TIL: The Clamp clamps your stats more the higher your CR is

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ryazan, Apr 21, 2023.

  1. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    If they have the skills and right build, I'd guess some can. Just saying if we CANNOT solo an endgame boss, why doesn't the room auto wipe when X number of people have been KO'd? Not saying it should be easy or that anyone can do it just by overpowering the content, but the right player with the right gear and skills? Yeah. It should...and likely is...doable.

    I also wouldn't....and DIDN'T, say 'any' boss. There are bosses that aren't really the real issue, but have mechanics like spawning unlimited adds, or applying transformations to you that interrupt your ability to use your powers, or healing faster than you can burn them, where while theoretically it would be possible, I doubt any single player on the game could do it. However, the design to keep the fight going, even after there is 1 player left, IS in every boss fight...so yeah...in the realm of possibility at least.

    But as your original statement was 'No one player should be able to solo an entire boss fight' and I could go in and solo Doomsday in the DD raid right now, or take the full Necro or FOS3 raid down solo...and I'm by no means anywhere near the best solo player in the game...yeah, you are wrong. Current endgame, I'd guess Rocket and Static are doable, moreso in 2 DLCs time...but I've never tried them...there's no reason to and it takes a long time to do.
  2. Proxystar #Perception

    Have you considered whether or not they might be considering all of their current episode in real time? You say you received growth with the mask, perhaps that's their intention, might be interesting to see whether the negative growth is a thing in the next episode. - that's probably more interesting then.
  3. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Why should gear you are wearing matter though if it's above the clamp level? You should be able to enter with gear 1 CR over the clamp or 100 CR over and have the same stats from your gear....isn't that the point? I get the OP loophole, but even that should be over, not under. Now...all the other things that 'pierce' should add a bit more, but assuming no changes in any thing BUT gear, why wouldn't the clamped stats be static?

    In very literal terms, go get yourself an actual clamp from Home Depot. Then squeeze it so that it only allows 1 inch through. If you take something squishy like a water balloon loaded to 2 inches diameter. It will be exactly 1 inch through that space of the clamp. Put a bit more water in it and it will still be 1 inch in that spot between the pressure points....not 7/8.
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  4. Plowed In Loyal Player

    I mean…we are talking about roughly half of a % here. Might is still an input to determine effective damage…I’d suggest that actually the DPS wouldn’t be statistically significant…meaning it’s still the “same.”
  5. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    They don't seem like they would be, considering the only reason I achieved growth and not regression was because of a piece of face gear with a mod slot. If this had been a normal episode without the extra elite gear, the stats would have suffered regression like from the jump from Legion of Doom to Sins of Black Adam. A mask with a mod slot doesn't happen every episode, the last one was from Long Live the Legion, all the way back on episode 39. And before that, the other mask with a mod slot was from Starro.

    So I'm not really banking on the idea that this is their duct tape fix to the negative growth problem. Sure would be nice if it becomes it by them fixing whatever is wrong.
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  6. Proxystar #Perception

    Well like I say unless they have a desired extent of growth intended and they obviously know they're introducing that mask this time so they're tweaking the system in more real time than we realize, i.e. they're accounting for the release of that mask and next time will account for the lack of one.

    I'm probably giving them too much credit and If I'm being honest I'm a little skeptical that they are also, time will tell that of course and rather quickly I'd imagine, but I thought it was worth at least just putting it out there as something to consider.

    I haven't super analyzed your testing and I may start tracking mine going forward also, but if we are regressing rather than progressing then that of course isn't appropriate, we should always be progressing even if it's not by a lot.
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  7. MxOiE Level 30

    The first sentence of both your first and second paragraph are contradictions considering what I asked you beforehand. Figure out where you stand on that, brother. I also don’t know why you’re telling me that people CAN solo content when I never said they can’t. I said they shouldn’t be able to. I know they can but I was simply stating my opinion on the matter. Since I was only saying my opinion, you telling me I’m “wrong” is strange to me. I don’t know when this became a matter of “I’m right you’re wrong” for you.

