Something About Poison Ivy

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Shazam, Aug 15, 2023.

  1. Shazam Well-Known Player

    She would hate all you vegans for eating her lovely plants..

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  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

  3. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    I mean... with how much factory farming uses up to feed all the animals.... the vegans actually minimize the plant death by not eating those animals....
  4. Proxystar #Perception

    Lets talk about Almond milk :D
  5. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

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  6. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

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  7. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    imagine being the poor bleeder who has to get up at five am to milk the almonds. . .
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  8. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    Today I am making a spinach pie but I'm throwing in some Swiss chard and mustard greens along with some crumbled feta, pine nuts and a handful of currants...

    Nom, nom, nom.
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  9. Shazam Well-Known Player

    Yes, but now humans are eating Ivy's babies. I believe it is well established in DC Lore the plants are alive...imagine ivy hearing each plant call out for help when a human bites down.
  10. Shazam Well-Known Player

    Ivy would allow it.
  11. Shazam Well-Known Player

    Ivy thanks you for not eating her plants and allowing the natural order to stay.
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  12. Shazam Well-Known Player

    Ivy wants to know your location? She said she has a special gift for you. She said its a real man eater.
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  13. Capt Mephisto Active Player

    Swamp Thing thinks Ivy is a little too "NUTS".

    While on the subject, why have we not seen Poison Oak And Poison Sumac, Ivy's cousins?

    Finally, I like veggies fried in bacon grease then wrapped in bacon. Also, am I the only one who notices how gassy vegetarians and vegans are? Their methane production is definitely higher than mine as an omnivore.
  14. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    I generally prefer the ecoterrorist/environmental extremist Ivy over the "plants are literally my babies and farming is literal murder" TBH

    "Each year an estimated 41 million tons of plant protein is fed to U.S. livestock to produce an estimated 7 million tons of animal protein for human consumption." (

    Vegans eating all veggies instead of eating cows and other livestock that take a LOT more veggies to feed than we do actually cuts down on how much plant matter is eaten overall since raising the cow a steak comes from requires feeding the cow and the cow eats a lot more plant matter than a person would. So however much meat there is eaten correlates to a proportional amount of plant matter that was fed to the animals to produce that meat. Hence cutting out the middle man and just eating the plants directly is less plants eaten in the end. So Ivy would actually probably prefer people be vegans than eat meat, TBH. She can be rather inconsistent on what exactly her values are, though, sometimes considering the plants her babies and killing them murder and other times more just being an ecoterrorist that doesn't so much think of plants as people as just be very extreme in her environmentalism. So.... *Shrug*

    (TBH I prefer the more ecoterrorist takes on her, easier to follow, makes more sense, is topical in interesting ways, just fits her IMO, etc.)

    Note: I in no way am trying to proselytize, not even vegan myself, just talking about this as it relates to Ivy
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  15. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Makes you wonder how long before we can no longer eat veggies because it hurts them poor little plants?? :eek:

    Strange... somehow we now have insect farms....
    and no one seems to care about hurting them insects when we eat them. :)
  16. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    Yes! For starters, I'd never be able to milk almonds, what with my developing arthritis. :p
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  17. Eve YouTuber

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