Can We Get This Instead Of The Quickfix We Were Given, Please?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by lllStrichcodelll, Oct 10, 2023.

  1. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I am talking about the last-minute changes that weren't communicated with us prior which came with the last game update.
    • Omnibus lootlock timer
    • Stabilizer duo instead of daily reward / vendor
    • Nth metal caches not being tradeable anymore
    All of these changes happened for good reasons. It is most likely that too many individuals made accounts and were grinding the log-in rewards to send all the rewards to their main character/s and Speedhackers doing the same instance within a minute over and over.

    The quick fix was giving the omnibus loot a 5-minute lock on each individual boss, bringing back the stabilizer duo while getting rid of the log-in reward stabilizer plus weekly purchasable vendor stabilizers, and making both the Nth metal and the Nth metal caches from Nth metal detectors accountbound.

    If we look at the core of the issue, we see that the problems are multiple accounts and/or speed hackers.

    Speed hackers are an issue that apparently can't be solved, so the fix with the Omnibus loot lock timer was reasonable and good. However, it seems to be just a bit too long for dedicated players whenever they decide to farm an instance.
    Solution: Skill points.
    Skill points show how much you played or how much you cared about completing content or tasks in a certain way - for the most part.
    If we could get a reward track for skill point milestones, all of these issues could be addressed without affecting the average player.

    A new account starts with max. ~90 SP if that character used a CR-skip (unlikely for a farm account).
    That's why I would propose this reward track with the empty slots getting filled by desire.
    • 100 SP:
    • 200 SP:
    • 300 SP: A console can be activated daily in the HoL that allows you to skip the stabilizer duo.
    • 400 SP: Omnibus lootlock timer reduced to 4 minutes.
    • 500 SP: Nth-metal caches become tradeable and purchasable again (not purchasable below that).
    • 600 SP:
    • 700 SP:
    • 800 SP:
    I recently helped a friend to get back into the game. He lost his account after not playing for several years. It took us/him a whole month to get to 300SP (with CR skip).
    This is a time investment nearly no player is willing to go through if they intend to exploit the system.
    On top of that, speed hackers get frequently banned, so it's unlikely a speed hacker is willing to risk an account with 400SP+.
    At 500 SP most players have at least Rank 160+ artifacts. That means the impact of the Nth-caches being tradeable is far smaller than it was before.
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