New Booster Bundle!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Nov 1, 2023.

  1. Snowy OwI Loyal Player

    Meh nothing for me here :( A well at least I save my money..
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  2. Eve YouTuber

    Devs, I think future skins should not be paywalled. We were told not all of them will be, and so far we did not have a single one that wasn't paywalled. There's other alternatives to what can be used to fill the space of a new skin in a capsule\booser bundle.

    For example, you could have made this version have colorable "Tears", but a vendor DLC version where those tears are color locked.
    So we have a variant. I remember on Twitter you said you had no plans to remake the old skins, which just makes it feel iffy. There should be variety of options, not only pay-to options. And I say it with good intentions, as I really love this game and I think in this regards something should change.
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  3. Jaelia Committed Player

    Why would you release an item you knew you everyone been asking for in the forums comments in a booster bundle? It’s a smart money grab but a very scummy one. This item ties into a DLC instead of making it an extra reward you tie it to something that’s temporary seriously developers I’m seriously highly disappointed in you guys. Thanks for the skin but it really doesn’t make any sense @mepps. :(
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  4. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I’m a bit confused by this complaint. Most players had to open well above 20 bundles before they got the premium item. If they released it again it would’ve had those same odds. These odds have always been low. This just gives a more direct line to get these items. Granted, for a large price tag. But you’re also not getting just that.

    You’re also getting:
    300k nth: $40
    100k favor: $40?
    Plus the rest of the 20 items you’ll get.

    Not to mention that this mean the whales will be buying these bulks. Which would mean the broker will be filled with the other items at a larger rate. So cheaper items for the rest to buy.
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  5. Crimson Veil Dedicated Player

    Yep, skin should have been a mid DLC update addition to the DLC vendor in my opinion. Also, I would have liked to have some of these auras available before halloween...jes sayin ;)
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  6. >>>KIra<<< Dedicated Player

    Looks really cool
  7. Amazinger76 New Player

    Can a green name confirm if the new ethereal materials are intended to be account bound?
  8. kallader Committed Player

    The problem is not the cost the drop etc the problem is starting now every single big items with low % drop added in the game will be doubt by players if they should buy capsule or booster pack with 1% drop or wait to see if they will release a bundle later with 100% drop.
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  9. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    small update. I'm still pissed off about the skin being in a bundle. but! this just happened.

    about 20 mins-half hour after I stormed off the forums & went off to kill robots in Doomed Washington, I got a message from a player. I won't say the player's name, because I don't know whether they want it out there or not, but that player sent me a tell telling me that they'd seen my sweary grumblings on here, & offered to send me the skin. for free. I told them it was ok, but I just wanna say one thing.

    DCUO players get a bad rap out there, but you know what? I fooking love you guys. I really do.
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  10. Gravedigger Active Player

    100% agree, after the backlash of putting the first new skin (doll) behind a rng gamble, Mepps ensured us “not all future skins will be behind paywalls”
    & so far every single skin has either been booster, legendary locked, or stashed away in a time capsule. Def not ideal
    • Like x 4
  11. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    How is that a problem? Hopefully they continue to do this to give players the option to either risk rng or buy straight. Not sure if it will be returning as I know the shader is probably one of the most popular premium items ever released. So maybe they did it for that item specifically. But hopefully.
  12. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    you know who you are. I love you, man. & I owe you a proper solid. thank you.

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  13. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    To be fair... the Sea Changed Skin is now on the Dr Fate vendor.
    So can't really say it is behind a paywall. :confused:

    Yes.... originally you had to be a Subscriber to get it.

    But now everyone can get it...
    even Free2Play players using their Free Destiny Tokens. ;)
  14. Eve YouTuber

    It was still introduced as pay-to-get skin. You still have better luck getting it with membership and more destiny tokens. And if you don't want to waste your destiny tokens, are you going to waste 50 replays? My point still stands that it is not available like the original skins, and being taken advantage of.
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  15. SuperEpik Well-Known Player

    It took a kidney, but I got the skin!
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  16. Eve YouTuber

    The perfect Circe style :)
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  17. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    They are intended to be fully tradeable and should be for tomorrow.
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  18. Multiverse 15000 Post Club


    By this logic.... even the original skins are pay to get.

    You have to pay to buy a PS4 to play the game....
    Heck you have to pay for the electricity to run your PS4.
    You have to pay for the Internet needed to get online and play the game.

    So obviously even the original skins are also pay-to-get?? :eek:


    Seriously.... when Free2Play can get the See skin without spending a single red cent..... it is a Free skin.

    Having to use the Destiny Tokens you get for Free to get the Sea skin is still Free. :confused:
  19. Eve YouTuber

    Not the same thing, stop twisting my words. If you want to get it for more than one character, It starts to involve real money for more Destiny Tokens & Replay badges. These are the "easiest" ways to get the sea skin. Support what you want though, I really don't care.
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  20. Red Wáve Well-Known Player

    f2p/premium get 1 Destiny coin per month. The old "exclusive rewards" cost 2 if you're f2p/premium. I can't in good faith both tell people to use that.. token? mark? I forget what it's called.. on 10 Seals of Protection to at least get their Arts to 120 and at the same time make the claim that there is a free Skin, they just have to hold on to their Coin for 2 months.
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