Winter Sale & Wolfpack Artifact Tokens!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Dec 21, 2023.

  1. Cypharr Committed Player

    In other news my only issue with the Wolfpack Token is the name lol, is it just me or does Wolfpack sound like something from the twilight saga lol. A name closely related to DC Comic would have sufficed. Personally I like the sound of Rune Rod.

  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    From DC Comics lore there were originally four tribes of man: Tribe of Bear, Tribe of Bird, Tribe of Wolf (originally Tribe of Blood) and Tribe of Bat (originally Tribe of Deer). This all connects to Nth Metal, Vandal Savage, Hawkman, various other immortal characters, Court of Owls, Batman, the New Gods, and major plot points from the Dark Knights saga.

    Seal of Preservation is from the Bear Tribe. Seal of Completion is from the Bird Tribe. Wolfpack Token is from the (you guessed it) Wolf Tribe.
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  3. Furious Vee Well-Known Player

    Crazy how there are people who vigorously defend this game day-in and day-out, but are radio silent when it's time to bring attention to various bugs that affect the game.

    Despite whatever deluded lies people want to tell themselves, wolf tokens are way too expensive. The demand for money has become increasingly evident over the last couple of months. It started with the booster bundle, then came the Black Friday sale with the limited time noir comic chroma. Now here we are with the resurgence capsule with a diamond chroma bonus, and the wolf tokens. For some reason, people think this is justifiable. Obviously people have a right to not purchase a product, but they also have a right to critique it if they feel like it's not quality content and/or is unfairly priced.

    A simple marketplace overhaul that refreshes weekly with cheaper wolf tokens, time capsules/booster bundle items, etc., would have been a much more profitable addition. The developers know players are more inclined to buy limited time items, so why not use that to your advantage? If anything, this just solidifies the game is on it's last leg.
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  4. Cypharr Committed Player

    We are over this time to move on.
  5. Cypharr Committed Player

    Oh! cool now it makes much sense.
  6. Rorrigam Active Player

    But it is literally a contradiction. “Oh my. I plan on getting this item and the pice is just perfect. Let me wait for a sale to get it at a cheaper price because although I understand what they are charging is fair and shouldn’t be placed at a lower price, I do not plan on paying the price”.

    I do not disagree on waiting or waiting being smart, but defending the price while I also saying you won’t buy it at that price it’s just a bit contradictory.
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  7. Fuyu Hyozan New Player

    Artifacts tend to be things that hold power or have been associated with power, so really anything could be considered an artifact I think
  8. Cypharr Committed Player

    Nothing contradictory there, it's just being smart & the way I roll. Even all the other items currently on the marketplace that you've no issue with the price I never buy at full price. Everything I buy on DCUO I buy at a discount. Whenever I feel the urge to buy something I hold off and keep the money intended to spend in a savings account. That accumulates and when sale finally hit I get all I can possible get plus extra and still have some savings left. I'm not after instant gratification patients is my virtue not everyone's. I had 3 toons at 100 SP for 8 months constantly asking for a sale the whole year. It paid off cos now they are all 718+.
  9. Emoney Dedicated Player

    But it's not that simple lol.

    As someone with 200 arts on my main, and 18 other alts, most with 80 to 120 arts, this mechanic is designed for me. Players like me with alts have spoken out many times asking for our alts to be more relevant, and easier to level.

    Yet then the devs price this mechanic more than a triple A game. It's out of touch. And I have the right to speak out when I see a blatant cash grab. Will it change anything, probably not....but at least I'll make my opinion known and when players like me eventually leave, they'll know why.
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  10. Cypharr Committed Player

    You're simply not listening and just fixated on your opinion otherwise you must have come to a resolve by now. 1 art cost on average $200 to reach rank 200. At this point QUIT THE GAME ALREADY obviously we're the only willing to keep the game afloat. No freebies or handouts here.
  11. Emoney Dedicated Player

    First off, I have read everything here, including your flip flopping throughout this conversation. I don't think you even understand your own position.

    Secondly, yes ONE ARTIFACT COSTS OVER 200. Which is outrageous in itself. However, I can choose to grind in game and reduce that cost significantly or completely. Which I have. So if someone spends 600 for 3, 1200 for 6 dual role, or even more for additional artifacts (remember swapping is a meta) we are talking a lot of money. Now, add to it 100 per artifact for's getting way out of control here.

    I don't know who you think you are honestly. Your opinion, is weighted the same as mine. I've seen very few likes on your posts, which means not many agree with you, or at least how you portray yourself and express your opinion. Don't pretend you have spent more than anyone else, or think you know how much I've spent over almost 13 years. I'm not against spending money, afterall, I paid month to month, every month for over 8 straight years. I support direct purchases on the Marketplace on top of that, but I don't gamble with RNG. Ever since time capsules, the monetization past membership is excessive in my opinion. And the last few things in particular are beyond reasonable. Given this is marketed as a free to play game, and 13 years old running on unreal 3, these costs do not justify what we get. ESPECIALLY in this current RL economy. People are struggling with groceries and bills and everything else with inflation, and this game is trying to out price their players. I like playing the game, and I have zero issues playing at my current setup. But, I will voice my opinion, and vote with my wallet. Just like you are entitled too. But, you're not entitled to tell others to quit, or think your opinion matters more than anyone elses.
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  12. Concha New Player

  13. Cypharr Committed Player

    This is just so funny to read LOL, again QUIT THE GAME LOL I'm sure this is not the first time you're seeing in the forum because I'm also sure you too have used the same rhetoric on another thread now you can't handle the same treatment you dish out to other people when you are on the broke side LOL. You can scream "my opinion matters as much as blah blah blah...." *News Flash* so does every other opinion here leading me to inform you this forum is not a democracy otherwise people yourself would have run DCUO out of business in 2012. I TOO I"M EXPRESSING MY OWN OPINION and rather debate with compelling arguments than sound like a bitter child.

