Up-Votes Needed More Parademon Nightmares feat is bugged

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by lamourboy001, Jun 16, 2023.

  1. lamourboy001 Well-Known Player

    "Defeat Apokoliptian Nightmare after defeating at least 32 Nightmare Parademos."

    Like a week ago we killed 46 adds (in tte+) and feat didn't pop. I heard other groups couldn't get it as well. I haven't seen any thread about this issue.. Devs, please can you fix it and let us know when feat will be achieved?

    Thank you
  2. Henoshock Well-Known Player

    This has been fixed - I know at least one group got the feat yesterday. It may be exactly 32 adds, not at least; I didn't bother to confirm.
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  3. BorysUSPS New Player

    I did this feat yesterday
    • Like x 1
  4. lamourboy001 Well-Known Player

    Thank you. I hope it's at least, at least

    It has been fixed then. Thank you.