Block Artifact Swapping

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Healing Juice, Jun 9, 2023.

  1. MightyHornet Well-Known Player

    I’m 110% behind artifact locking in a fight.
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  2. Trykz Dedicated Player

    Whole lot of crying going on in here.
    They might remove effects after swap, but they’ll never remove the swap.
    Get over it.
  3. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    Just remove swaps at this point. We have armories for a reason.
  4. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Highly against the rules...
  5. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    How so? All those do is add extra paddles or remap the controller.
  6. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Aren't they considered macros? If not my bad.

    Edit: Besides, people shouldn't have to go to such lengths...
  7. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    Nothing extra outside of what can be done in the settings menu with the exception of adding extra paddles to a controller or remapping it, which can also be done in settings. Simplifies (at least ergonomically) the process for those using controllers..nothing more and not totally necessary unless one was a sweaty toxic.
  8. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Just my 2 cents.
    I think it needs fixed/checked in some way (not sure how).

    I also dont do it, never even tried an never felt like i needed too. Only times i ever get out damaged on a boss (all that matters is boss damage anyway) seems to be when someone is competently swapping or is a really good prec player.
    I go months at a time outside league runs an never see anyone even close to my unbuffed damage so overall, my opinion is “meh”.

    If someone needs to go to those lengths just to out damage someone then have at it, i dont care. I think its stupid an shouldn't even be possible tho fundamentally.

    Heres what i would do w/artifacts personally.
    I would offer 2-3 innate slots and the 3 slots we currently have. No swapping here just pick and go (save setups to armories)
    Innates would give no stats, just the functionality.
    An example would be slotting DKS for the orbital stuff but no stats. This allows us to get more use out of all the arts we have and content shouod easily be adjusted in diffculty. Makes them more $ cause it entices more arts.
    Easy peasy
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  9. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    That can't be done on Xbox. Perhaps they should work on that?
  10. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    What can't be done through X-Box? The remap settings in the settings menu? Unsure of the X-Box setup, but scroll all the way to the right in your rsettings menu, there you should have separate options to choose from "shooter" (irc)...etc that remaps your controller.
  11. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Agreed. Also, Mepps (or another dev, can't remember) has stated that if they add a 4th slot, it will most likely be in the same manner you suggested (innate effect only without the stats) ^-^
    Would be great for me as a Buff Troll because I would finally be able to utilize the setup I've always wanted (Commlink inclusion and not having to swap tetra/cog so I can actually get into groups).
  12. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Oh, I thought you meant manual remap of each individual button/control. Not sure how switching interact, block, and ranged attack around would help here though, because that's all they change.
  13. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    It's a remapping function..just like what is provided with the aformentioned attachments, except on a smaller scale.
  14. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Right, and we shouldn't have to purchase some fancy 3rd party device in order to remap the controls other than ranged, block, and interact. That's why I said perhaps they should look into letting us, maybe it could help a little.
  15. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    The Elite controller can, but I can understand not wanting to drop over $150 on a controller, just because it makes it less of a strain on your thumb (or makes it possible to use the right stick AND buttons at the same time).
  16. Proxystar #Perception

    I have actually heard that lots of people are now resorting to macros to automate their artifact swapping in game. I think it goes without saying that macros aren't implicitly forbidden they're actually explicitly against the terms of service and use of a macro can get you banned, just worth noting.

    If you want to risk your account for some extra sweaty damage, then hey.

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  17. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    I have an Elite 2, messed around with it's settings a bit, but haven't found any possible way to make it help with artifact swapping. Definitely nothing that would seem to make it quicker/easier. But yeah, exactly.
  18. MightyHornet Well-Known Player

    Yet. People are using and abusing it. That’s how they’re getting all these incredibly hard feats
  19. Proxystar #Perception

    I don't think it's fair to extrapolate out what I said to such a blanket statement that all people are using macros to get hard feats, that's just not true.
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  20. Henoshock Well-Known Player

    As the second post said, which I agree with, the only issue I could see with art swapping is if it became expected of all players. And I think if that is the major justification, then things like Survival Mode, Elite or Elite Plus, and difficult content in general would also warrant being looked at. I think there should be a clear and constant line between what everyone should be able to accomplish, and what only people who really invest in the game should be able to accomplish.

    You don't have to swap to complete any content, so I don't see how it impacts people who don't swap from a gameplay perspective. I don't mind other people putting in more effort on their part.

    As for platform fairness... I think that since platforms are still separated in-game, there is not much intra-platform unfairness. And inter-platform fairness is not as important, because those players can't interact with each other in-game. The major intra-platform unfairness complaint probably comes from PC vs PS. I would say PC and PS have their own advantages, and the PS5 is fast enough to swap comfortably. There are good players on both platforms, and it would be hard for me to say who has a definite advantage head-to-head.

    As for PS4 users, while it does suck, I do think there has to be a minimum level of hardware investment to play the game as you want. The deciding factor is probably going to be where the majority of the playerbase lies. Personally, I think the PS5 population would be growing larger and larger, and the future of the game should take that into account.

    I think we should first agree on whether or not artifact swapping as it currently is should stay or not before discussing alternatives. Many people are probably fine with the system as is, or it doesn't really affect them. It's up to the devs to determine if they really consider this an "exploit" or not. I don't think it's really unfair, as it's a mechanic that pretty freely available to everyone, unlike Incendiary Mines.

    Also, for keyboard, it should be known that Tab, Shift+Tab, the arrow keys, and Spacebar will navigate through the inventory.