The Future of TCs Not Looking Good

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Cypharr, Jan 9, 2024.

  1. Cypharr Committed Player

    No one seems to be looking ahead of the curve. Has it occurred to any dev that while everything looks good atm older TC will eventually run out of circulation. At that point how would people complete the TC collections? Yes, the rewards are sold for outrageous prices on the Booster Gold Vendor, that's not my issues, my issue is after buying the reward from the Booster Gold Vendor (Which I don't) how on earth are we supposed to complete the collections when such a time where older TC have run out of circulation cos trust me they will.

    Include in the Second Chance Vendor/Booster Gold Vendor the UNLOCKED VERSION OF THE ACTUAL TIME CAPSULES, of course factor in the price of it being unlocked. It's only fitting so that the Time Capsules can be sold for outrageous prices (Quarks) like the typical Booster Gold Vendor prices.

    PS: Don't forget to make the UNLOCKED TIME CAPSULES account bound including items you get from it.
  2. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    That’s why everything eventually ends up in the booster vendor
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  3. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    No one cares about completing the collection when you can buy the reward outright.
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  4. Cypharr Committed Player

    I do so don't say nobody
  5. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Let me tell you about Zoloft. Zoloft is the best.
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  6. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    They previously had the Epic Collector's Time Capsule in the vendor next to Booster Gold, so the devs are looking ahead for when that happens as they implemented a way to sell TC's in a vendor. And I think it is only a matter of time before we see all older TC's being sold in that manner.
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  7. Cypharr Committed Player

    Great I'm open to a hotfix when the time comes but they can act now if they like, no pressure. Glad to know others are looking ahead too.
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  8. Revoemag Committed Player

    just let us buy old TC collection pièces with quarks
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  9. Aiden_Warren Well-Known Player

    All time capsules items in quarks vendor but much cheaper.
    It's gonna take a life time to get them at the current quarks prices.
    From oldest to newest, oldest in doctor fate vendor, and mid ages to newest in quarks vendors
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  10. Cypharr Committed Player

    I couldn't have said it better
  11. wisetoons Well-Known Player

    time capsules are a part of dcuo and economy. players are selling time capsules and players are gathering them. not a cool idea after selling your time capsules.
  12. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    No one is 'gathering' old time capsules. They might be distributing them, but after the TC is no longer's no longer dropping. There might be a million Amazonian TCs mixed in everyone's inventory and banks, but as those sell, there will be a point where there are no more.

    Epic TCs kind of help that out, but if they ever drop those again, I'd assume new ones would drop a few old TCs out and add a few of the new ones to the mix.

    Making locked TCs available at a decent price in the booster gold vendor...or unlocked ones at a ridiculous price isn't a crazy idea. I"m not buying either, but someone will, meaning there could always be more which case, yes... the 'gathering' could continue.
  13. jjm New Player

    You can use quarks for old equipment and styles from old TCS. Everything else can come out of resurgence capsules or just buy some old caps from auction. Keep in mind with the amount of sps available the time capsule feats that are beyond your pay wall are not necessary.
  14. Dev72 Dedicated Player


    I just collect the stabilizers and fragments from the daily stabilizer run and don't bother opening resurgence. I use the stabilizers collected from those daily runs to open new TCs. Once those are spent, I don't touch another stabilizer until the next TC release. Whatever feats and SP I what I get. No way am I supporting TCs using IRL money. The remaining feats and SP isn't worth it and neither is using game cash chasing them unless it is affordable and I am close to closing the TC out behind 1 or two styles or collections I wasn't fortunate obtain through RNG.
  15. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I'm the same, but I generally save for megas. 9 for 7 is better than 7 for 7. I skipped this one as I had no interest in the emotes and hope by next mega we'll get something else as the bonus.

    Haven't spent $ on TCs since the Amazonian one I believe....chasing that Phoenix Material. Ended up having to buy one off the broker as I came up empty on RNG. Dipped out of that gambling addiction right there and then.
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  16. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    I forgot about the, which shows how much interest I have in them.
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