I use a broken controller to play on purpose

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by kallader, Nov 26, 2023.

  1. kallader Committed Player

    If your left analog jam or break you can literally walk or run at the speed you desire like do a really slow walk like in movie etc

    We should have a key or a button to gradually augment our speed like we have 2 speed now but could have 4-5 like in the video since this is already in the game anyway should be possible .

    I do have a second controller but I really love the slow walking XD
  2. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Broken controller you will probably play the game better than 75% of the population
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  3. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    This can also be done with a working controller, it just depends on how much you push on the analog stick.
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  4. Proxystar #Perception

    LOL, yea you don't need a broken controller to do this, you just need to self control your analogue stick like normal.
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  5. kallader Committed Player

    I say broken but I mean loose analog if was broken would not function :rolleyes: I mean since my analog is loose it lost sensitivity so I can control it more easily

    Sorry for my bad English
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  6. kallader Committed Player

    I know I was trying to say loose and I say broken since my analog is less sensitive i can do it more easily but the point was to ask to have something similar for pc
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  7. Eve YouTuber

    I used to be able to do it on my old keyboard, walk really slow. Now It's a struggle, doable but a struggle. Really useful for base tours, too. Guess I will stop being lazy and connect my PS4 controller when I do base tours now xD
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  8. kallader Committed Player

    I mean loose like you say self control but since my analog loose sensitivity I can do it more easily
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  9. Proxystar #Perception

    I actually find it easier to do on a newer controller where if you nudge it just slightly it really locks in place, but whichever works best for you :)
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  10. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    I do agree that a option to swap between walking styles on keyboard should be available.

    There is some confusion though, just as in your initial comment you stated that you have a controller that isn't broken, but you just love the slow walking. Which is a bit odd if you know can do it with a normal controller, but prefer using a broken controller.

    Then in another comment you claim that you find it easier to do it on a broken or less sensitive controller, but that wouldn't really make sense as it would make it much harder to detect movement if the analog sticks were not functioning properly.

    But based on your other comment I assume English isn't your first language, so that is probably what is causing the confusion here.

    So I guess as long as you are enjoying it, that is fine by me. :D
  11. kallader Committed Player

    I'm French and my English is really bad :X My left analog is busted on my controller really loose so if i move it he stay in place not returning to initial place so I can choose my speed more easily compared with a brand new controller been too sensitive for me to be able to do it on command . The analog is busted/loose so technically broken would not be able to play any other game than Dcuo.
    Would love to have a key on keyboard to be able to accelerate like that
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  12. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    I see, that explanation helps. And no worries, your English isn't 'really bad' it is honestly better than some people in my family..

    But yeah, it would be good to have the option to swap between walking/running speeds on keyboard and mouse. Anyhow, thanks for the clarification, take care! :D
  13. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    No sweat. Your English is better than 75% of native English speakers on the internet. Your word choice can be a little odd occasionally, but still easier to understand that some internet slang.:p

    And hey, if playing with analog stick that functions in a way not intended by the manufacturer gives you pleasure, go right ahead and play with it. After all, the whole purpose of a game is to have fun! :)
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  14. spikeat Well-Known Player

    I use to have a controller with a drifting analog years ago that I had to replace. Every time I held block, it rolled me forward. It always got me ohko on skull attacks.