Remove villains from WT / Heros from HOD

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Eshmaki, Jun 21, 2023.

  1. Eshmaki Level 30

    There are times I come out of a legends pvp match and I am still flagged for pvp. (this is done by the arena/legends match) I return to the WT to some random player just one shotting me. What is this? Please remove villains from the HQ and heros from the HOD. I am tired. Fix this. Please. HQs are supposed to be like safe houses and you should not be attacked.
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  2. Operation Failure Well-Known Player

    You're either in pvp phase or you're personally turning your flag on. Pvp matches do not turn on your flag. Going near any active open world pvp event such as Diamond Heist and the War of light also turns on your pvp flag.
  3. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    With this saidb

    Heroes and villains shouldn’t be allowed to be in each others hqs…this should
    Be fixed …whatever this loophole is people are using to get in… it needs to stop
  4. Operation Failure Well-Known Player

    It's been fixed. The only way players have been getting in has been because of players who've never left the WT/HOD. Besides it's not harming anyone but the players who flag themselves. This has been something that has been requested to be a thing but instead we received the HOL where flags cannot be turned on whatsoever(Not complaining because its a useful area regardless). I'd rather other issues be fixed.
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  5. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    There is still a way to get teleported into opposing faction's HQ. It often happens when you finish Family Reunion alert in Suicide Squad/Taskforce X mode. It's not really an issue on EUPC/PS server, because WT and HOD are virtually empty at all times, especially PvP phases.
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  6. Operation Failure Well-Known Player

    Man eu has it rough lol. Didn't know the family reunion one was still a thing though so thanks for the info.