Some Clarity is needed.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Slow Burn, Jun 2, 2023.

  1. Slow Burn Active Player

    Now my Main is getting deeper into the game, it's important for me to know what I am doing.

    I want to know what the difference is between The Resistance and Gotham Resistance. In fact, I want to know exactly which episode every piece of renown I garner applies to. It's opaque at the moment.

    It would be extremely helpful if the Renown screen did not show "Name we gave it" but "Episode it is from".

    There's been a sterling job of clearing this up in the new Feats interface, and I appreciate that - but this is a naming issue, not something deep or arcane. Renown ought to, in my opinion, refer to an episode, not a faction.
  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    The Resistance is for World of Flashpoint. All of the different factions should be in order by episode.
  3. Slow Burn Active Player

    Yes. I know that. But I know that because I went and looked it up on an external site. There is nothing in the game that reminds or tells me that this Renown is linked to this DLC, or these particular instances. Is it really too much to ask for the game to indicate which episodes Renown applies to EXPLICITLY?
  4. Slow Burn Active Player

    You are solving one particular problem with your answer (for which, I daresay people will be grateful), but not solving the over-arching problem.
  5. Slow Burn Active Player

    Specifically, how on Earth am I intended to associate "The Resistance" intuitively with "Flashpoint"? And "Undercurrent" with "Atlantis"? That is the point I am making, so giving me one piece of the puzzle (and having to come on the forums to ask for that) is not an overall solution.

    What the hell happens with people that don't come here?
  6. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    So the giant episode icon next to each faction is too subtle?
  7. Slow Burn Active Player

    Yes. Since I have obviously never noticed it, or associated it with the episode. What even is an episode icon? Where am I told that it is an episode icon? I asked for clarity, not a list of obscurity, or reasons I should "know" what the obscurity means.

    If it's not clear to me, somebody who has been playing since the dark ages, then it is not clear. I would like it to be clear. Preferably by some direct link. "Faction Renown: Episode 22 - Those guys" would be fine.
  8. Slow Burn Active Player

    To be fair, it's probably different AT THE TIME. There is only one Elite to run then. Everyone is on the same page. But coming into it fresh is a nightmare, due to the naming conventions, and the lack of reference. Which was my point. And the point of this thread. And what I clearly stated in my OP. The Gotham/Resistance was an example, not a single issue.
  9. Slow Burn Active Player

    They aren't... depending on when you access them. Similarly, Collections re-order themselves, and so does any other listing (including the order of the menu that you access the Renown menu from). Quite simply, the DCUO menu system is not statically ordered. If it were, then I could count on a first-to-last order in the Renown menu. I can't. Even that would be preferable.
  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Although this guy has the most un-smooth delivery I've seen in a while...he's not wrong. The symbol by most of the renowns (not counting Legion which is pretty spot on), doesn't tell you much.

    Seems like it would be easy enough to make say....the 'Gotham Resistance' note.... say 'Earn renown from episode 'Metal Part 1'(or episode 35....I'd prefer the name honestly) to unlock Elite gear from vendors'....vs what it says today, which basically just repeats the renown group name....and does not indicate where it's from.

    Furthermore, it's weird that the top of the list starts with AOJ renowns, then follows the episodes...but then loops back around to AF3 after Static...finishing with the base 3 factions. Just put them in order from the top down...newest to oldest or reverse order...but in one line, not the leapfrog list we have.
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  11. Plowed In Loyal Player

    There’s a message in each elite piece on the vendor that tells you which renown is needed, but yes it could help to have a little “See Agent Smith in Dakota City for available gear requisitions.” (tells you which vendor and which area)