Cancel subscription help

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Offline, Jun 21, 2023.

  1. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    Take all of your credit information off the PS4.... You're subscription can't be renewed. It will then be cancelled.
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  2. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player


    Any particular reason for not wanting being subbed?

    I'm sure the devs would love to know.

    Pssttt... There's a 10 in it for ya if you say it was because of the clamp. (kidding)
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  3. myandria Item Storage

    I am on the PS4 as well; here is how to cancel your DCUO subscription:

    You will have to go to the Playstation Store website to manage most of your subscriptions now; only the PS Plus Subscription is available to manage from the PS4 console.

    1. Go to
    2. Log in
    3. Click on your user avatar and choose the 'Subscription Management' option
    4. Choose which subscription you want to cancel and follow the prompts.

    Removing your payment options is another way to cancel from the console.

    Edit: Note: When you decide to resub, your membership perks will activate on the day you initially subscribed to the game. For example, if your membership perks appear on the 12th of the month and you resub before then, you will not see the perks appear until around the 12th of that month. You can still log in to get the free/premium daily rewards without the membership if you so choose.
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  4. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Because of the clamp.

    $johnnydied21 ;)
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  5. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    Because Muni and gadgets isn't getting the nerf hammer he wants.
  6. xXlNesTlXx Well-Known Player

    You can cancel everything from any Playstation console, Ps4 or Ps5

    Ps4: Settings / Account management / Account Information / Services list / Dcuo / Cancel subscription
    Ps5: Settings / Users and Accounts / Account / Payment and subscriptions / Services for games and apps / Dcuo / Cancel subscription
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  7. myandria Item Storage

    Incorrect for the PS4; the services list has been disabled on my PS4 since last year and I am not the only one who has experienced this (my family and friends cannot do this, either). Have you tried unsubscribing from DCUO on a PS4? If not, then you truly are unaware. It seems you have pulled this information off of Google.

    When the services list is pulled up, an error message occurs "an error has occurred". No error code. Only the subscription list works and it only shows the PS Plus membership; even the OP is having this issue:

    So, the solution I gave the OP is the one that works.
  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    This might be if you set your PS5 to 'Primary'. I won't find out till next Jan 30th when I resub and quickly unsub, but as I had the PS5 this last Jan, but wasn't using it at the time, I know I unsubbed from my PS4 services page as I have several times in the past. If the OP does NOT have a PS5, or has not set his account as primary on that one, I'd wager he'd be able to unsub there as well.....but as he's been silent...we may never know.

    I'll let you know next Jan though.
  9. Great Architect Loyal Player

    You: I have a problem.
    Others: Try this.

    Could we please just combine all of your threads into one, so you can ignore everybody's help and advice all at once, in one handy package?