Precision weapon combo's issues

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by FixMyPower, Jun 17, 2023.

  1. FixMyPower Active Player

    There are some big issues on the precision side of dps'ing. Out of 22 weapon mastery combos there are only 2 viable ones (Brawling->shuriken storm and dual wield->flurry shot) and it's been the same meta for 3 years. Brawling on aoe and flurry shot for single target. Flurry shot has been the meta ever since revamp happened, so over 6 years. Nothing can compare to those 2 weapon masteries unless you're on top of the boss hitting shield melee combos (will die more times than you can get picked up) and staff -> focused barrage is not that great.

    Average parsers on 1 target are below/around 200K for most powers. Here are some parsers as gadgets on single target. Quislet-trans-strat

    You also have to take in account of the 20% weapon dmg buff from trolls during runs on top of all the regulars buffs. You can just sit at max range with 0 risks and do more damage than anyone and swapping artifacts is much easier when flurry-shotting.

    Here are some parsers on 3 targets as precision. It's fast, multiple hits, wide cone and MAX range 0 risks. No might power can come close to this. venom-trans-strat

    You can also swap from single target to AOE with 0 consequences on both sides. Just swap weapons. While might powers have to adjust their whole rotation for encounters, precision players just need to swap weapons when they see adds and do as much if not more damage.

    Out of 42 artifacts on dcuo, 22 are mainly dps artifacts. This whole game is around dps'ing so balancing should be the top priority.

    The point of this thread can be squashed down to this one sentence; Brawling needs to be tuned down and so does flurry shot.
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  2. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Just lol

    You purposely use a rotation that even drains you while be powered dummy power while on a power that utilizes prec better than any other power in order to “explain” that it’s brawling that’s an issue. Lol…

    Maybe try learning to be a better might player? There are plenty of good might gadgets players. There are plenty of good might players in general. Maybe you’re just not one of them?
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  3. Clear New Player

    What are you talking about?
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  4. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I just find it funny when people try to post “proof” that prec or brawling need to be nerfed while purposefully skewing the results to embellish the truth. Truth is that prec and might are actually pretty well balanced. Truth is that if brawling and dw were nerfed prec as a whole would be rendered useless. Truth is that the majority of might players are bad and think they are better than they actually are.

    When I get out dpsed I don’t go whining to the forums demanding whatever was used to beat me gets nerfed. Instead I go to the testing dummies to find ways to improve and do better.
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  5. Clear New Player

    You are correct, maybe he just needs to find a way to get better with might.
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  6. not serious Well-Known Player

    it's the gadget power and electricity cut at superspeed that breaks the precision, so try in water without superspeed and you'll see that the precision is far from being as great compared to a powerful ammunition.
  7. not serious Well-Known Player

    239'000/s and some dare to say that all the powers are well balanced and that all the modes of movement are good,
  8. Henoshock Well-Known Player

    1. Gadgets takes at least 2.5x as much power as any other DPS. You can literally count the number of trolls who can maintain this on one hand.

    2. Most prec powers parse like 160k right now on ST, while might can fairly easily hit at least 180k. The troll power dump is necessary for prec to keep up. I would even say that prec is weaker on ST generally.

    3. Gadgets and Elec (sometimes Rage) are the only notable prec powers, and right now Elec (and Rage) are fairly mediocre without green spam (or being able to melee).

    4. I'd agree prec ranged AoE is a fair bit better than most powers' ranged might AoE, so this is the most valid point here. However, you're demoing this with Gadgets, which is an enormous outlier. Typical powers would probably hover around 300k on 3 targets. Might can keep up with Ebon's.

