what if a DLC "lex luthor president"?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Sollace, Dec 4, 2023.

  1. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Turns out, I have an affinity for beach front property.
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  2. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    "I ask for so little. Just fear me, love me, do as I say and I will be your slave."

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  3. LexxCorp Well-Known Player

    Yup! Let's do this
  4. Alushaun Well-Known Player

    *suspiciously high enthusiasm*
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  5. Controller Devoted Player


    One of my favorite episodes from Justice League. It truly illustrated how much Flash meant to their team.

    A not necessarily EVIL Justice League - but one that isn't afraid to toe the line and hurt....even kill...if needed.


    Justice League episodes "A Better World" parts 1 and 2.

    Would make for an interesting DLC in the future.
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  6. Critical Massacre Committed Player

    This is a pretty funny thread. So many people may not know this but the whole Luthor as president thing came about as a response to George W Bush being President and a series of other comics did the same like Marvels Civil War. It basically poses the question, “if the president was evil and commanded superheros to do evil things, what do they do?” Watchmen and Dark Knight also confront this. Those two books also had Nixon as evil and Reagan as evil.

    Now one premise I dislike about those books are that Soliders simply follow orders unquestionably. However, in reality that is not the case because US Soldiers swear to uphold the constitution and do not have to obey unlawful or immoral orders. Likewise a superhero would be subject to the same freedom. So any US dictatorship is pretty difficult to pull off.

    Secondly, it amuses me to have all these NY comic writers trying to paint Republican Presidents as constant villains and the rhetoric getting so outrageous they have no where else to go to symbolize greater and greater evil. Those evil dictators seem to keep forgetting to seize power and they seem to leave office for some reason. With every new president they are like, “but now it’s reeeaalllly going to happen....” “facepalm.”

    Now I like the thought exercise of the premise of Luthor as president but comic writers aren’t particularly fully versed in understanding international politics or historic tyranny. V for Vendetta is shockingly insightful of a government seizing power off of a virus being let loose, especially post 2020 and if you haven’t seen the movie you should, it’s a real classic.

    However, I think considering the highly political state everyone is currently living in, perhaps this is content for a much later date. I think most people want to get in the game to escape politics not re-live it in their off time.
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  7. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I guess as a feline, I should remind you all that cats actually rule the world meow!


    Australia is our current plaything. =^_^=
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  8. FoolsFire Devoted Player

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  9. Dene Devoted Player

    We never get anything good LOL
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  10. Controller Devoted Player

    Love this post - in reference to Politics.

    It reminds me of some conversations I've had with folks on here and elsewhere about my FAVORITE Superhero, Icon


    I've read the Icon and Rocket comic series (the ORIGINAL 1 - 42 from the 1990s, as well as the RECENT iterations), and it PAINS me that some simply look at his POLITICAL leanings without truly and honestly reading ALL of the comics.

    He DOES do things in the comics that bely his unfair reputation but folks blatantly ignore it.

    Augustus Freeman IV / Icon - has a rather conservative lean to him - if you read the ORIGINAL 1 - 42 comics. But this is Conservatism based off of the 1990s.....

    If Icon was a real being and you placed him in TODAY's political sphere - I know that he would be APALLED at how politics are nowadays.

    But folks - a few here and elsewhere that I've spoken to - simply write him off because of it - because they don't like how he's been portrayed.....I guess "Someone with THAT MUCH POWER - Superman - level Power - should be doing MORE....."

    "He doesn't fit into today's Superhero genre because he's a Republican."


    It begs the question - to ME - "Do we want or NEED our superheroes to ALWAYS say the right things...to ALWAYS agree with us?"

    I say NO. Discourse - especially RESPECTFUL - helps us to GROW and see other points of view.

    Augustus Freeman IV - ICON - is BEAUTIFUL in that regard. His many conversations with his close friend (and more liberal Rocket) are simply EPIC. His POWERS are UNIQUE.

    WB / DC Cinematic Universe are loosing out on not bringing him and other Milestone (DC) characters to the Big Screen.
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  11. Grip Committed Player

    As a 2022 release on Max, the Milestone Generations doc outro'd with text saying a big screen project has been in development for a couple years, but as I don't regularly follow that sort of news, you may have more updated info.

    A few General Gameplay tie-ins, Static's role in Legion, his addition as an ally (ahead of WW, GL and J'onn) and ep45 also pointed to DC having had bigger plans for Milestone prior to new management. However, I respect the decision to restart DC films' momentum with more established crowd-pleasers rather than risk missing the mark on a Milestone (or Batgirl) movie and turning the characters into jokes like they did with the Lantern movie. As far as DCUO is concerned, I'd love to see a storyline with an artful incorporation of Lex's accent and the heroics and mentorship of Icon and others. That said, I know most of the more dedicated reader-gamers would rather just play through the stories they know and love, and I fully understand that thinking.
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  12. Controller Devoted Player

    I respect this.

    But I also hope that DC / WB doesn't under-estimate their fanbase by ignoring Icon, Rocket and other Milestone characters - assuming that the fanbase doesn't care for them.

    They need to realize the need for other characters...more diversity on the Big Screen - especially POWER diversity.

    I had a conversation with a poster on here a few months ago that said that characters like Mister Terrific are good enough representations for diversity in regards to DC characters.

    Mr. T is just smart - no powers whatsoever.

    I certainly hope and expect that DC / WB isn't THAT short-sighted. A character as deep as Icon would be a GREAT addition the the Big Screen.