Can We Switch Factions?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Linus, Sep 6, 2023.

  1. Linus Active Player

    Haven't played in a long long while and was wondering if we can switch factions.
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  2. Trevman24 Level 30

    Such as Hero to Villain? Not possible, unless you delete the hero/villain character and remake them on the opposite side.
  3. Eve YouTuber

    There is no way to switch factions. I believe the issue could be withing the game's coding.
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  4. BumblingB I got better.

    They said it would be unlikely to allow faction swapping, but they also said that they were working towards allowing cross faction grouping... Which probably got stalled due to the staffing issue.
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  5. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    "Not possible," and "No way," hmmmm. Really? How do you know its not just "extremely difficult" or "too labor intensive?"
  6. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    With enough money, you can clone yourself to a new faction. I think there might still be some outstanding things that aren't transferrable. But, no clone is perfect. CR Skip, Purchase Feats, Purchase Styles, give yourself anything tradeable via the mail, anything account bound through the shared bank. For a broker's fee, you can give yourself your ingame cash currency. Source Marks can even be bought from the Marketplace. You will still have to grind out the most recent set of gear.
  7. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    what I'd like. a quest section in the On Duty tab, where you can choose to play through each of the Mentor storylines, regardless of your faction. what that would entail would be you entering, choosing, say, Batman Quest storyline, & you are transported to East End GCPD to begin, level 5, & away you go. clamped, or scaled, obviously. no saves. you die, game over. all feats / collections / investigations / briefings applicable in the original quests available throughout. so, if you're a meta character & you don't have all the magic character feats this is where you can earn them without having to stand outside Chinatown Electronics for three hours begging strangers to let you in.

    but, yeah, some way to switch factions, or just skirt between the two, would be nice. I've never considered Irvynnge to be a "good guy" or a "bad guy" as such.
  8. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    Or, how about a third "Anti-hero" faction that people can switch to?
  9. Linus Active Player

    yeah im a villain and rarely play anymore due to most villain leagues being 65 year old men who breathe like a 12 year old straight into the mic. I have 9 200 artis and plasmic aura so cloning isnt the play for me. not being able to switch faction is really the only thing keeping me from coming back.
  10. Linus Active Player

    dude last time i saw you on the forums was when the paradox wave clown box glitch was a thing. when the traces legs were a daily forums complaint
  11. BumblingB I got better.

    Has it been that long since you were on the forums? I was active up until about 2018/2019 and took breaks. I also haven't been that active lately, mostly lurking.
  12. Linus Active Player

    I used to consistently upload daily dcuo vids up until soe was done for
    I was in superpatriots league discendo discimus causing pvp drama with orbit balkan smile freeamericanhero nimbus yosh etc...
    I pop back to the game every now and then for nostalgia.
  13. BumblingB I got better.

    Well, there is a lot of new stuff to pop back into.

    Those are some names I haven't seen in a long time.
  14. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    I have never had this issue and I play exclusively us villisn