DCUO population is bleeding off after EG7 announcement

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Mᴏrph, Oct 20, 2023.

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  1. Mᴏrph New Player

    EG7 annouced that they gonna keep the game on life support, which means that all our hard earned money we put to DCUO, they don't put it back to expand the game, it goes to develop other their titles. Tbh the game has been on life support for like 5 years. DC's population is bleeding left and right now, poeple don't want play and support a sinking ship and seems like noone is going to stop this. It can be said, DCUO is now a dying game, it's sad.

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  2. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I always find this post funny. Most players spreading these news don’t even watch the whole announcement and goof off what others told them. This whole telephone game is rather sad.

    Now yes, there were some bad things that in the presentation but this whole “life support” is rather dumb. People have made the “this game is dying” for years with no actual facts to back up the claims. Maybe instead of going off clickbait videos designed to get views you should instead do actual research into the subject.
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  3. Alushaun Well-Known Player

    Yes the game is dying because no game lasts forever and every server shuts down eventually.
    We've been having fun for over a decade thanks to the work of some wonderful people. People working their day job just like the rest of us.

    Even with the decision to reduce future resources, we are still able to play the game. Lets not overly doom and gloom the mood when we haven't entered true bleeding status. Those are the days when things truly get sad. We've seen that in enough online games already.

    Happy to run content with you if you need a healer or DPS :) , but yeah otherwise...
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  4. FixMyPower Active Player

    At least we know they wont ever be late on the release of a new time-capsule or booster bundle :)
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  5. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    See, I just keep wondering what position they hold at Daybreak or Dimensional Ink to actually have access to the population numbers to make those kinds of statements. But I'm just weird like that. :p
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  6. kallader Committed Player

    TIf they roll back some of the big change i bet number of player will triple with all the old players returning
  7. Aiden_Warren Well-Known Player

    How do people know the game is dying? In saying why do they care?
    The game doesn't affect our real life as to it doesn't stop us from living our lives and self being and health and responsibilities.
    We choose to play it. We choose to spend money on it.
    There are many many other games and,... well, other things in life that we can use to enjoy and entertain. DCUO is not the issue as for a dying game. It's not important in the world that has any effect on "Reality"

    And also the devs of DCUO is it's own Team. Other games by DayBreak has their own team and their own fundings and business. They not on the "same team, same floor, same office, as to shared money managements" However, it is that they can assist each other.

    The devs has their careers, they make their living and they make their money. We play their games. But isn't it hypocritical to be negative about the devs as while people don't even try to get these gaming development careers theirselves and make a living and make good money?

    There are job openings for Daybreak Games, why not get though college and advanced degrees and get a career and join the gaming developer.

    Really, don't have to worry about dying games and how devs treat the game. There's a lot in life and many things to enjoy and time pass by and not even worry about online games.
    I'm saying, be positive, no reason to be negative. There's more games to enjoy. Instead of being negative about a game, just don't worry about it.

    DCUO does bring friends together and have fun on discord and twitch streams and other get together and have in gaming networks.
    Especially people with mental health and goes through social anxiety, bullying or any personal struggles they have and wants to enjoy online gaming and feel more open to others to talk to and can be themselves without toxic shallow people to worry about.
    This is that Game.
    This game keeps that alive.
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  8. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    This topic is the equivalent of Fred Sanford having a heart attack every other week...


    "It's The BIG One!!! You hear that, Elizabeth!! I'm Coming to join ya, Honey."
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  9. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I don't know about 'facts'...but no one outside DBG/DI does. What I do know is that last night at prime time, 3 weeks into a new DLC on reset day, I had no issue getting 8 toons into phase 1 to do the Gorgon. I think I only saw phase 1 full 1 time...and that was just for a few refreshes of the phase menu, then it opened so I could phase in. I'm not sure I've EVER seen 2 full phases in Cursed Gotham. SOBA and Static, on a reset night, would have 3 or 4 'Full' Phases on and off for most of the night, requiring an invite to a group to get in. Does that 'prove' anything? No...it does not....but it doesn't seem good....