    Yes you can
    . Which is the exact point here PEASE PLEASE PLEASE continue doing that for the rest of your characters, the Wolfpack Token is not a must buy no where do it say in a clause that you MUST buy the Wolfpack Token. Just enjoy leveling up your artifacts for free on all your characters how ever long that will take.

    Evidently you're opinions are yearning from a lame man perspectives and selfish desires. Look up FREE TO PLAY game model in the gaming model try to understand the FREEMIUM model. FYI don't just read the cover or surface and think you understand it. Take time to read its content. In summary FREE TO PLAY must make money too cos it's a business not a CHARITY. FREE TO PLAY in simple terms just mean no initial payment to play the game vs the paid gaming model rather features of the game will be hidden behind paywalls' and subscriptions.
    As for this absurdity I'll leave you with a question.
    Q? Is DCUO and Daybreak miraculously exempt from the current economic crisis cos I fail to understand the point of this.
  14. OGMyDpsIsBetter Active Player

    Even though this a super hero game you not winning any awards for the super manning you doing. If you find a game where a large part of me preforming better then the next is how much money I can sink in cool then I don't know what to tell you. It doesn't matter what isn't a must buy or not period, the fact a 13 year old game is trying to milk its low player base with outrageous prices is disgusting.
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  15. Emoney Dedicated Player

    It's hilarious you claim it's YOUR opinion, yet you keep repeating these generalized statements with the word WE. You only speak for yourself. As do I. The difference here is, you believe you speak for everyone. Go back and read all of your posts to this point and tell me you arent.

    As to this rebuttal, everything I stated went way over your head, and I'm not sure if it's because you don't comprehend what is written, or you are fixated on emotion. When I speak of a free to play game, it's not that I expect everything to be free. (In fact I even stated I've supported this game for years.) I'm saying there is a reasonable range between free and what the devs are charging right now. I guarantee if they marketed the artifacts honestly, and said paying for them could cost upwards of thousands of dollars, it wouldn't work out for them. The same can be said for the RNG gambling approach they take with the most desired items. It's all relative. Are pixels worth the cost of a used car?!? Especially pixels that don't add content to this game?!? My opinion is that they don't. It has nothing to do with being selfish, it has everything to do with fairness, and a reasonable price. If the price doesn't match the value, the customer/consumer has every right to express that, and vote with their wallet. Like I have the past 4 years or so. I don't sub every month like I used to, and I don't spend money on gambling tactics.

    Your answer to everyone who disagrees with you is quit the game. Lol, ok, but we see how that works out. The population of this game has fallen year over year. Eventually, it will only be you and the whales playing, until the server shuts down. Then you'll have to figure out what else to do "20/7, 365"

    Finally, to your last question, I've already answered that. I've played many free to play games, including other MMOs. The level of monetization in DCUO versus other games is beyond extreme. If other games can survive, and thrive, with far less monetization...then it's not about the economy, it's about greed and/or mismanagement of revenue. Pricing items out of the reach of most consumers isn't any economy, but especially in today's economy.
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  16. Cypharr Committed Player

    It's exhausting speaking with you. The item is not over priced it's actually under priced. Keep propagating your selfish agenda. It shouldn't bother me (we) when you and the rest of I realize that in a few years maybe then you will QUIT THE GAME in protest. Price is final and here to stay.
  17. Emoney Dedicated Player

    I'm glad it's exhausting....someone needs to put your ego in check. You can't say it's underpriced by comparing it to the original cost of a 200 artifact. It's not a's on top of that. Further, many players don't level artifacts up to 200 for their alts, so if they weren't going to spend that money to begin with, how can it be a discount?!? LOL. This mechanic should be a bonus to those that have 200 artifacts already, not yet another method to milk hundreds of dollars.

    But hey, you can keep pretending to speak for everyone, or be a self appointed spokesperson for the developers. Like your last sentence, "the price is final and here to say," again speaking for the devs and/or acting like you are a developer. It's hilarious.

    Maybe you haven't been here since 2011, but there's been plenty of times our feedback has led to a change in price and direction.
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  18. Miranda31 Well-Known Player

    Various things:
    Since starting in 2021 I've bought a recurring up-front subscription for the value of about 8 months of month-to-month. To me that's good value and I wonder why so many people say they pay month to month, but I've found it's fruitless arguing about anything that's dependent on how other people perceive the pros and cons.

    The main point of contention around the wolfpack token is price. Again, it's fruitless arguing about the individual aspects of the return on investment. People have budgets, priorities, real world and in-game concerns etc. Some of these things, such as what's going to happen to the double artifact xp weeks, are completely in the hands of Daybreak. I doubt even Mepps or the devs can tell us the answer to that one unless they've been given permission to speak. All else is conjecture.

    FWIW, I agree with those who argue they should be on Doctor Fate for Destiny tokens. At the current price that would probably mean 20 tokens, if my maths is correct. A bit hard to do calculations in the middle of a sale, but I based it on the normal cost of seals of preservation if you want to check it.
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  19. Cypharr Committed Player

    @Mepps if you miraculously listen to these freeloading broke bum bums looking to drag DCUO down with there pocket and change the price on the Wolfpack Token be prepared to refund all those who have purchased it at this wonderful RRP. I believe this forum is not a democracy rather a authoritarian/totalitarian. Cos there are so many other issues that the democracy would have acted but were swept under the rug when jesus mepps left the chat. Let's not make this an exception rather let's leave it as a sanction.

  20. Furious Vee Well-Known Player

    Yes, because players choosing not to irresponsibly spend $100 on what essentially could be a $25 item on a 13 year old game means we’re broke. Get a grip.
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