The Boston Tea Party... and no further discussion was ever needed,

    ...or if didn't continue... America would still be a colony.

    People protest until change happens...
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  18. Proxystar #Perception

    It is one thing to voice your opinion on something and another to just sit there every day screaming and complaining about the same things over and over, eventually people are just going to stop taking you seriously and ignore what you have to say about the topic because your opinion has lost its impact and it just begins to sound like you're a crybaby instead.

    Reminds me of a guy always complaining about the clamp.
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  19. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    In reverse of that … someone. (Not you obviously but plenty here ) sycophants who can’t fathom that the devs made a bad decision and will fight you tooth and nail when you voice you dissatisfaction or give an opinion of what you think the company should do .. and they come in and piss on your opinion until the devs decide the opinion was actually a good idea and go with it, and the sycophant suddenly holds the view that the option was actually great all along … also can’t be taken seriously.

    We know who you are out there ..
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  20. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    The above post was not an endorsement of the anti clamp movement