Raving Mad / Master of Madness Feats

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MightyHornet, Jul 7, 2023.

  1. MightyHornet Well-Known Player

    Can anyone please tell me how often I need to ball tap Shazam throughout Shattered Gotham Elite in order to get both of these feats?

  2. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Not sure if it's changed, but it used to drop 25 or so points every time you run his cog, so to keep him above 50, you'd only hit it at >76 but should probably NOT wait till 90+ as 1 missed cog means a wipe. I've tried the 'master' one several times and either we 'kitchen sink' him too fast and he goes down before 95, or you wipe as it hits 100%.

    Personally I'd not try to do both at once so you can just run the cog throughout the run, not worrying about the 50% mark, then only have to worry about it on the final boss for the 95% when he goes down. If you do wipe, you can try try the 'masters' one (correct me if I'm wrong...it's not 1st attempt) but the raving mad would be lost anyway, so better done a separate run.

    EDIT: you can test how much it drops each push before the tala fight as long as you get it before 50%, and then let it hit and stay over 50% once the fight starts. Just so you can check how many points it is without risking the feat.
  3. MightyHornet Well-Known Player

    Thanks man. It’s been a minute. Just hard to do since it’s been so long
  4. Proxystar #Perception

    You're not getting this feat with PUGS, you need people with augments (ideally) you need people with good single target burn and you need people that will follow instructions or you're failing on last boss - not being harsh, just keeping it real.

    Still one of the worst feats in the game and if you don't get Shazam pretty much perfect in terms of where he's sitting before last boss kiss the feat goodbye and disband.
  5. MightyHornet Well-Known Player

    Yeah I have some good friends who want to try it. I’ve come really close before but didn’t get them. I know there’s a strategy for the Shazam timing
  6. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    For Raving Mad, Shazam needs to be between 50-55 when you start the last boss fight. If he’s not there have the tank go in solo and hit the cog at 76 and immediately wipe to get Shazam to 50-55.