To the DCUO Team, Artifact Swapping?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by 0xDJBx0, Jul 25, 2023.

  1. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    I'm sorry I 100% cannot get behind the notion that players should have to upgrade their system/console to "get good" and effectively/efficiently artifact swap... That is absolutely asinine and ridiculous.

    "You have the power to form your own group", I told you, players will not join said group if I (the buff troll) am not artifact swapping. Plain and simple. I can not run Elite+ on my own.
  2. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Btw you keep mentioning "intended".
    Mepps wrote:
    "We didn't expect this behavior, "

    Not expecting the behavior literally means it's not intended. Accepted, perhaps, but not intended.
  3. Proxystar #Perception

    Quote from Mepps on Page 1 of this thread
    To be as clear as possible, it was always intended for you to be able to change your artifacts (like any other piece of equipment), and it was never intended for you to have the benefits of an artifact you don't currently have equipped (again, like any other piece of equipment).
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  4. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Nostalgia bomb!! I remember when we had to call what weapons we were going to need. And if someone hit Need on someone else’s call then they would be called out in lfg. I also remember some opening tickets to make claims against those who would break these rules lol. I’m so glad we don’t have to fight for drops anymore lol
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  5. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Yes, intended to change artifacts like gear. Not form a meta over. The 2nd sentence further proves that.
  6. Proxystar #Perception

    At some point in time everyone has to upgrade their system.

  7. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Yes, but the game is not designed to give players with a newer system a better advantage. Or did I miss a memo somewhere where the devs said "upgrade now to get the full experience!"
  8. Proxystar #Perception

    You literally just tried to act like Mepps didn't use the words "intented" and that I was somehow making it up and distorting the intention of his post, just stop the wriggling, it's embarrassing lol.

    Was this or was this not, just you?

    Artifact Swapping at its core is intended.

    Mepps just confirmed it, time to deal with it guys, no one here generally disagrees with removing the stacking of effects, even Mepps, when you take off the artifact you lose the effect, everyone agrees on that, where we continually disagree is when people, like you, insist that the entire system be changed so that what is clearly intended swapping be completely removed because you don't like it.
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  9. Proxystar #Perception

    I'm not sure why you're acting like this is somehow a new thing? better hardware has always resulted in a better gaming experience for the end user, any game that has cross platform is going to encounter hardware based advantages and disadvantages.

    Hell just plug a mouse and keyboard in to a console and play some games that work better with it and immediately you've obtained an advantage over those still using the controller. I think we should ban those, in fact we better ban them because Timmy using his controller is having a hard time and that's not cool... We better nerf everyone, better yet, let's alter the game for Timmy's sake.
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  10. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    This isn’t even just platform to platform. Even on ps4 some would upgrade their ps4s with an SSD just to have better performance. Players with an upgraded ps4 can have a smother time swapping than a lot of pc set ups. Games are not designed to be optimized with the lowest possible settings. They always perform better the better equipment you have to run it on. Games are usable with lower set ups but are better on better set ups.
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  11. Proxystar #Perception

  12. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    I never said casual artifact swapping wasn't intended. I am still talking about sweaty meta artifact swapping, in which was not intended. Plain and simple. Remove the effects, yes, and if it becomes a problem still, look into other methods like Mepps even suggested. No argument needed.
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  13. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    It's completely different when there's a major system at play that completely tilt the wheels. Just like PCPS has macros, I'm also against that too. Especially when all of this dictates our (Xbox) difficulty drastically.
  14. Proxystar #Perception

    We've clarified that then.

    Does it though? Because that implies PCPS players need any of that to beat content and I've not seen any evidence of that, have you?

    That's why I said, if you think the content is requiring you to do something not intended by the game (i.e heavy tac swap) then we should be reporting that content yea?
  15. Emoney Dedicated Player

    Thanks for this comment.

    My only issue, and the question I have....isn't the only reason players swap artifacts (during combat) are the overlap in effects/buffs?!? So in context to your reply, isn't that essentially not intended and in need of change?

    Ofcourse we should be able to swap out an artifact for another between fights, or in preparation for a boss. In other words, situational use, and accompanying a loadout or role change. But during combat for multiple buffs, or to proc effects that normally are intended to proc less often, seems to me a game breaking issue much like EOG and the point it got to. Players are constantly testing out different combinations to find unintended advantages during combat, and I just don't get why its been left like this for so long, especially given your statements on the subject.
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  16. Proxystar #Perception

    And this is where you're wrong.

    The only reason IS NOT just to overlap the effects of a buff, but rather to change the effect of what you currently have.

    If for example I know there's a burn check coming up that the orbital will help with, it makes perfect sense for me to swap something I might otherwise be running for the Dead Kings Scepter and then after I've used the orbital switching back to the other artifact.

    This is an entirely legitimate use of artifact swapping that does not intend to rely upon overlapping an effect and even if the effect was entirely removed upon removing the DKS a player would still do it, because it's smart and effective.

    The same applies to something like the PStone.

    The same applies if I'm running a battle build and let's say suddenly need more survival features, I'll swap out DPS artifacts for tank ones and this can be done manually - these are all legitimate tac swaps, not intended to gain overlapped effects, but to change active effects.

    The same of course applies to weapons, potentially gear pieces like necks, or other pieces that might carry a white socket, it also includes switching trinkets and consumables.

    Your narrow and clearly inexperienced view here is rather telling.
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  17. jolaksi Well-Known Player

    Yes. Dead King's Scepter is perfect example of that(effect removed upon unequip); 99% of the DKS owners not aware of 6th orbital tick is not present even if user see the initial scepter VFX and swap DKS immedietly. But cooldown reduction on orbital is still there because its activated when orbital is triggered. Its coded that way. Orbital ticks on the other hand are continious ticks and require DKS to be in slot for 6th tick.

    I feel like DKS and P stone should get special treatment and should be placed in base generator for perma perks. No stats. Among all artifacts they are in peak for "intended art swap" but hindering the gameplay(mainly for DPS) while doing.
  18. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    If players want to swap swap it up go right ahead that is a extra job in it's self lol. The only time I ever change up my arts is if I'm about to fight a certain boss and know a certain art it will be better suited for the situation. If I run a pug raid and we have a tank with low color augs and troll and healer arts lol yeah I'm getting my orb of arion for his squishy but. I be damned if I am going to keep going in my inventory keep swapping arts oh hellll no hahaha yeah I ant the one for that energy.
  19. Tolly Committed Player

    What's distressing about DC is that it's always the same powers that have the right to be stronger than others, and that this difference is even greater with this type of abuse with artefacts. So when the devs don't care about that, there are really questions to be asked, while at the same time they're trying to reduce player damage...

    Electrics and gadgets should be given a REAL nerf, because they're still the strongest powers...
  20. zNot Loyal Player

    No one should be told that to expect fair gameplay proxystar, if forum users have problem with others wanting fair equal gameplay then it should show what the true intentions are of some.
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