    5. Minor point, you're hitting the targets with Dervish, which inflates your parses.
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  9. not serious Well-Known Player

    without the super speed impossible to do precision 160,000/sSt with power other than a gadget then
  10. not serious Well-Known Player

    I challenge you to exceed 140,000/s in precision water flight
  11. Henoshock Well-Known Player

    Honestly, Water might be the best Flight Prec power because it has Aquatic Arsenal and Bubble. I don't think 140k is difficult, especially with RSK and Quislet/Grim. Powers whose mechanics rely on casting abilities would suffer much more.
  12. not serious Well-Known Player

    water flight has absolutely nothing to clip so no try for yourself and you will see
  13. TheEnquirer Active Player

    It's been time for upgraded Weapons.. For a while. I'm going to be honest. It shows a lack of passion in the project when the devs let metas keep us in a stale environment as far as Weapons go. The only solution so far they've offered is to make a myriad of Precision Artifacts and hope one of them does something. I absolutely refuse to play Precision seriously in end game. Brawling was fun for a while, but it's like... I can do that on my heal or troll and still get that little mini dose of dopamine.

    I just don't understand.. Is it number tweaking? Is it legacy code? Is it just waiting for the right ally to come out?
  14. not serious Well-Known Player

    ally for water an interest in being extraordinary
  15. FixMyPower Active Player

    While I do agree that prec as a playstyle would be rendered useless if…mind you 2...2 weapon mastery combinations (out of 22!) are nerfed to the point of an arbitrary “balance”. Shouldn’t this bring up the usability or even utility of other weapon mastery or even weapon combinations. It is undeniable in the current endgame meta that flurry shot and brawling are in their own tier for ease of use as well as damage further amplified off of artifacts and even allies to an extent. To counter your argument as using what seems to be an over excessive amount of power, hallway ads die very quickly. SO, in essence power is a void argument in this discussion seeing as in hallways in between add sets, passive power regeneration is a factor and long term sustainability of power is never viewed as a necessity. The only thing in hallways or even add sets is to get rid of them as fast as possible or even shove them to the side for a tank to hold them. I could parse 300-340 with almost any precision power on aoe because of how imbalanced brawling shuriken storm is compared to anything else. As for single target, power isn’t really an issue in current content with proper management and my dervish did proc on the target and it further skewed parses, but targets are real glitchy when it comes to power back unless you dps in their face. Similar results would’ve been yielded regardless.

    Here is a video to further support this thread. Brawling during hallways, same loadout, no power power issues. Flurry shot during boss-fights, same loadout, no power issues. Just look at how easy it is to swap from single target to aoe while arguably maximizing the damage of those 2 weapon mastery combos and keeping the exact same loadout. I know this was pre-gem nerf and everything but just look out how he can go from single to aoe in a split second without changing loadouts, and how he can moves out of the red aoe 1 shot mechanic while still flurry-shotting. Interruptions don't affect precision at all compared to might and you also cannot get grounded out of moves, while compared to might powers who can pop a 10k super and lose all of it because of "GROUNDED" and do 0 damage. You literally cannot get punished as precision unless you're zerking the boss. Since you claim that precision isn't that great and I've seen some of your other replies claiming that you have no issues being top dps without being SS or prec, I would love to get you in a run and show you other-wise. You're nature (probably using Ivy), max CR and you have around 780 skill points, so you should be more than okay.
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  16. The Anxient Loyal Player

    I do similar numbers with atomic aoe might. Not saying all powers are equal but they're not as far out of line as you want to make them
  17. Miserable Dedicated Player

    That number is single target, not aoe.
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  18. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Hear the thing. Might and prec are currently pretty well balanced. A might player can keep up and beat a prec player in AoE or ST. This is while the prec player is using dw and brawling. This is the CURRENT state of prec vs might. You used gadgets knowing full well that you used a set up that takes advantage of the way prec works while having infinite power. This does not show anything about the meta of prec vs might. It only shows that gadgets is good with prec. That’s all. The rotation you used for example. Showcased what gadgets can do. But realistically speaking you won’t have that sustain in actual content. You also wouldn’t be standing in melee to constantly get the WD procs. And I said consistently since I’m actual content in hallways youd being doing these in range while the tanks pulls things down hallways and then only get to melee when they are grouped up. And by that point they would mostly be dead. Same goes for ST. You say you can manage your power which is true. But that isn’t what you showed. A prec gadgets wouldn’t be sustaining that rotation indefinitely on bosses. You’d be drained so you would either cut back on clips which would also lower your damage. So again, you are showcasing gadgets ability to utilize prec in a vacuum.