    "Just wait for the population to spike with the new DLC" has always been the mantra of the anti 'game is dying' side. 'We are late in a DLC'....'It's XYZ season, so less people are online'....are a few of the others, but from all appearances in the OW at least, there ARE less players where we would normally see more at this point in a DLC.

    Guess we'll see at EG7's next shareholders meeting where we see that population/revenue graph again.
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  10. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    The funny part about all this is Daybreak dimensional is fully independent and does not need eg7 help. People seem to think dimensional is dying. I'll tell you something the problem eg7 had wasn't how much the game was making. the problem they had with investing 550mil into dcuo, was how fast the population drops after an episode shortly after an episode release. to solve that problem we must eliminate replays from the game entirely problem solved. there are many ways they can make money from us that should not be one of them. it makes the game completely dead way too fast. The game is not dead because it makes an extremely massive amount of money more than any game that dimensional Incorporated has. Dimensional Incorporated would not hesitate I can guarantee you to relaunch this game as they see fit. It already has the biggest player base of all the games they have losing this game would crash them way too much in profit
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  11. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Yes and do you know why there aren’t that many phases? Because there are no feats attached to the open world so there are no spamming going on. During the first day there were plenty of phases of players doing them. But the second players found out there were no spam feats there was no reason to spam.

    If they had added feats there would still be players doing them. Most would have done it day one. But then you’d still have those who did other feats first, and those who do them on alts to not use replays.
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  12. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    That's why I specified primetime on reset day. I'm not talking 6 AM on a Tuesday....this was Thursday night 8-10PM. There IS a bounty to deal with...right? And the 52 count afterwards? Besides, the same logic could be applied if there were a count feat too...the bulk of the spammers are done within 2 or 3 days, or at worst, week 2, so even if there were 50 Gorgon kills to get, the grinders would be done by now...the normies and non-grinders still need that bounty for the weekly and there are not enough of them to fill 2 phases during primetime on reset day. Sometimes not even the 30 or so to fill 1 phase and most everyone knows to go to phase 1 if you are just trying to get the bounty done easy. Heck most of the other phases were single digits...meaning likely you couldn't get the bounty done in them (unless all 8 or 9 people decided to do it).
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  13. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    It’s funny I didn’t even touch the dlc the first three days that it dropped … I queued for the raid “regular” didn’t use lfg just random queue and waited maybe 20 mins before one popped … for a brand new dlc on regular that seems off… did it again the next week on a Saturday … took
    Another 20 mins to pop it was aeoind 9pm pacific time … this was never a dead time ever you’d random queue the new raid and it would pop within 5 mins … but I guess there’s nothing wrong.
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  14. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    The grinders would be done. But as I’ve already stated in the exact quote you responded to, you’d still have the others doing those feats. Those who work on weekdays to play on the weekend getting the feat. You are comparing a dlc that has no feats attached to a dlcs that had feats attached and then trying to make it seem like it’s because of something else. If they add feats to the next dlc bounties and players go back to normal patterns would it mean the game is now booming?
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  15. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Maybe it has something to do with this being the easiest elite raid released? Maybe because it’s so easy players who don’t normally do elite are doing elite instead of reg?

    No couldn’t be that. Dc is dying because someone I know heard it from some other guys who heard it from some guys who made a clickbait video to get engagement.
  16. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Unclench buddy
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  17. Limey Committed Player

    Always so amusing that the same people saying the game has been dying since 2013 are the same people that think getting rid of stat scaling/"cr clamp" will somehow compensate for every other issue or aging, unenjoyable aspect of this game, and cause the game to suddenly return to it's prime time 2012 player count when even PVP had nearly instant queues.
  18. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    So...the ONLY reason a phase would be full is because people grinding feats. No one ever goes to a populated phase...OVER populating it just to get the bounty done...for the marks....on reset day....in primetime....2 weeks into a new DLC. No full phases makes 100% sense then. Gotcha.
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  19. Ryll Committed Player

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  20. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    You’re the one trying to misrepresent things. When did I say players did not go over to do the bounty for the marks and reset day? I’ve not had any issue getting gorgon done. Yesterday there were even 9 phases full. I have done the weekly on 8 toons and have no had any issues doing it. But you try to misrepresent something while leaving out a key factor.
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