My Two Cents on Feats

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Cypharr, Nov 11, 2023.

  1. Cypharr Committed Player

    Not all feats has to be a group effort it's really hurting the game, QoL & players. Some feats by there nature are group feats that's okay but other absolutely has no reason to be group feats. For example CT moon and parkour feats amongst many others. A player that didn't get hit by the bubble should be able to walk away with his or her feats while those who got hit should not get the feats.

    It'll make the game easier for players cos this way you are not stuck with a continuously reducing number of people that need the feat cos other have completed it. This way you can get into any group knowing you can get your feats without worrying about one noob.

    What do you guys think?
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  2. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Not all feats are group feats. In fact - relatively few are.

    No, it mostly hurts bad players, who run with bad groups, but still want ALL the feats. If some feats are too hard - just do without them. It's not like a few SP, out of 850, matter.
  3. Cypharr Committed Player

    My point exactly why do I have to rely on a bad player in the group to get my feat I did my part successfully every time I should get reward for that. I like to play with everyone so I can meet new people that's what makes the game fun for me meeting people after all its a MMORPG emphasis on the "Massive Online". I don't fancy running with the same people every time like league run episode after episode makes the game feel like an offline co-op multiplayer game rather than an MMO. There are thousands of people on the game if possible I like to run into everyone at some point.

    Not to talk about how the effect of shuffling a group that as failed miserable only to get into another miserable group on a different run. What happens there is you're left with bad player all trying to get the feat which make it harder cos the so called good player wont run the feat again & if they do they don't take it as serious. One of the so called bad player might be on his or her A game at a point they should be rewarded for that rather continue struggling with the pool of bad players left.

    Also it make sense to get in a group and just do your feats rather look for a group that wants to do the same in a game that the player based is bleed constantly everyday.

    And don't say it's because it's an MMORPG that why we have to do everything in groups. Why do we have solos then. Not everything must be reliant on groups moon & parkour feat are just a few examples where it shouldn't.
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  4. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    You don't have to. If you're a good player, you can make a group with other good players and complete the feat once, then you can go back to playing with randoms. If you're expecting to get every feat with PUGs, you're not being realistic. Some feats must require skill, effort and teamwork, especially in E/E+, otherwise better and more experienced players would be done with new content in a day.

    And if good players don't want to run difficult feats with you, then maybe you're not ready for those feats yet.
  5. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    I'm with you on this actually. Never really gave it much thought but when it comes to avoiding things and super sensitive touchy feely feats... leave it up to the individual. There's always going to be one goofball who doesn't jump over the ring and we all ahouldn't suffer for it.

    The group feats should be more situational and provoking unnecessarily difficult amounts of pressure that we all agree on.
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  6. Cypharr Committed Player

    Thank you for chipping in. Let the people who play DCUO like an offline co-op multiplayer game keep talking nonsense. Can't imagine how boring the game is for them playing with the same people everyday. I should be able to walk away with my feat if I did the right thing in any group. This way there is less hassle on having to make group for a particular feat which is getting harder with the bleeding population rate. Jump in do the right thing get your feat & damn the group.
  7. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Lol... The game is under no obligation to make all feats available to bad/antisocial players, with whom nobody wants to run more than once. If you can't get 7 good players together for a feat run once in a while, that says something about you. Enjoy PUGing forever, but don't expect to get all the feats that way and be aware, that EU server's population is not exactly huge, or growing and at some point you might have trouble getting into any group, other than maybe Omnibus FOS: Powercore...
  8. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Relatively speaking, there’s not a lot of feats like this and I prefer a “mix” of types of feats - some solo, some group, some easy, some hard. The point of the feat you’re talking about is for group communication. If you make it solo only, well, Johnny can just sit outside the room and get his feat while 7 others beat the raid. All feats don’t need an angle to make them easier. It’s also somewhat tougher on tanks than it is healers, who can just sit in the back avoiding as much as possible - while tanks are strategically forced to tank a boss and strategically pulling/placing the ads (depending on how you do this). Troll stuns also come in handy or those pesky consumables that some see as obsolete ;)
  9. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    Still waiting for that feat to hop. Err, pop.
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  10. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    I like it as is. No reason to dumb the game down even more
  11. Cypharr Committed Player

    That's fine. You like it, I don't. It's absolutely fantastic. Luckily I come with situations where it will benefit the game especially for new players. Right now I think the devs are focused on easing new players into to game since playing catch up for a 13 year old (backlog) sends new players away. New player retention is low at the moment as said during EG7 latest showcase.