    Take gadgets out of the equation and you’ll see that it further goes in favor of might dps. You also say it’s easier to swap arts as prec which is also not true. It may be easier to swap during flurry shot (which is ST). But you can do the same with might ST as they have channel abilities like finishers which give more freedom to swap. Not to mention the most popular swap arts scale more with might.

    At this moment prec and might are very well balanced. Nerf brawling and dw even a little will just make prec useless. The only ones not able to put up numbers as might are bad players. Sorry but that’s just the truth. The only reason prec seems to be better is that there are no options to dps with prec. Every single combo other than 2 does below average damage. So everyone uses the same 2 combos. Compare that to might and most use terrible loadout/rotations. Then when people find good set ups they do not want to share those builds. Lack op options makes prec good.
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  19. Henoshock Well-Known Player

    Like I said, you keep showing Gadgets clips, which is outperforming all other precision powers by probably 20-30%. Not sure how often you run with sweaty Gadgets prec, but they do run out of power during adds. The Stealth rotation alone is base 1200 power, and prec has lower power regen. You do regen a bit between adds, but you don't get your whole power bar back.

    Pre- and post-nerf EoG is a huge difference. It's the difference between trolls getting to spam both their 5k + WoP off cooldown (with Scrap), and maybe getting a 5k every 45 seconds. Standing in oranges gives 2% power back every second. And now that they're running Quislet or VWD, their own power regen is even lower. Sure they can do some things differently and manage their power better, but those are compromises you haven't mentioned. Running Cyborg is a DPS loss, running Grim is a DPS loss over Quislet, clipping slower or less is definitely a DPS loss, etc.

    Sparring targets give more power than most trolls can. And Dervish alone is going to add like >10k DPS to the parses.

    You can jump and move around during the cast times of most might powers. You can't really cancel and block, but your mobility isn't that limited. I would agree the channels and Grounded interactions is unfavorable. You should keep in mind though that if you initially weren't in movement, your channels will not be canceled by getting grounded.

    You also haven't shown any examples of a good Might DPS. Like I said, Might can parse the same as or even higher than Prec, though it takes more effort to do so. Considering that Might players won two of the recent high-profile DPS comps on USPS, I don't think Prec has as much of an advantage over Might as you're stating.
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  20. FixMyPower Active Player

    Here's a clip of hallways and first boss, don't think I popped my cola once. Unless the troll is keeping claw in, the power won't be the best, but def manageable.

    Before you mention philosopher stone, almost every end game player has that artifact (from what I've seen in most of my runs). So can we set aside the power issues? I mentioned in my previous reply why I was on top of the targets, feel free to read it again if you didn't catch that. I would argue that elec, even without gem spam, is pretty close to gadgets precision in terms of damage with the right artifacts and allies and as you can see in the clip, rage is in it's own tier. The player "perk" is a pretty good might dps, he was nature (best might power currently) and he finished 3rd in that run, which was a pretty clean one. I agree that flurry shot isn't game breaking in terms of damage, but the mobility it provides is the best and by far. That's why you only see precision dpses in super hard content like E+ or SM, because there are 0 chances of getting punished while doing equal damage (for the most part) as might. Then there's the main issue, brawling. Unless 10k scs are popped or the ads are up for a minute, it's the best aoe damage and guess what, it's MAX range. Most might powers need some time before they can really damage the ads and by the time they get there, ads are no more. Brawling would probably look like this in a graph ; / , while might powers would probably look more like an exponential curve. That is why some nature dpses use brawling in hallways even though they are might on bossfights. The only reason might was better than precision was because of the insane amount of greens that we longer have access to. Other than that, precision was always better and it's going to stay that way unless you know... 40% might buff allies keep coming out...