Please add the rest of the classic styles to the vendor.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Furious Vee, Aug 1, 2023.

  1. Furious Vee Well-Known Player

    Can the rest of the classic styles be added to the vendor? Styles like steelworker, robotic, kung-fu gi, urban business, aeriel defender, etc. A few of these styles are almost impossible to get as of now with the RNG changes like the robotic hands and feet. It'd make it much easier on a lot of us if they were just added to the style vendor.
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  2. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Steelworker does drop randomly in places, but it is a reward for the Steelworks daily missions, and you get to choose your piece even.
    Urban Business still drops very frequently from the Sub Avatars in South Gotham which you can practically one-shot alone now, you just have to wait a horridly long time for spawns (still).
  3. Korlick Loyal Player

    Yes. All those old styles should be on the rare style vendor.
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  4. Furious Vee Well-Known Player

    After spamming the Sub Avatars for about two weeks, I can confidently say they don't drop the urban business style. Only thing I've ever gotten is the Astral Alloy style — either that, or I have very bad luck.
  5. bboy-rei Well-Known Player

    The one style that has eluded me is the robotic hands. Tried pre-30 treasure chests as well as the supposed instances where it is supposed to drop. I can confirm the other styles you listed exist post-omnibus but some with worse drop tables like Aerial Defender and Egyptain could be added.

    I also suggest the drops from Hand of Fate be added to the rare style vendor as it is RNG heavy and drops gear that is not your role. Would also really appreciate having the old elite styles that came from RNG drops and not from farming renown such as Energy Armor Elite and Nuclear Elite be added as well, given that you have completed the headlines where the gear is supposed to drop.
  6. Vella Well-Known Player

    The loot drop for the Stealwork mission is random now. Arkarm still gives the correct loot option.
  7. Tros Well-Known Player

    Steelworker doesnt drop at steelwork daily anymore.
  8. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    I've gotten Steelworker from Loot cache rewards from EEG bounties, and as drops from EEG instances.
  9. Eve YouTuber

    Can you even get Kung-Fu anymore, anywhere?
  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    If they don't drop in the standard loot table, every 'drop' style should be in the rare vendor, including the 'runes of' styles from HOF. The RNG on some of those pieces added to the fact they are generally role bound pieces, is bogus.
  11. Tros Well-Known Player

    Steelworker and Bioharzard also drops in any instances of Omibus, u just need luck to get it. Its just a matter of time.
  12. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    The problem is that the style drops are from such a wide range of styles and body parts, that you're at the mercy of the RNG gods when you're just missing one particular piece from one particular style. Maybe the game needs to go back to having only certain styles drop in certain content, rather than having a pool of everything, everywhere, all at once.
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  13. Tros Well-Known Player

    Yea, if you play regularly you will drop eventually
  14. Dilios Well-Known Player

    Agree! I need the League of Assassin's style asap!

  15. ArtemisWonderWoman7 Well-Known Player

    Yes all drop styles should be in the vendor bots for marks. I have been trying for the aerial defender waist for over a month it says to run poison ivy alert and the hospital duo but haven't seen it once in the loot table but I have over a dozen ivy belts and no luck and gave the 50 bottles feat done and never got the belt yet. Doing style ls feats are worse now then ever cause dc did something to the loot drops and now its to random