    Now, back to what I was saying. A single player shouldn’t be able to solo a boss that was meant for 8 people to beat especially if you’re clamped down to a more relevant CR. I don’t even understand how you’re okay with current tier bosses even being considered soloable. Going into a run expecting to “overcome the odds” of a bad group by yourself instead of taking the time to teach, work as a team, or just kick problematic players is one of the many toxic mindsets that seem to plague this community.
  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Well, if 100% of our population was interested in...or capable of...being taught, I'd agree with you more. It's not generally effective to solo a boss with 7 people watching, but sometimes it's the best option you have of getting done especially after multiple wipes and attempts at giving instructions. The more likely outcome in the situation where 1 person COULD carry the group but doesn't feel like it is that person leaves in frustration and the 7 others still don't learn anything OR get paid. Kick is not generally an option as the 3 hour timer prevents it many times...and it only assumes 1 player is an issue. You also get groups that immediately re-open and you catch another player just as bad (at playing OR listening)...so again, not really effective for many situations.

    I'll admit I took your 'shouldn't be able to' more as 'can't'....so fine, that was a mis-interpretation. You are entitled to think people shouldn't be able to...just as many think you should be able to.

    And the 2 statements aren't really contradictions. Take the DM Barbatos fight. 1 guy could actually beat all the knights and whittle Barbatos down (in theory), but the 5 cog mechanic means you can't actually 'beat' the fight....even though you could have 'beat' the boss to the point the fight would be over. That fight can't be 'beat' with less than 6 people...and I'd guess you can agree that raids should be able to be beaten with 5 still standing...right? The mechanics of some fight are the exceptions that preclude the use of 'any boss'.

    However I still say, if done right you should be able to at least finish a boss solo where mechanically possible. It's kind of the super hero thing...saving the day when all hope is lost? Not saying everyone could do it...or that it's an effective way of doing things...just saying it should be possible.
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  9. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Well, these findings are really disheartening but what I suspected by the way eeg instances feel versus End Game.
  10. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    The stats are messed up, need targeted adjustments.
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  11. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    Fine, here's your stoopid stat decay from maximized CR and SP in Shock to the System to maximized CR and SP in JLD Cursed.

    CR414 with max 355SP in a stat :VS: CR430 with 370SP max in a stat.

    200 Sorce Shard, Quislet, MERCY. League buff on, no consumables, no face mods, no Statistical Recalibration from Anti-Crisis augments.

    With Statistical Recalibration on. Using correct episode augments when possible still results in decay, bigger lost numbers but smaller percentage in higher tiers, but bigger losses overall in lower tiers...
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  12. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Hey look! Numbers! That's what's up
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  13. ArtemisWonderWoman7 Well-Known Player

    I have said this for a long time. When I level a character I normally have 300 sp in replay badges to spend and I have 18 wolf arts. the last couple times I leveled characters I have effectively carried the group even though I was buffed up to the the content. I am not talking out performing by 20 to 50% better then the 2 place dps but having more damage then the group combined. Most lower players don't run with the best rotation for their power and don't have 200 arts but I put out so much more damage buffed up then being clamped down. My crit rate is over 67% as well. I have been accused of cheating because they didn't believe a cr 68 could destroy a cr 430 in CT event mode.
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  14. the solowing Unwavering Player

    If this is the case, then it does need to be addressed.
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  15. Alpha Maximum Well-Known Player

    Good information. The parent company already showed the stat clamp had a direct correlation with the game having a mass exodus exactly one month after they installed it. It's been acknowledged ad nauseam at this point. The "usual suspects" that go after everyone mentioning this reality in the forums will still do their thing and the game will still be were it is because the number one issue isn't being addressed. Get used to recolors and the older content being the unplayable ghost town its been since the clamp showed up. They have dug in their heels and it seems unlikely they will fix it despite the numbers already lost and all the new people disappearing right after finding out progression and actually feeling super in a progression superhero game is meaningless. BUT at least Daybreak will always have the same eight people here on the forums.

    To be fair the code did require a lot of pricey updating that would cost them more than they thought they could make back and the stat clamp was the cheap and dirty answer. So from a corporate stand point keeping the lifers on the hook with recolors, reskins, and new "chance" capsules is the smart play.

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  16. M3RCURY97 New Player

    Progression based game, we
    Have asked for transparency on stats and npcs, bosses, iconics, ect. Now we know why daybreak can't do that. The dishonesty of how the clamp actually works. Reminds me of nth metal drops. -bigger drops from not playing and standing around 17 mins at a time. The above info on the clamp needs to go viral or maybe it's time to just find something else to play.
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  17. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Thank you for taking the time to analyze and document this for all to see. I appreciate your work and hard effort in bringing this to light. I knew I felt weaker in EEG content vs current End Game.

    Thank you once again.
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  18. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Most of the playerbase wouldn't understand the math under the hood, myself included. If you don't have a spreadsheet at the ready its going over your head.