Loadouts For Sorcery

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Justinmars, Sep 28, 2023.

  1. Justinmars New Player

    Hi I’m new to DCUO and wanted to know the best load out for Sorcery healing, or if I should switch the power. Couldn’t find anything really good on YouTube so I came here.
  2. Grip Committed Player

    Welcome. So when you said "couldn't find anything good," you mean you don't understand how to use the loadouts you found or you didn't like the! healing style they offered for the build you want?
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  3. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    If you like sorcery then stay sorcery. Don’t worry about what’s “best”. Metas change all the time. So instead find what works with the power you like.

    Atm healing is pretty simple. The very core doesn’t really change regardless of power. Here’s the core:

    Arts: purple heal ray, page of destiny
    Loadouts: group heal, priority heal, group shield

    With this core you can pretty much heal everything rather easily. The rest of the build can really depend on what you want to do.

    Pure heal:
    Art: trans
    Loadout: circle of protection

    Extra abilities:
    Shard of life: burst heal around target you hit with shard
    Invocation of renewal: channeled heal over time for group
    Soul well: extra heal over time for everything around soul well
    Soul bolt: extra heal tick around target you hit. Spam heal (0.5s cooldown).

    EoG heal:
    Art: EoG (can also replace purple heal for soul cloak if power is not an issue)

    Circle of protection
    Group shield SC (10k SC) or Arbiter of Destiny

    Last slots same as above

    Clarions build
    Clarion: to give a shield to group. Will need to use weapon buff to the loadout

    There are other things you can use. But these are simplified builds
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  4. Justinmars New Player

    Sorry I was busy but more of it seems lackluster in terms of heals than other powers
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  5. Justinmars New Player

    What about watcher is that any good?
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  6. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Unfortunately no. Pet AIs in general are not good. Fury at least do its big attack when it has power and guardian will tank for you when used properly. However watchers heals are a bit underwhelming. And you can’t control who it heals. Additionally you will also have lower power regen. You are better off using soul well for the constant HoT in a large AoE compared to watcher.
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  7. Grip Committed Player

    I can't disagree too much. DCUO's healing power roster is strong; that's why I wondered what your goals are with Sorcery. If you want the fresh hotness right now, Sorcery is simply not it. That said, Sorc is very artifact-friendly....

    Any heal mildness you feel sorts itself out with crits from Trans if you go that route.
    Purple gives you the chance to recover power while healing, get an extra you + 1 shield, resets cd, and throws out a hot.
    Page is the best lifesaver art to have on board, but a well-timed Invocation+Empowered Channeling for a (reg run) dmg spike works, too (while uncontrolled).
    I could also make cases for Clarion, EoG, Cloak, Orb, Fang and even Starheart or Strat, situationally.

    There's also simplicity and variety...
    Circle gives immediate feedback to group members if they're in the heal over time zone and you can actively place it.
    Arbiter is a fix-all secret weapon when used in the right situations+ it spices up gameplay in general.
    Guardian and Watcher add utility here and there but don't expect too much in a raid.

    As a bonus, Sorc offers more attack-heals than Water or Electricity, to help stay engaged and experiment.

    Just things to think about if you stay with it. If you value uniqueness among the playerbase, Nature or Sorc may be it. Possible loadouts can be shared if needed, but if you're looking at gameplay vids and reading descriptions like this one or the stuff DeitySupreme shared and feel blaise, it may not be your fit. Glad you asked.
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  8. Justinmars New Player

    Thank you for telling me that and it sucks watcher isn’t good. I tried soul well but but I thought you needed to be standing on it for it can actually heal
  9. Justinmars New Player

    Thank you I will keep this In mind
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  10. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    The heals it gives is rather slow. They tick every 2 seconds unlike all other HoTs. And they aren’t the strongest. But the strength comes from being able to have 2 up and place them on 2 different locations to over a larger area.

    Not something you rely on. But just something you can use to help sustain. Your primary abilities should and will be your group heal, priority heal, and group shield. You’ll normally he spamming both abilities. And using the other ones as needed.

    For example if you use soul bolt you can clip soul bolt and your priority heal at the same time. Essentially give the tank an extra tick if heal (normally tank as it’s based around the target you hit. So aim at the target next to the tank lol). Same goes for shard of life. Clip it with your priority to hard a nice burst of heal.

    Or invocation of renewal. Clip group heal into invocation to give a quick upfront burst into some overtime heals.

    Additionally, sorc is the only heal power I would ever recommend using orb of arion. Orb makes your priority cast way to much power but supercharges your priority heal. Normally you will never want to use it. However you can use arbiter of destiny. It has such a large power regen buff than you can literally cast orb without any issues. While in arbiter you can spam your priority. When arbiter is down you can use it once to get the healing ally that it summons and then use your group heal and other heals to sustain. You can also add your SC generator into your arbiter of destiny form to regen sc faster and get back into the form faster. This alone is overkill lol. When you learn how to use it effectively you will struggle to find things you can’t heal lol
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  11. Grip Committed Player

    Sure, pal. One other note- Sorcery also has a ridiculously large list of different ally heals (relatively speaking) if that's something you care about.
  12. JLAxPOWER GIRL Active Player

    Sorc healing is still great. The pet thing may be the issue. Problem with Mr Eyeball is that you can't tell what party member its going to try to heal, which can result in wasting power on a double heal attempt.

