Episode Spotlight: Earth 3 & Bonus Teekl Buckets

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Oct 25, 2023.

  1. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I haven't checked them all, but in years past there are milestones we had to hit, in following years, there was a simple milestone (like maybe $1000 out of a goal of $10,000), where the prior year's incentives were granted. I'd guess it's something like that.

    Also in prior years grants were given to all toons, even if you previously accepted them...which was kind of annoying as you'd either have to claim and delete a bunch of stuff you couldn't apply (like styles), but this year I don't see it on any toons I previously claimed them on, so maybe they corrected that. This is why I think you are seeing it on an alt, as they probably didn't collect last year so the things are 'new' to that toon. Your main likely claimed them, so no repeat appearance for them.
  2. Metallix Active Player

    Need to get rid of stat clamp or give us a opinion if we wanna be stat clamp or our regular combat rating system
  3. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    I didn’t resub this month …so that’s good to know
  4. Otaku New Player

    Makes sense!
  5. Aiden_Warren Well-Known Player

    Ctrl alt DELETE
    Oops that was auto correct.

    DELETE Them.
  6. Critical Massacre Committed Player

    Delete!! But I might miss out on things. Must grind everything they give.
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  7. Critical Massacre Committed Player

    Some of these things they give us are just redundant stuff and my main argument is it’s just fills up inventory uselessly. Like all the different candy and catalysts. Glad they finally reduced the many types of Nth metal, but inventory management always becomes a problem in October. Squeaky wheel gets the oil, so I make my frustration heard.
  8. Aiden_Warren Well-Known Player

    Maybe gives 2 rewards and always 1 spooky bite from the buckets or give us an option of 3 items to choose. So we always going to choose the 2 spooky bites.
    And maybe give double spooky bites on the last week of the seasonal event. I know I'm late on that but maybe on the next Christmas event. Double Holly Leaves.

    Come on devs, the game dying. It's desperate times for you guys
    I'm kidding.
    Double seasonal marks the last week will be nice.
  9. vRad Level 30

    Mepps, would like to ask dcuo to please consider keeping seasonal vendors in-game a few days after an event ends. There was no "days left" countdown on the global teleport menu and I already mistakenly thought yesterday was Tuesday (that's totally on me); logged in today with a bunch of marks on my toons that can't be spent for another year :(
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