Wishes for christmas?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Kebapbox, Nov 10, 2023.

  1. Limey Committed Player

    I'm still wishing for lantern ring accessories. Give everyone a left-handed ring selection in the form of accessories.

    What they really need to do is separate styles from armories, and create a wardrobe function/system that a player can use to save style combinations with customizable outfit titles(only seen by the player), and alter armories so instead of imprinting styles, you select an outfit from the list then hit a save button, while imprinting of gear, sp, ally, etc.. remains the same. The idea being a character could have like 100 outfits saved, regardless of gearing, and if they want 2 armories for just one role each, easy peasy, and if they want 16+ armories for gear/load out options, also possible. Of course, during all this, they could increase the armory max to 20 or 24 too. If not even more than that.

    But I'd imagine the tech for that would have to be built from the ground up, rather than easily being able to cut apart certain pieces of armory functionality. But that would be my dream for the future of people saving styles without armories, and reserving armories for gear and loadout purposes only. At least they could potentially make the outfit list part of a local save file(like chat settings) to avoid huge impact to servers or databases.

    Doesn't it seem redundant to be rational with someone clearly only interested in hating on the development team and the product they maintain, while still playing the game regularly? Let's masochists be masochists.
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  2. PandoraLaBella Well-Known Player

    Warning texts showing for longer. I was playing TSW, and a marked player just ran away from us and wiped the whole team. I know some people ignore texts because of selfishness or leaderboard, but some are just slow. Since they're not getting rid of the leaderboard, they might as well show those texts for the time the warning is valid. Again with TSW as an example, the text comes up when someone's marked, but it should last until the explosion.

    Also, I have the feeling some players think those warnings are valid for as longs as they're showing up on their screens, because they're not actually paying attention to what's happening in the match, they act more robotic than actual bots, they hit everything red without thinking twice.
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  3. L T Devoted Player

    broker improvements. Searching for whole collection names and not just individual pieces. Searching for gear boxes.

    Also obligatory for Christmas Wish threads:

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  4. PandoraLaBella Well-Known Player

    Yes! I would be great if there were subsections for Base Items too, at least for Ceiling, Wall and Floor, as well as event exclusive.
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  5. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    I wish heroes and villains can just get along...

    Imagine it... Hero toons being able to team up with villain toons... Hero toons being able to LFG with villains... Hero toons being able to queue up for instances with villain toons...

    You may say that I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you will join us... and DCUO can live as one.
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  6. PolishEagle Dedicated Player

    Hopefully they bring back the stabilizer DUO.
  7. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    Socks for foot wear that isn't attach to any clothing. Even Poor Ambush Bug been hoping for some for the last 12 years now.
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  8. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Um……. WHAT?!

    We just got the stabilizer solo yesterday lol
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  9. inferno Loyal Player

    more money than i can spend...and i mean, real money.
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  10. DezFTW Active Player

    Anyone know how to get the santa hat?
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  11. Grip Committed Player

    Pretty sure it was an og Marketplace exclusive. Hm a couple bucks maybe, but maybe (?) it's available thru others means now... not sure. "Festive Winter Hat" if I recall. Was kinda must have back when I got the North Pole set. Hope you find it :)
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  12. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Titanic Trenton Ally.
    Doom Patrol Episode.
    Bonus Nth Metal Week.
    Ultraviolet Shadow Parademons Episode.
    Full-on Justice League Episode (Batman vs Joker, WoWo vs Circe, and Supes vs. Lex all at once)
    Elite / Raid / Alert versions of all the Levelling content.
    A proper Queueing Lobby to choose a group to join.
  13. Knight Racer Well-Known Player

    All I want for Christmas this year is just 2 things.

    1. That I can straight out by the enhanced future warden style from the marketplace since i missed the daily login rewards from January 2022.

    2. That they raise the base item limit to 1,000 or at least 800.
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