Getting Attacked In Pvp Phase On Bounties

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Prindacerk, Sep 23, 2023.

  1. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    I would rage really bad at that but I did it to them as revenge. The last time I participated in an open world pvp was when rage was scary, pulling all them heroes and couldn’t be knocked out.
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  2. Prindacerk Committed Player

    Too bad I'm in EU server.

    Not enough bank slots. I have purchased max bank slots and it's full. Inventory (maxed out) I have about 20 slots free for the loot drops.
  3. bboy-rei Well-Known Player

    It still happens in recent years, when I was leveling a villain had a hero grief by constantly healing NPCs I needed to kill for a mission, all because I declined their duel invitation since I would've gotten one shot anyway. Also I've seen heroes gloating in chat about doing that. I'd imagine it also happens in the reverse situation but much less frequently.
  4. Bloodwynd71 Active Player

    A long time ago I tried out an MMO and some advanced player said they would "help" me out and took me to a place when I died instantly and probably robbed my corpse. So your comment made me chuckle.
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  5. Achikah All About That Base

    Man, the nostalgia this thread brought.

    As an original member of The Killing Joke server, PVP bounties were the Hard Mode (Impossible difficulty being everyone fighting the game itself in those first few months, haha!) Outside the Superman Statue or Nightclub bouts, the bounties were where a lot of the mass brawls happened. They tended to be more predatory given it was one-sided since one faction had a beefy AI on their side, but once it began it became less about the bounty and more about the team effort of clearing out the area of the other faction.

    It never feels good to get caught for the first time in those scenarios. Honestly, I remember being baffled as to why someone would even do that when it was so one sided, and what the point was to such an easy mode victory. But man, when you WON those one-sided fights... That was everything. Made all the deaths, BMing, and gear repairs worth it.

    As a few others stated in this thread, bounty farming in PVP has no added bonus. In fact, it's not even about the farm at that point. It's about the challenge, resourcefulness, and pride in your victory, or the fire to rally from defeat. If you'd rather farm a bounty uninterrupted, then that's what PvE is all about. You want glory, you do it in PvP.
  6. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Tell me you played RuneScape without telling me you played RuneScape ;D
  7. Entrust Committed Player

    Actually the MMO I was referring to was Ultima Online, (one of, if not the 1st true MMORPG)

    Which is still active, with a monthly membership, and has not receive an update in years (I think, haven't checked in a long time)
  8. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Ah dang. Close enuff lmao. Was just going by the term PKer in which I haven't heard in about 22 years since the RS days
  9. Tros Well-Known Player

    Well i got max too plus member and i can manage to store everything up, maybe try delete something u will never use.
  10. Prindacerk Committed Player

    I keep some trinkets for memory. Unlike the Orb Strike or Henchmen, you can't store the trinkets in the base vendor. So they take up space.

    Today I did get attacked like before but I was more prepared. We fought through the open world (running and coming back) for almost 30 minutes with both leagues facing stalemate. Neither one got an upper hand over the other. We acknowledged the battle and ended it after a while. The Bounty bosses were lost at what was happening around them. Looked so funny. Wish I had recorded it.
  11. Tros Well-Known Player

    Ok thank you, im in that forum now
  12. Grip Committed Player

    Needing to use 15-25 inventory slots for rarely used pvp items is irksome. An armory is literally a place where weapons and munitions are securely kept... or so I thought. I have some stuff, but it bugs me.
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  13. Solarbound Committed Player

    That's all part of the fun. But, hey, PVE phase is for those of you who don't want to deal with it. So...
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  14. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Ya clicks ya buttons ya takes ya chances XD
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