    New players find it more difficult to find groups to do feats which as they understand the game & are able to project where they would like to be concerning SP they realize it will be very difficult not impossible but almost impossible. Not everyone is on DCUO like me 20/7 365 and then some. I believe I'm within the 1% of players that are this dedicated to DCUO. Most of other people the remaining 99% life takes over as a result they can't play as much to join every group doing feats.

    My way new player can que for instances knowing there is large sum of feats they can achieve just by them doing the right thing in any group & not worry about another player missing feats up for them.

    Regardless of I stand to benefit which makes some people automatically disagree cos #infamous. Think about new players & the longevity of DCUO kapish.

    Also it doesn't diminish the game in any way, shape or form since to get a chance at achieving a feat you will still play in a group be it duo, alert or raid which some people don't know but at the back of there head, in there subconscious they feel this will be a threat to the multiplayer nature of the game being an MMO. It won't it will greatly increase QoL for both new, old & returning players.
  12. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    I'll give you my 2 cents about skill points skill points along with any base stats in stats revamp are clamped 70%. This means skill points do not matter at all your level of skill however means everything in this revamp. Which means this revamp isn't new player friendly at all which is why the game is not growing and players are not staying active. My 2 cents is 700 sp is only 2% overall dmg out or if u are support it's only 2% of ur overall support stats. Each cr is 1.3% overall that you can do with ur stats. This is why the game is so hard on new players and why all open worlds are dead and new players can't beat anything. This revamp was meant to slow down very experienced player cuz stats in this game long with powers are completely broken. The easiest way to fix was clamping. So with that said my 2 cents means don't worry about skill points at all they mean zero in this revamp. ur stats are a complete lie, however ur experience as a player means everything if you want to cheese everything play with experienced players. Do not group up with noobs who will make you do 1000x rotations just to beat stuff ur gonna feel burnt out very fast. My two cents the problem with this revamp is you do not become a skilled player for many years. it's not something you can pick up overnight, it's going to take you at least 3 years to understand this game even alittle. Stats should matter but they do not arts and allies are not clamped just worry about those not skill points
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  13. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    This feat is a good example. My opinion of feats like these are they should not be in regular content. A feat in reg should not REQUIRE a built feat group just to get feats for following mechanics. The feat in reg could be that YOU just don't get hit by the ring. In Elite/E+, where you generally will need to build a group for every run (feat or not), they can make it a group effort, and likely it could be done easily. Reg feats that go against mechanics, like NOT burning the obvious thing, or dying X amount of times, or going IN to a AOE...yeah, if in reg, those will require a built group as they are against what you should be doing in a normal run.

    It's not that the ring feat is fact it should be stupid easy...but you won't be getting it in a pug most times, or even most built groups, because some guy in the 8 probably doesn't need it personally and will just take the hit vs stopping his rotation.
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  14. Cypharr Committed Player

    Yes, no die feats is another prime example. Potentially people will try harder if the was granted to those that didn't die only amongst other reason as mentioned earlier.
  15. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    See, I'm ok with no deaths feats. While I always try NOT to die in any run, it shouldn't be expected that all 8 people will NOT die...and that if someone does die, you wipe and retry (if that is an option). It should be pretty easy to expect that in most every run, people will try and follow mechanics. Granted...they don't...but it shouldn't be expected they won't.

    Feats that require everyone in the group to DO something, that should be, but really doesn't have to be done, are the ones that annoy me the most. That means for every one of those feats, you will likely be building a group...for something that every group should be able to do with no effort. A 'no death' feat is not that....although everyone should probably be trying NOT to die.;)
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  16. ArtemisWonderWoman7 Well-Known Player

    Sp system in this game is one of the biggest turn off for new players and one of the reasons 80% of players that downloaded this game today will not be here this time next year
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