Precision/superspeed question for the devs

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Cardinalist, Aug 1, 2023.

  1. Cardinalist Well-Known Player

    Is the current vortex/dervish clip that has become meta intended? The more I compare it to more traditional rotations (where the powers you use to clip with play out until the next wm) the more out of line it seems to be. It far outpaces most anything else in the game precision or might based. The fact that it by one of the four movement modes also makes it feel unbalanced.

    P. S. I know yall are gonna fight and argue but that's not why I made this thread. Just wanting a clarification from a dev as to whether or not it is intended.
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  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    There's only three movements not four. If we're going to discuss balance let's also talk about flyers that hide on the ceiling to ignore mechanics.
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  3. The Anxient Loyal Player

    You are more than welcome I'm sure to create a thread to discuss that.
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  4. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    In most raids nowadays, there is constant grounding. Even the new Terrorium, one would get grounded before even being able to reach the ceiling.
    Also, there are several instances that will even harm/1 shot you if you even have flight activated. Not really a fair comparison seeing how constantly detrimented we are, and waaaay slower in-combat (in which really sucks with large open boss fights to move to certain far-off areas or to get pickups... Even to get feats that need you to be super quick like The Royal War Elite, but that's all a different story and off-topic).
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  5. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    And this is how I know I'm not ready for Elite. I've been using Whirling Dervish then Vortex Trap. :p

    In my defense, I also only just realized a few days ago that I can cancel Vortex by tapping Jump. :oops:

    I am definitely not a meta player...
  6. Cardinalist Well-Known Player

    It's really not that bad just takes practice til it becomes muscle memory.
    WM/Dervish, tap range, wm/Vortex, jump, WM
  7. Tolly Committed Player

    That's what's so regrettable about the difficulty of the raids, flight is forgotten far too much.

    You have to see in the last raid to reach the protection shield, if you're far from the room, it's very dangerous for a flight player, especially if you have a power to cut, do all that and you're very close to waiting in time for the shield.

    For some feats that require you to do something in 4 seconds, it's also very difficult, sometimes the time it takes to find and go there for flight is very complicated with this vulgar movement malus, while super-speed will be able to get there without difficulty.

    Not to mention the fact that when you're asked to activate a command in a room, very often the flight doesn't even have time to reach the command before the time limit has expired.

    It's really incomprehensible that the devs aren't yet aware of this problem...
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  8. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    No it’s not mandatory to use speed. None of my toons are speed (all fight) and have no issues at all completing content and being competitive. People use speed because that’s what YouTubers say is best. I personally test everything myself instead of relying on what others think is “best”
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  9. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    They are aware … but don’t hold your breath on changes.

    And for whatever reason there is a group of people who don’t think flight should get any adjustments to make it slightly more bearable while in combat.
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  10. VariableFire Loyal Player

    How many mechanics does flight help with, really? The majority I've found is letting you skip ads on the way to fights. Most fights you're either getting grounded or you get hit by anything, which also grounds you.

    It's about potential. All the movements modes are adequate for completing regular content. It's as you move up in difficulty and/or feats that you start to hit a ceiling in how well you can do. Flight's ceiling is the lowest by far.
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  11. Cardinalist Well-Known Player

    If you would like to discuss flight's shortcomings please start a thread for it and stop derailing mine.
  12. Cardinalist Well-Known Player

    What does any of this have to do with my post? If you want to discuss flight go make a thread and stop hijacking mine.
  13. Cardinalist Well-Known Player

    See my previous two replies.
  14. Vella Well-Known Player

    You'll be doing too much, literally just clip x power with WB and Phase Douge, Flurry Shot right away so you don't get stuck in animation, and jump at the last second to keep Flurry shot active. Run two shields to pop when needed, and repete once off cooldown. For Elec it's Tesla Ball / WB / PD. If you hit your jump button and range button at the same time it makes things easier. If you're using a mouse and keyboard, idk use a controller I guess.
  15. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    An easy band-aid to this issue would be to make new movement mode rings for each movement mode with each new DLC like the Robin acro ring in Death Metal. Then at a later date, when they actually have a large enough team to address it, they can actually balance the movement modes.
  16. Cardinalist Well-Known Player

    If it is intended then yes. If not, why make the problem more wide spread? The simple fix would be to remove the tap/jump cancel from those two moves or add a dovetail that keeps them from being canceled immediately.
  17. Proxystar #Perception

    There's nothing wrong with WD and VT, everything is entirely intended. There's a just a certain Youtuber that hates the moves and routinely wants them destroyed while whipping up hysteria about them within the general community, Don't drink the Kool-Aid
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  18. Cardinalist Well-Known Player

    Not Sure What youtuber you're referring to. I am asking this question based on my own testing. It is out of line by a significant margin. Have a hard time believing that two melee powers, used from range, being used as nothing more than a way to circumvent animations and dramatically increase damage is intended. Hence the reason for this post asking if it's intended. Simply hoping the devs will put this to rest one way or the other like they did with the art swap thread.
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  19. Proxystar #Perception

    Out of line how and compared to what? And significant Margin defined as? Respectfully do better.

    I don't think you're up in here innocently "just asking if its intended" cut it out you're up in just blatantly asking for a precision nerf, you know exactly what you're doing.

    There's nothing to put to rest here, there's nothing broken.
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  20. Cardinalist Well-Known Player

    Found someone who's relying on it lol. You do better
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