Soooo tired of the massive amounts of augment and omnipotence catalysts

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Critical Massacre, Oct 12, 2023.

  1. Critical Massacre Committed Player

    Each of my characters has 3 rows of catalyst in my inventory Sins of Black Adam, Shock to the System, and the new episode. Not to mention I have a bank full of catalysts from old augments I still need to level. Before the stat clamp there wasn’t much need to spend time on old augments because eventually your level would be high enough the augments would be irrelevant. I would even feed old augments into new ones, then stat clamp happened and I realized I need some of the old augments for content again and I had to start buying and building them again. It’s just a pain and if they are using this to drive bank and inventory slots purchases, I’m far more likely opt out of playing the game altogether than be forced to go through loads of nearly useless inventory management so that I can play the game. Please fix this mess and simplify the catalysts leveling.
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  2. Entrust Committed Player

    Do players need to equip the old augments in EEG? Is this needed for Elite EEG?

    When I run Omnibus stuff I never feel a need to equip old augments. In fact I recently used the double augments week to consume them in reverse order to get all the ranking feats in the episodes I've missed.

    I get the frustration with inventory clutter. I've expanded my inventories over the years, usually during sales. I didn't like the long augments list, so I Consolidated them down into a single trash augment
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  3. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

  4. Critical Massacre Committed Player

    You certainly need fully upgraded augments for any elite content even old content, but they are certainly helpful in normal content especially if other members of the group aren’t pulling their weight.
  5. Entrust Committed Player

    Good to know.
  6. Great Architect Loyal Player

    The expectation is, I imagine, that you use them or sell / delete them. You appear to be doing neither. Is something preventing you from levelling the old Augments and clearing out that Bank space?

    I agree that old Omni pieces can be a pain, since the Catalysts you need to purchase are hundreds of SM now, and EG ones are still expensive, Episode Currency-wise, which is my major roadblock to levelling them. Additionally, unlike Elite Gear, the discount for completing an Omni piece on one Character doesn't apply to my Alts. Is this intended, does anybody know?
  7. Grip Committed Player

    Yikes. Away from my PS for an hour, but I expect to get back home to check that out. Provided you've copied the related feat on your alt, my guess is the lack of discount is unintended.
  8. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player


    I hate having to scroll past all the old dlc augments to level up anything below them.....

    Like you said... before the clamp, they became obsolete/irrelevant (or just niched for those who like to do old elite content)... and could be fed into the new....
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  9. Odin EU Level 30

    In general you will be fine with running current augs or dark knight ones (dk/legion provides percentages bonuses that can result in higher stats). Specific dlc augs do help but are not necessary. The only time you need augments for elite content is in FGSE no die runs. As those augments are necessary to survive omega beam execution, cages, and Zeus’s one shot mechanic.

  10. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    They really need to subtab that list. Otherwise it’s annoying to scroll down a whole shopping list only for it to glitch and have to redu it and go slower next time. Grrrrrr!

    Do you need them for old content? Not really. Are they helpful in a couple spots, yes. In the source wall raid, I don’t see the point to max level them as avoiding tentacles damage is like easy, what was the point of that benefit anyway?? Just saying. I just like them for the stat boost and extra cat drops, the rest are almost as useful as a brand new pencil.
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  11. Great Architect Loyal Player

    *Shattered Gotham Elite waves from the back of the room* Getting the 95% Madness Feat (Master of Madness, IIRC?) is nigh-on impossible without the Augments reducing Madness damage.

    If it *is* possible without them, I've yet to see it done - and I think we can at least agree that you should expect a high rate of failure just from bad luck / variance without them?
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  12. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I was going to say this. There are some where the damage reductions (Hive Master's beam for one...SGE madness is another) where they are very worth it. Personally I wouldn't bother in reg for the slight variance in stats, unless we were going for some specific feat, but in Elite...I can see putting them on every run you are in there. the OP's point, it is a lot of clutter, both in inventory and in the augment screen. I will generally mail them off to a single bank alt, but unless you are going back to the mail EVERY run, it does build up quickly, especially if you are running random omnis.
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  13. Critical Massacre Committed Player

    I’m using them to level old stuff, but I need one aug for each role plus leveling them typically costs marks to get the amount I need. It’s tedious and I have to do this with every character. I’d like to actually play the content instead of spending my time visiting 6 different vendors leveling augments just so I can have the space to accommodate Nth Metal, lvling candy, Halloween buckets, grenade and edible candy drops, plus still have room for new gear.
  14. Critical Massacre Committed Player

    Maybe I should just be happy we don’t have to keep the augments themselves in our inventory.
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  15. Odin EU Level 30

    I have the feat despite not having the augments. I recall it simply just finishing of the boss from low hp once it hit 95% at the end. I’ll admit though that I don’t know if the entire group I was ran the augs. But your reply gave me idea that a useful thread could be listed with the augs that are actually influential and worth getting.
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  16. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    It would be nice if augment abilities could stack.
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  17. Great Architect Loyal Player

    In what sense? Equipped Augs with abilities that say they stack, stack. It's in the description of the Passive.
    So I guess you mean something else?
  18. Hraesvelg Always Right

    I'll take a guess that he's meaning what a lot of us have asked for...some sort of 'universal' augment that would have the passives on one set so we don't have to change them out constantly when running older content. Even if it's one that just covers the Omni/clamped content, not having to remember which instance is which set, finding them in the list, putting them on, and then remembering to change them back would be very handy. They appear to already WORK only in that content, so it doesn't seem conceptually all that far fetched. I wouldn't expect it to give 4% of a stat for EVERY instance or whathaveyou. Just have the right stats active for the content you're running. Feeding a maxed augment into the universal one would be very welcome to fix some of the clutter in our update list.

    I could be wrong with what he's saying, but even if I am...I still would like this particular QoL improvement.
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  19. Great Architect Loyal Player


    It's only going to get more ridiculous since you can no longer feed EEG Augments into EG ones. If I'm running Prec and Might Builds (I'm not, but...), and also playing Tank, Healer or Troll... that's 6 Augs per Episode so far.

    I've only kept the Might EG ones for general play, with the Resto ones (instead) for instances like those mentioned above where Roles are more required, but that still means I have 36 Adaptive Augs sitting in my list, 2 of which are currently surplus to requirements (2 of the Dark Knights ones, probably Resto). And there will be an additional 2 surplus when SoBA falls into EG, etc... It's already painful, especially since they are ranked not in order of Episode per se, but amount of Experience - some went way over (from Crits, I imagine), and are not sitting with their companion, but are a few slots up. WHYYYYYYY??????
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  20. the solowing Unwavering Player

    I was thinking, can they add it to the mainframe?
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