TIL: The Clamp clamps your stats more the higher your CR is

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ryazan, Apr 21, 2023.

  1. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Only had that happen in SOBA 1 time, but I generally only ran Elite for the extra mark, and I believe it would be hard to do it there. Maybe by the next DLC's CR though....we'll see.
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  2. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I am vindicated.
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  3. Plowed In Loyal Player


    Phew, lol.
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  4. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    So, I have finally reached max CR in the current episode with all the BiS gear (was actually a few weeks ago, but only remembered now), and have tested the might values again only to find out that, the maxed out me of right now is still losing stats compared to the maxed out me from 1 episode ago. o_O

    The left might column are the values achieved from a maxed out player during SoBA (CR396, and 340SP allowed in a stat).
    The right might column are the values achieved from a maxed out player during the current episode (CR414, and 355SP allowed in a stat).

    Quislet, MERCY and Source Shard at rank 200, no consumables, league buffs on, no Statistical Recalibration from augments, and no face mods used.

    With a face mod, I do actually achieve higher values and thus, growth, but not every episode have a face gear with an available mod slot. And even if every episode did, we would still see regression since the comparisons would all have that on. (and yes, I did waste currency on a second dps elite face gear to test this).

    I also tested queuing into Omnibus raids to see if the stats were different, and they aren't.
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  5. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    Also, funny thing, when the clamp launched I was initially worried that pet build users would inherently be at a worse position than users of normal builds, due to pet's stats being static and receiving no growth in stats since the only thing that can affect it is CR. But now that I found out that there is no growth, worse yet, regression in stats........... it would seem pet builds will actually have the edge if nothing is done...

  6. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah...it does seem hinky that you'd lose any stats just by changing gear for the better, especially with the added SP in Might every Episode I'd guess your origin augs went up too, or did you leave those out of the mix? If so, that's another +15 levels of 'gain' lost.
  7. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    IIRC, once above a certain level, they start to not give any additional stats per level up. This varies per tier, but I don't know the exact level they stop contributing growth. The origin augs level cap going up probably never affected the values in anything below tier 6.


    Tested out leveling an alt's origin aug from 335 to 337 while inside the Tier 6 Wonderverse solo, and there was no change in the Might in the stats tab. So they do only contribute up to a certain point.
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  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    K. But at least not going backwards.
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  9. MxOiE Level 30

    No one player should be able to solo an entire boss fight and please don’t try to say that’s not what you want when you’re saying things like “carry” and “overcome the disadvantage” of having 7 other players in your group who are struggling. If 7/8 people are dying in a raid then yes it should be considered a wash and not some one man carry run.
  10. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    The post was in response to the Clock Tower raid, an EEG raid. I am an End Game player, EEG content should be like the Event version for someone like myself, no easier, no harder. I still remember that raid, and I can say I have had less frustrating engagements with current Elite than that EEG raid. After wiping over & over & over & over on the first bosses with a rotating roster of players on content that I have far surpassed, I do not find enjoyable or have the inclination to ever participate in it again.

    You reference how no one player should be able to solo an entire boss fight, there are players on this very Forum who have boasted of such accomplishments, that use a “battle build” I believe is the term.
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  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Except that people CAN and DO solo boss fights, even in 'current' content. It will take a long time, sure, but to say they should not 'be able to', even if built right and well skilled...is just bogus. If that's what they wanted, they would have put a mechanic in where the room explodes if you drop below 2, 3 or 4 people in a run and enforce this 'mandatory' amount of players deemed as the lowest number that can do things. But they won't do that because they know sometimes there is only one person left, and that's by design that they can finish it if properly geared and skilled. Most people are happy if one guy can save an otherwise doomed run, as long as it isn't taking 'too' long.

    The difference between starting as 1 and finishing with 1 is just time except where 2 button mechanics are required, and in theory....in endgame OR clamped...you should be able to do either if you are geared and skilled properly.
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  12. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    How much burn do you need for that to happen? I've gotten to the point where (in Regular) he goes almost immediately to the bit where he holds that ceiling chain and you have to blow up the treasure piles, three times in a row (i.e., I blow up the treasure piles, hit him once, then have to blow up the treasure piles again, etc.), then hit him one more time. BTW, it's almost the same against Neron after the first round of fake Nerons, I immediately get the second one, then the third one.

    Asking mainly because I want to make sure I don't break the bosses.

    Edit: Also, is this what happens sometimes with hallway adds, where they suddenly become invulnerable to further damage, and you can't progress? Is that because of a too-fast burn, or is that a separate issue from the bosses?
  13. Skille Well-Known Player

    I'm late to this but i just really enjoy a good Cam gif.
  14. Plowed In Loyal Player

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  15. SuperDepresion New Player

    its probably a bug that hopefully who knows when will get fixed, dont have a lot of hopes on that tho speed hackers and cash sellers are ignored so you know kinda unlikely at best

    oh also bout stat clamp,well its like taxes you dont wanna em but not a lot of choices either pay or jail, wich translated in dcuo would be swipe that visa or stop playing lmao
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  16. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I sorely doubt any further adjustments will be made to any content concerning the stat clamp. It would be fantastic if it would be re-visited by the programmers.

    I avoid the clamp by avoiding eeg content as much as possible. It successfully discourages me from ever wanting to play old content ever again.
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  17. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

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  18. xXlNesTlXx Well-Known Player

    DCUO is the only game where latest content is the easiest content
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  19. Sarien Well-Known Player

    It looks like more of the same issue the game has always had problems with: Gatekeeping.
    Any clamping could have been easily adjusted so that the upper limits were at a CR point that would've made any instance easy, but then an entire group of such would still make it trivial, so people will still complain. Gatekeeping crap to a level that makes min/maxing comic book nerds happy was what wrecked the game for me the first time, and I don't think I'm the only one.

    I recently returned, have done a bunch of Dakota City dailies, and solos, figured I'd heal a T1 alert since I'd at least still remember those. Took 30 minutes waiting for the beginning set of alerts to pop one. I guess there aren't very many new players and new 30's going up through stuff anymore. I'd only imagine the problem gets worse and not better as you move up until you hit end game where a lot of older players are active. Worse than that still if you're Feat hunting in older stuff. Seems unfortunate, because no I won't be doing that. There's a ton of content that I never saw, and if it's going to be locked away and devalued because I didn't do it "right" by doing it when it was new, I'm not sure of the point of subbing for anyone that isn't already a long time player. That's just leaving a wasteland of nobody to play with all through the middle of the game.

    On top of that, it actually seems to make the idea of buying the CR Skip on the Marketplace a bad idea. So I kinda expect that to be fixed with a pre-chosen non-offensive list of granted feats that will be easier than actually playing the game to get those feats, soon.

    I guess I at least saved my characters from another name reclaim.
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  20. MxOiE Level 30

    Just for clarification because you said “endgame”, you believe that a single player should be able to solo any boss in current tier content?