Trinkets, Henchmen, Orbital Strikes, and Supply Drops

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Drake Malice, Oct 23, 2023.

  1. Drake Malice Dedicated Player


  2. Gravedigger Active Player

    Id like to see

    Pumpkinheaded Scarecrows

    Trigon’s Hand

    Supply Drop:
    Organ Jars or Ankh’s (shocked neither was in khandaq)
    Confetti Launchers
    Lit Candles
  3. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Dr. Manhattan clone henchmen! :D
  4. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    My God.... We're old.

  5. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    As a former cheerleader, I’d like to see a pomp-pomp trinket with a really cool cheer animation, like a jumping up & down motion for instance.

    I would also like to use it at the end of every boss fight.
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  6. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    I've said it before. I'll say it again. I want John Constantine as an ally. you summon him, he comes out, takes a single drag of his cigarette, says, " muppet " & flicks the butt at the target, target goes up in a ball of hellfire, Constantine chuckles, sez, " bet that 'urt," & disappears. that'll do me. for a supply drop, how about Dr Sivana appears & shoots you with a revitalizing ray? not a drop as such, I know, but. . .
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  7. Grip Committed Player

    Fall sports showcase cheer a bit, and since Homecoming is a thing now, why not have a pom-poms trinket (or emote)? :)
    Just Bring It, devs!
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  8. arkhamowl Level 30

    Henchmen idea:
    An army of Giant Joker Teeth (a giant version of the Joker teeth you throw batarangs at in Batman Arkham Asylum)
    They can attack with their teeth and throw laughing gas that deals damage over time. When their time is up, instead of disappearing, they explode.
  9. Red Wáve Well-Known Player

    We do actually. They're a rare drop from Synn. As in once-every-second-time-you-get-the-Golem-Feat* rare.

    *unless you unlock that Feat with Replays, in which case I don't recall any correlation between Golem Feat and Thanagarian Back-Ups dropping
    • Like x 1
  10. Grip Committed Player

    Thank you! This one really messed with me. I was going down the list and just knew we had Thanagarians lol I then looked around and couldn't find any trace of them. Glad to know I didn't imagine it.
  11. Drake Malice Dedicated Player


    Trick-or-Treaters (civilians with masks on)

    Orbital Strikes:

    Brainiac Skull Ship Blast

    Supply Drops:

    Brainiac Bottled Cities


    Starro-Controlled Sidekick
    Hecate-Cursed Sidekick
    Zombified Sidekick
  12. Drake Malice Dedicated Player


    Vampires (from the first JLD episode)
    Cosplayers (civilians wearing homemade superhero/villain outfits)

    Orbital Strikes:

    Rain of Frogs
    Hex Trap (big fiery pentagram)

    Supply Drops:

    Soder Colas


    Your #1 Fan

    Turret Trinkets:

    Burst Fire Hydrant
    Palatial Cannon
    WWII Artillery Cannon
  13. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    So, this guy?