    What i'd use is:
    Invoc' of renewal (your "OH SHI"- button)
    weapon of destiny
    ritualistic word (3 person heal)
    rejuvenate (priority heal)
    soul well
    circle of protection

    Can swap out invoc' for the shield. Just keep in mind that the shield can absorb less damage than you can potentially heal with invoc', so the balancing is then determined by the frequency of use. Shield can be reused a bit faster, but Invoc' has the powered heals on players with low health. The more shields you use as a healer the lower your healing out stat is going to read at the end, which can give you the impression that you aren't healing as much in the long run unless you're aware of things.

    Now the spot healing used to heal hard as fug back in the day, but after several years the devs decided to nerf healing numbers a bit, so now things heal for less. (Can't remember if it was an effort to prevent solo healers in raids or otherwise)

    In any case, when you have heal dots, crits matter less since their upper number potential is going to be small, but even with that in mind your priority and group heal, which you typically clip one with the other to rapid fire both, can heal a good amount. Not as much as in the olden days, but I believe the power consumption cost* is lower. To top somebody off from low health you may have to bounce from rejuvi' > ritual > rejuvi' x 1 or 2. Can't be helped. You want to have circle and soul wells (up to 2 can be cast) active at all times as they compensate for the lower burst heal numbers. There is a tacmod to reduce the cooldown of soul well even further, which helps.

    Soul well does a basic heal tick, and does stack with the 2nd soul well, but they also pop a burst heal whenever an enemy dies in range of them, and soul well's range is pretty damned long.

    Circle also doesn't heal players outright. All it does is add a sparkle buff to players, and it's that sparkle buff that heals them. Any ally player that walks onto the circle gets the buff, and once they do they can get off it and still get healed. That's useful for casting the buff on allies right before a beat down will commence. IE: A door is about to open and your team is waiting in front of it. Mobs are about to barge in. You can cast the circlethen and there so you all get the buff, then the doors open and you can all rush in willy nilly and will all still get the heals.

    Weapon of destiny is to be paired with the clarion artifact. This will give you yet another heal tick when your weapon attacks hit targets. Note that this does not work very well with weapon mastery combos, as many combos are lazily coded s a single hit, despite the fact that the combo may hit several times, so using certain base weapon attacks and normal weapon combos may be better off. Clarion doesn't heal based on what damage you're doing, either. It heals based on your restoration and will tick at once per second or so. (It has a limit to how fast it can tick) This means even lousy tap range basic weapon attacks, despite doing weak damage, can heal well enough. Same for melee. This does work with dual wield's 10x hit combo spin, too, which also has the added benefit of doing decent damage and will keep proc'ing the heal every second. I sometimes get yelled at in the new alert because it looks like i'm trying to dps, but it's not for the sake of damage, but to keep clarion's effect going. When you use weapon of destiny (your weapon buff) with the clarion, it's healing is boosted further.

    Other two artifacts to pair with are transformation and strategist cards, provided you have all your healing crit SPs.
    Note that you have to get your artifacts to level 80 to unlock their first perk, so it can be a grind since the upgrade materials are time gated. You get said materials every few minutes when you KO at least one enemy or loot an exobit node, or grab a collection somewhere in the world (gold "?" marks). You also can get a few from the daily login reward.

    Nature and Sorcery are sister powers, being the first two original game healer powers and were designed to be more or less in line with each other, but work a bit differently. Where as Sorcery has droppable AOE heal powers with Circle and Soul Well, Nature instead has the player become a mobile healing AOE field. Nature has several healing buffs that provide an outgoing healing dot to every ally within a certain range of you, on top of similar burst heal powers as Sorcery. The upside is that it's easier to manage Nature's dots as you get a single power that can refresh them all, and thus can pay more attention to combat - at the cost of its burst healing powers being slightly weaker, but has the option to sacrifice all healing dots to convert into one large burst heal, but then will require you set up all the dots again.

    Regardless of what power you choose, just remember you cannot 'heal stupid'. Bad decisions made by players can result in them being downed real quick. They tend to be very fast on blaming the healer, despite the obvious. Goes with the territory. Do what you can and F the rest. DPS are a dime a dozen and its healers that are often the ones carrying the group. Just the same you'll often see groups of all DPS and you being the only support role present. You'll have to deal with trying to keep them alive as they end up attracting aggro without having the defense of a tank to absorb that damage, so be keenly aware of when the group is relying on you for success. You'll naturally pick up on observational skill and will be able to single out which players aren't taking stupid risks and are playing smartly. Those are the ones you really want to keep alive. When a tank is present, though, that's your best buddy. Note that rage, atomic and fire tanks all have self healing abilities, so they may not need to lean on you as hard as other roles in the group, but don't be offended by it. You still want to keep your dots active to help them out.
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  13. Grip Committed Player

    Kidding! :) I haven't scooped up Clarion for my sorc yet, but I'm sure I'd have fun and could get a lot done with it. Good share.
  14. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    Can also try battle healing using soul bolt (replaces priority heal), shard of busted heads (replaces invoc') and soul siphon (replacing ritualistic word), while keeping soul well and circle as dot heals, and still using weapon of destiny + clarion for an extra dot. Use handblasters to clip power discharge at close range to stack the multiple precision ticks with whatever dmg power you're rotating in.
  15. PandoraLaBella Well-Known Player

    I'd like to add that both Circle and Purple Ray can heal pets and backups. Circle and the attacks that heal whoever's near the target also heal NPCs.

