New in the Marketplace: Additional Inventory & More!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Oct 26, 2023.

  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager


    With today's update, we have increased the maximum number of account and character related slots you can unlock. This includes character slots (or characters per account), as well as Inventory, Bank, Shared Bank, and Broker slots.
    • For inventory, this means you can now have up to 28 (from 24) rows of inventory space.
    • For your characters banks, this means you can now have up to 20 (from 16) rows of bank space.
    • For your shared bank, this means you can now have up to 6 (from 4) rows of shared bank space.
    • For the broker, this means you can now have up to 16 (from 12) rows of broker slots.
    • For character slots, this means you can now have up to 36 (from 32) character slots.
    We know many of you frequently ask for more space and hope this will alleviate some of that pressure on where to store your stuff. Enjoy!
    • Like x 33
  2. Caroline Dedicated Player

    Thank you!
  3. >>>KIra<<< Dedicated Player

    Omg, this is so cool, thanks so much. Made my day \o/
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  4. BumblingB I got better.

    This is a nice QoL addition! Thank you!
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  5. Nightcrawler Legionnaire

    I can't even tell you how happy this makes me. You guys are getting a boatload of more money from me today and this weekend.
  6. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    We asked for more artifact slots not space slots. If we got more slots we could actually carry ppl in older content. I wouldn't have to use my menu to try and carry ppl at end game either. But this is a good quality of life change nonetheless
  7. Eve YouTuber

    MORE CHARACTER SLOTS?! The Althaolic in me is soooo happy right now! Thanks Devs! <3
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  8. Drewbolt Greatest Healer of this Generation

    Now all I need is for my base to have 1000 Base item maximum.
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  9. Red Wáve Well-Known Player

    Awesome :)
    Guess I need to update my signature :p
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  10. FixMyPower Active Player

    Cool stuff but can you revert the changes made on the gadgets powerset? That would make me smile
  11. Metallix Active Player

    We can get that but no two more artifacts slots
  12. HE MANofGRAYSKULL New Player

    awesome,character slots to 36 now , would be nice if it was 50 slots but 36 is good.
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  13. HE MANofGRAYSKULL New Player

    artifacts, slots would be nice and two sockets open in gear to place base power up instead of one, and armory saves should be able to switch over regardless if they have dif power saves and movement saves ect ect ....
  14. MegaDCUO New Player

    And yet. Teekls passive is still broken.
    The CHM alert is a bug ridden mess with unfair mechanics that can both screw you out of a feat AND your life in an instant...

    The que menu when in a group is still laggy AF.
    Yeah these changes are nice for people with money to use them.
    But know what'd be even better?
    Fixing broken content...But hey. If i held my breath for you to fix styles like the Riddler or Sneakers of Wrath shoes. I'd have suffocated long ago. So won't hold my breath here either.

    I'd also love a 4th ally slot and art slot. But hey. Least you made that pesky raid a wee bit tougher.
    Was losing sleep at night over not having irritating mechanics in that final fight.

    Sorry if i come off as rude or whatever. But when you've been struggling to get good runs of the elite alert every day and on top of that have to deal with horrendous lag in the que menu anda broken ally passive on an alt who wasted 50 Spooky bits i guess..tends to make a guy a bit cranky.

    I'm just so emotionally drained from week after week of the alert being so dang hard to get through due to tanks and healers not wanting to run such an infuriating mess.
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  15. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    OMG, more characters! I'll now have more family than the Duggars! :D
  16. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    This is the way.
  17. SuperBell Loyal Player

    Wow, extra character slots? You should have lead with that. I have a hero and villain character for each power set. The forever optimist in me is hoping this might lead to new power sets coming up. Most likely not. But keep up the good work Mepps and the DCUO team.
  18. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    Oh those Current Gen QOL updates are starting to roll out I see :) awesome can't wait to see what else is coming :).
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  19. myandria Item Storage

    These increased inventory limits are very much appreciated.:D However:

    The shared bank inventory increase is sorely understated in my opinion; it should have had 6 extra rows added instead of only 2. With more items becoming "account bound", we need those extra rows to help transfer those items from one character to another.
  20. Metallix Active Player

    Y'all need to give us a option if we wanna be stat clamp or our regular combat rating and open worlds through out the hold game so everyone gets what they want that's not fair we have to be punished for something we didn't do because others players or PC players wanna cheat