Broker Usage Query

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Quantum Edge, Sep 5, 2023.

  1. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    Has anyone ever bought something from the broker because someone has priced it at what they thought was a terribly witty price, like $420, 420?
  2. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    I don't find that terribly witty. I could see myself buying something that was 112358, however :p

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  3. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    Only if the "terribly witty price" is also the lowest price listed, and I need/want the item.
  4. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    I only pick the lowest price. Now, for awhile there, I was doing prices of $2021, $2122, $2223, etc., if I had a lot of things to list. It wasn't me trying to be witty, though. It was just me entertaining myself because I was bored.
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  5. Grip Committed Player

    Not me. I do tend to buy the earlier listing when someone's cut the price by a dollar though. lol Ruuude :)
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  6. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    Not really, unless it was the lowest priced item by a marginal amount. It's just corny.
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  7. Grip Committed Player

    Do you guys feel conflicted after you buy an item from the broker that was so low it must have been a mistake?
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  8. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    No, of course not. If I bought it - I'd be depriving the rest of DCUO player-base of the chance to be amused by such a clever joke.
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  9. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    It’s funny you ask that and use that particular example as I often try and put 420 in my prices whenever it makes sense. I don’t do so because I personally like the number or what it represents and I definitely don’t think it’s witty, funny or anything in that ballpark. I do it because I’ve known a lot of stoners in my life and many would definitely choose the option that includes that number even if it’s a little more. It’s corny as Ryazan said but it’s definitely a thing. There are A LOT of players who seem to partake in the green pretty regularly so I figure I might as well take advantage of their corniness.
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  10. Capt Mephisto Active Player

    "What is the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything?'


    Thank you, Deep Thought.
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  11. Plowed In Loyal Player

    42…and not a penny more!
  12. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I'd feel a lot MORE guilty if I hadn't also done the same thing and been taken advantage of. There is always that sinking feeling when you list something in the broker and immediately see 'you have new mail' pop up in the chat window. "Whoops...forgot a 0" is what I generally think right away.
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  13. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    And yeah....100% do this. I mean if someone undercuts by 10 or 20%...that's a good sale. If they undercut by 1 or 2 DOLLARS...on like a 20m item...yeah, I'm buying the 20m item and losing 2 bucks.
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  14. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    The only time that happened to me was when I got an Urgent Warfronts mod for $1M. And no, I didn't feel conflicted, because I figured they just wanted to make sure it sold the first time they put it up. The same way I've given up trying to get the best price I can when I put something on the broker. I don't want it coming back and then I have to list it again. If I have to list it 20 times before someone buys it, did I really make anything off it, after all the broker fees?

    I don't even look at how much other players are charging, unless it comes back and I have to assume I asked too much.
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  15. The Anxient Loyal Player

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  16. Grip Committed Player

    That feeling... LOL I finally promised myself not to sell unless I'm fully alert. Whoever's wearing that Madness Aura you bought for 28mil; you're welcome. The icon for it looked exactly like the one next to it.

    This helps. Thank you. I've gotten what seemed like some unreasonable bargains that made me feel I may have taken advantage of a mistake, but there's a chance the seller was just unbothered. I never set out to win any deal; I'm fine with a fair exchange we're both happy with.

    I wonder if a 2 min review delay before a sale goes live has ever been considered...
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