Movement rework / adjustment planned?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by lllStrichcodelll, Jun 19, 2023.

  1. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Some time ago it was mentioned that the devs are interested to change how movement abilities are implemented.

    I switched to acrobatics recently because it's actually worth playing with Nature due to its benefits over Superspeed. Acrobatics is generally quite nice but it has some major flaws that make it obnoxious to play. That's why I mentioned a rework in the title.

    Suggestion to make acrobatics more fun based only on the movement.

    • Ziplines are great. It would be greater if they worked all the time, not just when out of combat. Also, make them work without a wall in front of you - just not indefinitely of course.
    • The forced midair-to-perform-zipline is nice, but low ceilings in content stop you from using this feature, slowing you down drastically. I would suggest a lower jump-height on the initial jump to be able to fully use this feature even in hallways, where it makes most sense.
    • Clinging to walls/ceilings in content should be disbaled. I know some players like to use it to avoid damage as a tank but if the zipline can be properly used in combat, this isn't needed anymore and makes traversing through instances a much smoother experience.
    • There is nothing that would enhance superspeed in its current state. Perfect the way it is.
    • Faster flight-speed in combat
    • Speed dashes in combat like superspeed
    • Dustoff supercharge should get changed to not catapult you away from all action and should also grant a shield like Dash Attack or Perfect Poise from the other movement sets.
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  2. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    When using Dive Bomb there should not be a delay before you can attack.
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  3. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Great ideas particularly flight … no reason why movement modes are in the state that they are

    Movement modes should be about preference and preference alone … none of them should have an Advantage over another … it’s just silly to argue it any other way.

    The abilities themselves also need to be similar in use across the board … again one shouldn’t have am advantage over another in this regard either..
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  4. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    dive bomb seems so pointless to me … I’ve never seen the advantage of it .. for races maybe?
  5. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    You can knock down enemies with it. Thats rather pointless when you can't attack until they get back up however. :D
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  6. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    A variation of superspeed that allows the players to fly sort of like Red Tornado would be nice. I mean, as long as we're daydreaming.
  7. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    Would switch to acro in a heartbeat if it was less obnoxious. Absolutely hate getting stuck on walls/ceilings but absolutely love the abilities/feel of movement when not stuck.
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  8. Icon Active Player

    The movement suppression while in combat or transitioning from combat needs to be removed. Between stronger boss pulls/holds, multiple pets in the way and smaller combat areas; the movement suppression is not necessary and punitive to the player.
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  9. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    For Acrobatics, I would separate the grapnel from gliding. Have it use a different button. I don't care which one gets remapped, but it's extremely annoying when you want to do a short glide, and suddenly a grappling line shoots out. Or you want to use the grapnel, and all you do is glide (although the other scenario is way more common). Different buttons for different traversal methods.
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  10. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    I absolutely hate acrobatics because of how inconsistent it is on whether grappling hook will or will not work during the movement suppression when transitioning from combat.
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  11. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    I know that when I'm trying to move away from danger, getting hit will make me stop and stick around to get hit some more. /s

    Seriously, it's just like in the Halo games, when you're crouching behind cover to avoid getting hit, then you get hit a glancing blow and stand up to present a bigger target. Only more so, because when you're moving in combat, you're either trying to get away from a fight you never started, or you're trying to get in a more advantageous position, and now you're stuck moving at a crawl.
  12. jolaksi Well-Known Player

    There are few things and maybe these things are the most important things for certain players when it comes to superspeed:
    • Being able to use Dash Attack while grounded
    • Being able to use Dash Attack while movement mode is off.
    • Dont disable Dash Attack when form change items equipped (flight ring, acrobatic ring etc.)

    The last option also applies to Flight's Dustoff.
  13. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    That's more or less how it used to be. Was two separate skills, until people complained that acrobatics took one extra SP to fill compared to other movement modes.
  14. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    It should be again. That, right there, is the main reason I don't use acrobatics. If the grapnel was a different button, it wouldn't be a big deal. But as is, the computer can't reliably decide if I'm trying to grapple or glide, because the game uses the same button for both.
  15. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    It has always been assigned to the same button in the past, but you could decide if you want the grapple or not. Personally, I don't see why anyone would want to glide. With my proposed change of being able to grapple everywhere, gliding would never be a thing again. I can see some players being sad about it for aesthetic reasons.
  16. AshocusTheMuse Well-Known Player

    nooooooooooo lol While grapple is VERY cool, doing everywhere would be horrid, you would overshoot your designated area like a MOFO on so many occasions that you would eventually flip a table. :p
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  17. the solowing Unwavering Player

    I want super speed to have increased speed and the ability to break the sound barrier multiple times if I maintain flight for extended periods
  18. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Good news! Never fear, there is an emote now for when that happens.
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  19. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I do just fine holding the grapple for less than a second. For shorter distances you can still use the basing running which has a decent speed. :)
  20. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Just hit Block, and you drop out of the zipline fast move. Block drops you off walls and ceilings that you've accidentally climbed, or been force-ziplined to, as well, without having to switch off your Movement completely.

    There's a similarly inelegant fix with Flight, too: - It's faster to switch Flight off completely mid-move, and drop like a stone, then re-enable it before you hit the ground (so you can continue flying horizontally) than it is to fly straight down, even at Supersonic speed. I use that in the Seasonal Races all the time.

    There are little tricks like this in Acro and Flight, and the Block trick works to get Superspeed off walls too... but it's the crushing inevitability of *ending up on that wall* in the first place, and it's clunky "flying" that makes me hate Superspeed.

    I didn't used to be too keen on Acro, but it's grown on me over the years - whereas Superspeed is just so God-awfully frustrating in it's insistence on unintentionally climbing, or getting stuck on the side of, things that makes me hate it.