    I also saw some people out there saying to use a supercharge in your loadout, but I don't think that's a good idea, because you can't use those all the time, and you already have to make a lot of choices in battle between Rejuvenate, Ritualistic Word and Invocation of Renewal, because the cooldown demands that, you don't need to think either or not is a good idea to throw a sp now or later, I'd say you can make better of the space with a power you can use more frequently.

    About the gear mod, I'll suggest 1 specifically: the one who remove the [Vulnerable to Interrupt] aspect for your powers, including Invocation of Renewal. Just don't cast it if you're flying, because a grounding effect WILL interrupt the movement, because you need to stay still for it to work, and falling is moving. But don't think flying is a bad thing for the role, because it does help you to stay out of the way of the rest of the team, so they have more space, especially in hallways.

    If you're running out of power, I strongly suggest using Cyborg as an ally, and Oracle ally will be changed today to be a power healer, since the durability/repair system of gear will be removed.

    About Orb of Orion, you must use an ally that provides you extra power if you're going to use it. Even though you can place mods (gear and generator) that'll give you power back, the power cost is HUGE, and you won't always be able to stop healing to do weapon attacks, especially if the team you're playing with is not great or you're missing a tank. The biggest pro of Orb is that you don't need to spam Rejuvenate and, since it's a Priority Heal, if you only have 1 player running too low on health while still fighting, the normal Rejuvenate might not heal them enough to prevent them for dying, while using Invocation of Renewal is not a recommended choice because you might need it for the whole group next and its cooldown takes a long time compared to the others. If you pair it up with Purple Ray, you enhance the benefits of Rejuvenate, because now it not only heals 300% more than normal, but it also places a shield (that only block a percentage of the damage, so it doesn't replace your shield power), which is great because you can only protect 3 other players. So, yeah, it's a very good art to use in raids and bounties (and to fight Poseidon in the Wonderverse alert). But, again, if you choose Orb, you have to build your set in a way that compensate its power cost. You can also use soder colas to refill your power, but the save it for a time when you actually need it, because the cooldown is long.

    P.S.: I'll always recommend a move that attack & heals at the same time if you have sparring skill points to place in the damage tree, because you will find yourself helpless sometimes, because a lot of players (especially dps) don't care for the healer, so you may find yourself stuck with an add, and you won't have any means to defeat them with only your raw weapons.
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  16. PandoraLaBella Well-Known Player

    I really don't wanna sound offensive, but a battle healer is just a bad healer and a weak dps, they can't play each of those roles properly. They aren't able to keep the team alive in harsh situations, but they don't do as much damage as they could because of their mixed build. I can say that because they come in taking the healer role, and I play as dps whenever the games says I can choose any of my roles, then the team starts to struggle, and I have to change to healer so we can finish the run.

    Battle healer is a support role for the support role. It might be helpful if the team's lacking troll or tank, but it doesn't fill the shoes of a pure healer. The whole idea of battle heal is underdeveloped by the game itself, if I'm not mistaken, there's only 1 art that enables that role-ish build, and the UI can't tell them apart from pure healers, which means miscommunications, and the DCUO have enough miscommunications without wanna be dps pretending to be a healer--because that's what it looks like from the outside.
  17. Red Wáve Well-Known Player

    Really depends on the content. I use my Battle Roles to solo Bounties and in most Alerts and some Raids where a full Role is overkill.
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  18. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    Battle Healers don't work too well because of a few things. The classic healer powersets are crippled by built in double standards where the damaging aspect of their powers are nerfed when they switch to heal stance, which runs contrary to the dmg cap changes that were implemented years back. When they do work is because you're utilizing stat clamp bleed through in combination with other elements, like the roleless buffs, so yes, they can work, but it isn't a go to for any situation and certainly isn't all that feasible in at-level content with a group that isn't working around the issue themselves. To do more with it you'd have to utilize powers that have no healing benefit at all, which will hurt healing potential significantly outside of special circumstances where lesser healing is needed than normal, etc.

    Tanks can get away with more, of course, especially with artifacts. My 'blue lantern' (Quantum Flash clone) gives out power, deals damage, debuffs constantly and heals the team all in one due to artifacts. Forces me to play close ranged, but I can manage that. (Tumbling Master is seriously slept on, too)
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  19. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Have you noticed Invocation of Renewal had its cooldown changed recently? It's much longer than it was 5-6 months ago, and I cannot seem to find an update mentioning the change.
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