5 Minute Lock For Loot???

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Stranger, Oct 5, 2023.

  1. Stranger Well-Known Player

    I don't get that. There are many duos that take less than 5 minutes. Why would you lock me from farming that? It's just 1-2 Marks anyway.
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  2. lamourboy001 Well-Known Player

    Because there are players that can exploit the loot which means they can get multiple loots from 1 boss in a snigle run.
  3. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    It not only prevents source mark farming (not really, you could rotate farm instances), but it more importantly, is likely a step to try to prevent infinite loot/mark exploits.
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  4. lamourboy001 Well-Known Player

    In other worlds, indeed.
  5. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I have read & re-read the release notes on this. I’m still a little confused about it. For instance:

    I finish an alert, and I queue for a say a raid. Am I now going to have to wait 5 minutes before I can queue for the next mission if I want to receive any loot from it? It seem rather ambiguous to me about how it works.

    Is this another case of punishing everybody because of a few bad actors?
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  6. lamourboy001 Well-Known Player

    We'll see on live.
    5 minutes loot lock will be on that alert. So if you enter the same alert you've completed, you won't get any loot for 5 minutes. If you go into a raid after that alert, you can get loot in 5 minutes.
  7. lamourboy001 Well-Known Player

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  8. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    They specifically mentioned that it realistically would not impact anyone playing legitimately. It probably means 5 minutes between same boss loot. So 5 minutes between when you kill the first boss and when you can kill that same first boss again.

    Either way... no sense in worrying about it until we see it.
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  9. lamourboy001 Well-Known Player

    Exactly. Won't affect your gameplay unless you wanna farm stabilizer duo. :)
  10. Red Five Developer

    Hi, here are some clarifications:
    • The 5-minute loot lock is per boss. That means that if you defeat the Sinestro in the Ep42 Duo and get loot you can defeat Source Lex within 5 minutes and also get loot. But you cannot somehow defeat Sinestro again and get loot until his 5-minute cooldown is over.
    • This 5-minute loot lock is only for instances that don't have existing loot locks, so the stab duo and last three episodes are unaffected.
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  11. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Ok, so I re-read it yet AGAIN lol, and it says it is for Omni. I missed that the last few times around lol.

    Omnibus gets a 5 min loot lock so I’m guessing EG is safe.
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  12. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Thank you!

    So in your example, after we beat Sinestro we should wait 5 min before beating Source Lex, right?
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  13. Korlick Loyal Player

    No. You can go and defeat Lex without a problem. What you cant do is defeat and get loot from Sinestro again (in case you somehow manage to fight him again after getting loot from him during the same instance).
    Having loot locks between each bosses would be one of the worst things they could do.
    This loot lock is to avoid the source mark glitches that speed hackers do with certain bosses.
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  14. Hraesvelg Always Right

    It would be per boss, so after you beat Sinestro, you should wait 5 minutes before beating Sinestro.
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  15. Grip Committed Player

    The most obvious ways legitimate play that would be affected off the top of my head are players farming a very quick 1st boss repeatedly, a solid 8-player USr fast-queuing group, and WV solo farmers. Not exactly bad actors, right? I'm not a necessarily against "The Greater Good™", though, and like you guys said, we'll see.
    Salute for asking the tough questions. Never change :)
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  16. Jcal Dedicated Player

    You can beat Lex whenever. You just can't beat Sinestro again within those 5 mins.

    For example:
    - Beat Sinestro
    - Get Loot
    - Leave Instance
    - Beat Sinestro

    That second time, you won't get loot if 5 minutes haven't elapsed.
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  17. Korlick Loyal Player

    I wonder whats gonna happen to the USr farms, where you can beat the Ultimate Soldier legit in well under 5mins. Same as the Eonderverse solos.
    Does this lock is while being in the same instance or if it counts on the boss regardless if you leave and Q again?
  18. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    This is what I am not understanding. If I beat Sinestro, the first boss, he is gone, beaten, goes off to cry to Perpetula. I move on to the next set of adds and the next boss until the alert is over. Sinestro doesn’t respawn ever again in my alert. The alert would have to be restarted. Now that I think about it, I believe this is a duo and not an alert, but that is beside the point lol
  19. Great Architect Loyal Player

    You don't need to do that. The plain English version is that in EEG you can't get Loot from the *same* Boss twice within a 5 minute period. Since Sinestro and Source Lex are different, separate Bosses, their timers should be separate.

    You could defeat Sinestro and leave, re-queue within 5 minutes, and you will be locked from Sinestro. You won't be locked from Lex. If you defeat both Sinestro and Lex, you'll be locked from both for 5 minutes.

    I'm not sure how RBs might factor into that until I see it on Live, but I imagine that spending RBs is not really going to an attractive proposition for the people this is intended to hamper (exploiters).
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  20. BumblingB I got better.

    So a player can't play the same solo or duo in succession? That seems excessive for 1-2 marks per run. I know this can greatly fix the raid farm problem, where the rewards can be achieved quickly and abundance, but in low man play, there just isn't a lot of rewards to it.