Shortcut to avoid Double Clicks/Purchases?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Prindacerk, Jul 5, 2023.

  1. Prindacerk Committed Player

    I am looking for advise on PC. The purchase button at the vendor cannot be navigated through keyboard. So it's a mouse click action only. And quite often, I end up double clicking and get two of the same gear.

    Anyone have any advise on how to avoid double clicking? Is there any trick you use to not double purchase stuff? I don't want to waste the hard earned SM on gear I wouldn't have any use on.
  2. Project Mother Box New Player

    If you're double-clicking by reflex, that's a "you" problem, so I assume that's not the case.

    If it's because your mouse buttons are jittery or over-sensitive, replacing the mouse would seem to be the way to go, or reducing double-click speed in your Settings (though that might impact on reaction time in-game, and will probably be annoying out-of-game)

    In both cases, hold-clicking rather than tap-clicking - and then moving off the "Buy" button before releasing - ought to work?

    Using a Controller for non-gameplay / out-of-combat actions is an alternative.
  3. Dene Devoted Player

    to add to the the above advice.. it may be a lag or just a game thing.. click once and wait, it will buy it no matter how it 'feels' or sounds - not every buy on a vendor makes a sound or has a click 'feel' and so ppl click again thinking it didn't work
  4. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Or moving the verification buttons to Y/N or Square or O
  5. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    Pulling up your loot tab can help when at the vendor. But as others suggested, waiting a few seconds is a necessity as lag spikes can happen at anytime...including the unfortunate times.
  6. Prindacerk Committed Player

    I'm not double clicking. I single click but somehow it seems to trigger a double click in game. It only happens within the game at the vendor.

    Will try hold-clicking and see if that works.