The damage on the solo boss is completely absurd!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Sollace, Nov 25, 2023.

  1. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    I actually really enjoy the solo. Shields can help, but you can also run it in tank/troll/healer mode for more survivability.
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  2. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    They don't feel any harder to me. Honestly, the Alert bossES aren't harder either...the run just takes much longer due to Swamp Thing's healing mechanic which they 'fixed' apparently. Although staying awake for the whole fight can be a challenge.;)

    I guess I just found SOBA's solo to be way too easy....I could do it with my eyes closed. This one is about right, assuming you are willing to make changes to your LO if needed. I have a buddy who absolutely refuses to run a shield because he 'shouldn't have to'. Ok....well, if you die as a result, don't complain to me.:rolleyes:
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  3. Rip Kurrent Well-Known Player

    I don't have an issue with wonder girl at all unless I'm not paying attention. It's zatanna the effs me up. I'm a 421 atomic with 470 sp. I usually try to juggle them with dual pistols and hit with a couple moves while they're juggled. I always start with a finisher and then go into some other powers. Popy shield as soon as it's ready. Moving around is key though.. especially in the elite version. I've created a bit of a battle tank set up for zatanna though and never struggle . Haven't tried it on any other toons though.
  4. BlackGryphon Well-Known Player

    I find that, since I started doing the mission on Elite, the situation really varies. Sometimes I just continuously wear her down, while other times I'm constantly chain-stunned, Then there are those instances when I get up to 4 aerial blasters all taking big chunks out of my health. Nothing appears to be consistent but there's never a dull moment!
  5. Great Architect Loyal Player

    The bosses in SoBA were pitiful. You were way more at risk of death from aggroing too many adds at once.

    The heavy damage from the bosses in JLDC is heavily telegraphed and easily countered using the appropriate RPS move. If you let the heavy hitters resolve you can be in trouble, but you can usually just put some distance between you and the problem with a roll. If you've got a shield, and you use the counters, it's just a matter of getting your own heavy hits in while it's safe - and when it isn't be alert for the right moment to counter. It just needs a bit of situational awareness.
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  6. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    Once I realized that a shield (usually) prevents you from being interrupted when turning cogs or picking up downed players, I've made to sure to have one on every toon, even if it's just the HLS (as opposed to the one for my toon's powerset). I'm not too proud to pop that shield when I need to. Or to block/lunge/dodge when necessary.
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  7. Cypharr Committed Player

    Sad to hear you're experiencing saibot vibe. The instance is very easy, damage is fine & challenging enough. It's perfect the way it is. I've only wiped like twice on the lb Zatanna & that was because it was the start of the episode using old gear & augments. I've never wiped on fb Wonder Girl. Now it's a breeze with max gear & augments. Nothing should be adjusted just get better.

  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah, most of my DPS builds have a shield in them for solo stuff, especially if it's something I can blow past adds. I'll replace it with a SC or extra damage move if I'm running a alert/raid where cogs or pickups are likely not going to be an issue, or if I feel like 'competing'....but seeing as I'm not going to do all the other nonsense to 'min/max' DPS numbers, I'm not generally worried about that.
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  9. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    I came into this thread looking for the "just git gud" comment, I'm surprised it took until page 4 to receive one. Geesh.

    Although normally I'd agree because it is an "elite" instance after all, c'mon now don't be so mean :p

    To the OP: Try rotating shields, and if you have stealth, pop that bad boy and run away (let pets take agro if possible) until you can drink a soder XD
    Disclaimer: Don't quote me on this, as I have not done any of the new content, but the strategy usually always worked on previous content heh
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  10. kingofthebeast Active Player

    I get your comment. Its crazy how others went into defense mode and completely missed the point. Context is key. There's one person from the LFG missing in this post though( or maybe they only decided to use their alt account).
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  11. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Funny, I was thinking exactly the same but I decided to stay out of it lol. Dude was literally only saying that it would work, and ppl assumed they were nitpicking/complaining lolol
  12. Proxystar #Perception

    Did that guy remove his video lol?
  13. Miranda31 Well-Known Player

    "The instance is very easy" - for whom? I suspect it is relatively smooth going for experienced players once they work out what's going on. I'm not one of them yet and would happily accept that I need to improve somewhat, but there are enough frequent posters and long term players saying that it's tricky that I am heartened (I so knew that SOBA solo Elite was too darned easy, lol). I get through Wonder Girl OK if I have my wits about me, but I haven't yet managed to beat Zatanna. Got her down to 5% one time, that's the closest.

    But anyway.

    Saying that Other People need to improve because you find it easy is unhelpful. It might be completely true but because you did not suggest "how" this improvement should occur, it is not a suggestion, just an implied criticism. At least you didn't say "learn mechanics" because I would have to respond "which mechanics, and where, pray, can I find out what they are".
    I am a little testy, true, but my eyes are old enough that half the youtube vids I watch for hints are impossible to parse without commentary. Words help, dammit! Helpful, descriptive words are even better.
  14. Miranda31 Well-Known Player

    I've added a shield and as Mental I can have an attack or two up my sleeve, plus 'run and hide'. Plus a separate build with some dampeners built into it. Thanks for suggestions.
  15. Cypharr Committed Player

    Notice I don't use soders or supply drop when my power is low instead I use weapon attacks to generate power since I've replenishing tac mod. I only use soders or supply drop when health is low which I try to say at low health for as long as possible to get the max out of berserker tac mod before using soder or supply drop.

    Hopefully this helps some people.
  16. Miranda31 Well-Known Player

    After saying I prefer words to video I might have to eat some, although as a fellow Mental player I could tell what you were using :)

    This is really interesting and I might play with various aspects. So your LO is
    Mass Levitation
    Phantom Flames
    Mass Terror
    Terrorize &
    TK shield

    You use Supply Drop, Lexcorp Security Bots, Mother Box T3, BOP Orbital. You swap the Orbital for Trinket after use.
    Allies: Krypto, BWL, ?
    Artifacts: Trans Stat Quislet?
    Weapon: Dual Pistol?
    Tac mods are? you've got Replenishing Proc, Berserker...

    I love Mass Levitation, it is really good for adds. The build I use for hallways includes it but after a clipped attack - I have started putting it first to get the effect. My weapon is currently shield and I have Flashpoint Amazons (style thing) - it may not have the same power building effect since the ranged attack is slow. Like how you used the Bots for cover.

    All told, very interesting, thank you very much!
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  17. Cypharr Committed Player

    Allies are Krypto (combat), BWL & Zatanna (support). I use to use BWL & Shazam (support) but I didn't care for the damage only support with Shazam so with BWL & Zatanna I'm always buffed by something which are all helpful except the health buff on BWL and damage reduction on Zatanna those 2 are not necessary for me.
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  18. Miranda31 Well-Known Player

    Haven't got Zatanna yet. Nubia has been my go-to health buff and I use Krypto for combat and BWL for support. My OH has had issues with Shazam sticking to his inventory so I didn't go there.
  19. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    I'll also add that, since the devs fixed the bug that kept Zatanna and Wonder Girl from attacking unless they got hit, you should also use Zee (during the WG fight) and WG (during the Zatanna fight) as meat shields. It forces you to move to keep them between you and the boss, but you really shouldn't be planted in one place anyway.
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  20. Great Architect Loyal Player

    If they've fixed that bug now, I can't see the fights being a problem at all.
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