Make Noir Comic Chroma Pack a permanent addition to MP, please.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Caroline, Dec 3, 2023.

  1. Caroline Dedicated Player


    Would it be possible to make this chroma pack a permanent addition to the Market Place? I like it a lot, however I couldn't buy it in time as I was waiting for my salary. :(

    Couple friends also wished to get it for themselves, however due to several reasons (I suppose one being similar to mine), couldn't do it within the time period as well.

    I understand if it's not possible, I just thought I'd ask anyway.

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  2. plxiea New Player

    Please, bring it back. I wanna buy this chroma so bad.
  3. __Se_V_eN__ New Player

    YES , kindly get this done:cool:
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  4. Eve YouTuber

    That would be great. Plus why not make it available to Switch aswell? Making them wait a year is pretty upsetting.
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  5. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    I suspect it will come back next year... and every year for Black Friday.

    Guess we will know for sure next year. ;)
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  6. fightfriend Active Player

    Yeah I agree the material looks really nice and it would be a really good permanent addition to the game.
  7. Proxystar #Perception

    At risk if sounding like a bit of a jerk, I don't think it should come back permanently. I'm sorry Caroline, but it was advertised as a limited time release, they didn't sell it as "exclusive" but it was sold as limited time, would be nice if it comes back each Black Friday, but as for a permanent addition, don't really think so.

    I think they should do more of these limited time releases, including on existing ultra rare items. I wouldn't even mind seeing a limited 48 hour release of something like an account bound OG Plasmic aura.
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  8. Popeyes Active Player

  9. Proxystar #Perception

  10. Cypharr Committed Player

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  11. The Bad Guy Well-Known Player

    Might as well add the OG Smoke, OG Solar, Batman blimp, Batman statue that came with the disc and The Shaded Comic.
  12. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    I never understood why some people get upset about other people getting a 2nd chance to get something they missed out on, like how does someone else getting a thing you already have hurt you?
  13. Proxystar #Perception

    It's not about hurting anyone or anyone being hurt, that's just attempting to become a victim or using a perception of victimhood to emotionally manipulate a situation to get what you want.

    It's just about the facts of the matter


    You can't just use words like "Limited Time" and then immediately go back on it and then stick it on the marketplace permanently, that creates trust issues between the consumer and the developer because it puts them in the precarious position of having clearly lied in order to click bait sales and when that happens the developers impact their relationship with the players and tarnish their reputation.

    This is why there's high levels of reluctance to re-release booster bundle exclusives as well.

    So in as much as anyone wants this back and yeah it sucks they didn't have the money at the time, they should be patient and wait for next year, because that's probably when it'll come back, because that sounds entirely plausible and logical.

    It's also just too soon, even if this is a periodic limited time release, re-releasing it weeks after you last sold it as limited time, has the same impact as I explained above, you have to be more patient, I'm sorry.
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  14. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Might be a "Back by POPULAR DEMAND!!!" type thing. I can see it coming back for Christmas / Winter sale with a caveat of "It's back for this Winter sale season get it now, while the sale lasts! Because if Larfleeze has his way..... He will thwart any attempts on future sales and keep the rest!!!, or some such. Then come back for Black Friday sale '24.

    Its not a bad chroma at all. I just wish it didnt have as much white bloom too it.
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  15. Aiden_Warren Well-Known Player

    Or if not, to add certain hot items as the chroma pack you'd like to be permanent, in marketplace for weekends. Some games has that, weekend only items in rotation in game store. So they are at least more often in that. So it's automatic system so devs don't need to redo specials here and there. This can help devs have time to come up with more specials and so on.
    I like the idea of things being more permanent, if not, the least the devs can do is add weekends rotations.
    So other bigger and less often and every couple months specials devs can do.